RT News

Saturday, May 09, 2009

Obama to Address Muslim World

Updated at: 1325 PST, Saturday, May 09, 2009
WASHINGTON: US President Obama will make his promised speech to the Muslim world from Egypt, a White House official said.

Obama pledged during the campaign to address the Muslim world from a Muslim capital within the first few months of taking office.

Having settled on Egypt, the White House announced that he is adding a stop there to his early June overseas trip. That trip will also take him to Normandy, France, for the anniversary of D-Day, and to the Buchenwald concentration camp and Dresden, Germany.


It is true that Egypt has the largest popular trion of poor, hapless Akil-Aesh and corrupt people, while its role in Arab, Islamic or world affair has been completely marginalised. In the Arab world Egypt supported the illegal war on Iraq, stood against the popular Hezbullah and continues to tighten the siege on Gaza. In the Muslim world, Egypt's stand against Iran, as dictated by Israel and America, is the most rejected. Inside the country, Mubarak police state practices are known to everyone. It is clear that Turkey and Iran are the true major players in the Middle East. The visit of Obama is meant to re-habilitate Egypt and other so-called Arab moderates.

To Obama: Visit Egypt and dirty your image!

Obama’s projected visit to Egypt on 4.06.09 isn’t meant to appeal to the Muslim world or to change the US image, but to boost the position of autocrat and corrupt Hosni Mubarak, who has been running the country with an iron fist while thousands of political opponents are languishing in filthy and harsh detention centres or prisons. In the Arab and Muslim worlds, Mubarak is one of the most hated person; especially for siding with Israel during the recent massacres in Gaza and for tightening the Israeli-imposed siege to prevent aid going to close to 2 million people. Furthermore, the Israelis love Mubarak since he allows MOSSAD agents to travel freely in the Arab world using Egyptian passports and in his attacks on Iran, Hezbullah and Hamas. Obama is expected to announce another USraeli peace initiative undermining all what has been agreed upon so far. There will be some window dressing like stopping the expansion of the settlements or a new definition of the two-state solution. Naturally, Obama will not dare to mention the 39 UN Security Council Resolutions which Israel is in breach of or Israel massive arsenal of Nuclear weapons; but will be generous in denouncing Iran for its Uranium Enrichment program. Because of the colour of his skin and his Muslim background, many Arabs were happy to see Obama defeating John McCain, hoping for a change. But addressing Muslims from the altar of the political prostitute, Mubarak, is like using urine for ablution before praying.

altar: An elevated place or structure before which religious ceremonies may be enacted or upon which sacrifices may be offered.

Very few Arabs and Muslims gambeled on Obama and thought he will change US pro-Isralei and anti Muslim policies. But Obama flip-flop rhetoric has already undermined his attempt to improve the tarnished US image. The violence in Swat Valley will soon engulf the entire country. The role of Asif Ali Zardari has been reduced to that of prostrated Mubarak, King Abdallh II and Kharzai.

Neither Obama nor Egypt can trigger a change in the Muslim opinion about the on-going USraeli crusades against Islam. The US policy in supprt of Israeli atrocities and crimes is clear to evryone. Furthermore, Obama is not serious about ending Bush wars on Iraq or Afghanistans but want to extend them to include Pakistan and Iran. Obama is the dark face of the same devalued American coin.

Osama must be happy with Obama Speech!

Date: 04-06-09 13:06

The great orator and eloquent Obama delivered a Jewish-accented speech at Al-Azhar University today 04.06.09 to a highly-selected and vetted audience. As it was expected by many, nothing with a real substance came out to change the Arab and Muslim perception of America. For example, Jerusalem, which is dear to the heart of every Muslim, didn’t receive the attention is so-rightly deserve. How about the 39 UN Security Council Resolutions which Israel is in breach of? How about Palestinian human rights violated in Israeli concentration camps, torture chambers and Jewish Guantanamos? Why Hamas methods of defending Gaza are violent but Israeli mass killing is not worth mentioning? Why Iran Uranium enrichment program is a threat to the world and not Israeli Nuclear arsenal? Would Obama order a stop to the on-going killing of Muslims by US military? Would Obama order a halt to CIA dirty works in Iraq and in Iran? And finally, will US immigration officers stop harassing and humiliating people with Muslim names? Osama Bin Laden will be happy as Obama didn’t pull the rug from the under the feet of Al-Qaeda; by insisting on Israel to implement UN resolutions, closing down its concentration camps and dismantling its WMD.
After listening to the speech carefully, one must differentiate between Obama as a person and the United States of America as an imperial power.

To whom do you give credit that no-one managed to hit America for close to 60 years; between the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour and Al-Qaeda attack on NY? Definitely to G.W. Bush. Give me a break please. Arabs and Muslims were the traditional allies of America but got nothing in return. America planted Israel in their midst and the rest is history. If you like the Jews so much, why don't give them one of the American statesa where Muslim missiles can't reach them. Obama or water melon in the White House, the Jews and the Americans constitute the real axis of evil that should be resisted.

