RT News

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Dark days for AIPAC in US!

AIPAC which stands for American Israeli Public Affair Committee is having its annual conference which will be attended by 6000 pro-Israeli politicians, business men and lobbyists. This year, is a very critical year for Israel; since George W. Bush has gone, the current economic crisis is blamed mostly on Jewish-controlled institutions, Jewish-promoted Iraq war is not popular, Israeli atrocities in Gaza made the European countries put pressure on Israel and the election of terrorist Netanyahu to lead the government. Furthermore, AIPAC has been involved in espionage (e.g. Steven Rosen and Keith Weissman), shuts down debates and intimidation of critics (e.g. Tony Judt) and threatening the US national security (Stephen Walt and John Mearsheimer, 2008). In manipulated US democracy AIPAC spend close to $58 million on the election of Jewish/Zionist politicians. Right now, there are 30 Jewish members out 435 in the house and 13 senators out of 100. This year AIPAC conference will be attended by Shimon Peres and addresses via satellite from Tel Aviv by no other than terrorist Netanyahu. Just like before the war on Iraq, the Jewish-controlled US media has been drumming up a war on Iran. Taking into consideration the present US economic meltdown and the American disaster in Iraq, Obama will refuse to be led from the nose by AIPAC in order to fighting another Jewish war, this time on Iran. For the first time in AIPAC history there is a growing criticism of Israel and the US Jewish lobby activities particularly among US intellectuals and academicians.
Adnan Darwash, Iraq Occupation Times

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