First time Arab people are armed to fight!
In 1948, Arabs were under-occupation. At the time the Iraqi army alone would have been able to lick the rag tag Jewish gangs, but was prevented by the British control of Iraq, Egypt and Jordan.
In 1967, the Arab people were disarmed by Nasser, Assad and King Hussein II. It is the first time since 1948, that the Arab people were armed. Saddam distributed seven million pieces of weapons with 10 million tons on the Iraqi people to free themselves from the barbaric American occupation. Similarly, Hezbullah and Hamas are armed. Dictators and autocrats are afraid of their people to give them arms. The official armies have failed. It is the turn of the people to re-gain what military dictators have lost. The Israelis will never see peace as long as they remain occupying a single inch of Arab territory. No-matter what Abbas, Mubarak or the two Abdullahs may say or sign, it will all be considered as null and and void if it doessn't force Israel to abide by 39 UN Security Council Resolutions. We are here to stay. The Jews are a collection of intruders, villains and criminals.

If Al-Qaeda is in Saudi Arabia and in Britain, then why the Americans are fighting wars in Afghanistan and in Iraq?
If Obama wanted to pull the rug from under the feet of Al-Qaeda he should have addressed issues (mentioned above) that used by Al-Qaeda to rally popular support. In Pakistan for example, the real enemy is America. Did Obama order his CIA to stop killing people with hell-fire missiles from their drones? To the contrary he offered money to corrupt Zardari to fight his own people. That is why Al-Qaeda continues to get so much supports.

Obama has said we have no resaon to be in Iraq. But the killing and destruction in Iraq deserve an apology followed by compensation. Obama failed to do that too.

What a bloody Western civilisation?

The Holy Pope was burning women on the stakes as witches and liquidating intellectuals for heresy.
Until recently Germans were exterminating people.
The Americans have exterminated the natives, enslaved the blacks and killed three million Vietnamese.
The brutal British Empire had institutionalized racism.
The French used children for target practice in Algiers. Their foreign legionaries were eating roasted black babies in Africa.
Until this moment the US-led forces are killing people in Iraq, Afghainstan and Pakistan. It seems that education and culture failed to change inherent the barbaric behaviour of the white-skinned and blue-eyed monsters.

It seems that you are unaware of the scale of the human and material disaster in Iraq. As you may know, we Iraqis have a different way of showing our anger and sorrows. The last thing to do in Iraq is to follow the Egyptian way of political prostitution motivated by Akil Aieesh. You are right, the present client regime of Al-Maliki was installed by the Americans. But at least 100000 Iraqi traitors will either be punished by the Iraqi people or leave on the same American tanks that brought them. Iraqis have no-mercy on all those Arabs and Muslims who helped the Americans to destroy their country and to kill the people. There is a certain Egyptian, Dr Adli Hassanain, has helped the Americans and is on the Iraqi resitance most wanted list. It seems he had invested some of the money stolen from Iraq in a 120-acre (Faddan) farm on the road to Beni Suwaif.

Adnan Darwash, Iraq Occupation Times


براک اوباما کے خطبہ قاہرہ پر بھانت بھانت کے تبصرے چھ آباد براعظموں میں اگلے سات دن تک جاری رہیں گے۔ نہ میں اس خطبے کے متن پر فی الحال کوئی تبصرہ کرنا چاہتا ہوں اور نہ ہی اس خطبے پر ہونے والے تبصروں پر کوئی تبصرہ کروں گا۔

بس ایک بات۔۔۔۔۔بش جونیئر کی ہکلاتی ، حمق زدہ ، طفلانہ معصومیت آمیز انگریزی ( کہ جسے بشریزی کہنا مجھے زیادہ اچھا لگتا ہے) سن کر پنجابی کی وہ کہاوت اکثر یاد آتی تھی کہ 'منہ چنگا نہ ہووے پرگل تے چنگی کرو۔۔۔۔۔۔'

بشریزی کی آٹھ سالہ اذیت کے بعد اوباما کا فنِ تقریر لسانی بےراہروی کے چلچلاتے صحرا میں چشمہ آبِ شیریں کے مانند لگتا ہے۔

براک اوباما کے بقول ایک تقریر سے تو حالات و حقائق نہیں بدل سکتے لیکن بیس جنوری کی حلفِ وفاداری والی تقریر سے لے کر چار جون کےقاہرہ کے خطبے تک یہ بات تسلسل سے کہی جاسکتی ہے کہ ' گڑ نہ دے گڑ جیسی بات تو کر' کا محاورہ اوبامہ نے گھول کر پی رکھا ہے۔

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