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A female suicide bomber has killed at least 32 people and injured 50 in the Iraqi city of Karbala, which is home to several important Shia Muslim shrines. The bomb reportedly went off near the Imam Hussein shrine, and reports speak of ambulances and police vehicles ferrying casualties from the scene.
Seven Iranians are believed to be among the dead, health officials say.
The city has seen deadly bomb attacks in the past, with about 100 people killed in two blasts last April.
A BBC correspondent says officials suspect al-Qaeda insurgents were behind the bombing in the city 80km (50 miles) south of Baghdad, but no group has claimed responsibility.
The attack came during an official visit to Iraq by the US Vice-President, Richard Cheney.
'Smoke and bodies'
The bomb went off in a cafe for day labourers, Reuters news agency reports.
"I was talking with a friend and eating bread a few metres away from the cafe and I suddenly heard a huge explosion and I was thrown to the floor," Mohammed Kadhem, 39, was quoted as saying.
"I saw smoke and bodies."
An AFP correspondent at the scene said the powerful explosion had ripped people apart, sending body parts flying. Many bodies were charred.
Another Reuters witness said pools of blood could be seen inside the ruined cafe, as emergency services removed the dead and wounded, and distraught relatives wailed and screamed.
As a city holy to Shia Muslims, Karbala attracts pilgrims from neighbouring Shia-majority Iran, as well as the mainly Shia south of Iraq.
Aqeel Khazali, governor of Karbala province, confirmed the bomber had been a woman but gave few other details.
Source: BBC NEWS (
This post has been edited by Labbayk_Hezbollah: Yesterday, 07:32 AM
BREAKING NEWS MSNBC News Services updated 20 minutes ago BAGHDAD - A female suicide bomber blew herself up Monday amid a group of Shiite worshippers near a mosque in Karbala, killing at least 39 people and wounding 54, officials said. The worshippers were gathered at a cafe about a half mile from the Imam Hussein shrine, one of the holiest sites for Shiites. "I was talking with a friend and eating bread a few meters away from the cafe and I suddenly heard a huge explosion and I was thrown to the floor. I saw smoke and bodies," said Mohammed Kadhem.
This post has been edited by Thaqalain: Yesterday, 07:37 AM
This is happened right after WARS designer/monster V.P Richard Chenny and would be USraeli President's Mk's Visit. I hope there bodies should be mutiliated and left it to birds.
Thats why we should have women police commandos. Iraqi female police officers demonstrate their weapons skills, during a graduation ceremony at a police academy in Karbala, 80 kilometers (50 miles) south of Baghdad, Iraq, early Thursday, March 13, 2008. (AP Photo/ Ahmed Alhussainey)
This post has been edited by Thaqalain: Yesterday, 08:15 AM
This is happened right after WARS designer/monster V.P Richard Chenny and would be USraeli President's Mk's Visit. I hope there bodies should be mutiliated and left it to birds.
Iraqi female police officers demonstrate their weapons skills, during a graduation ceremony at a police academy in Karbala, 80 kilometers (50 miles) south of Baghdad, Iraq, early Thursday, March 13, 2008. (AP Photo/ Ahmed Alhussainey)
i wouldnt want the vultures to have such disgusting poison in their bodies from eating this filth.
Wahabbi/Nasisbi Filth, keep Destroying our masjids. WE WILL KEEP BUILDING THEM
The Iraqis do have lots of women security guards, problem is that there is no way that an entire country can be totally secured --- if enough people wanna bomb, and have access to explosives, people are gonna get away with it...
question 1. where are the explosives coming from
probable answer: "saudi" and/or usrailis who want to disrupt a relatively secure area of Iraq, where the security personnel are just about 100% Iraqi.
question 2. how do they recruit people to do this stuff
probable answer: when you got a country under occupation by the worst regime on earth (usrailis) and who have slaughtered hundreds of thousands of iraqis (maybe a million some say) --- it is not very difficult to find people who think they are taking revenge 'cause they think that because the Iraqi puppets are shia, therefore all shias are responsible (bad logic).
Solution: Shias and Sunnis unite and kick the Usrailis out of Iraq, out of the mid-east, and then go after the filthy dogs of the USrailis (the wahabbis).
Nice comments. US is playing the dirty game by empowering ex-Qaeda/Ba`athist elements to check emerging Shi`iete power out of Baghdad.
US wants to destroy Iraq , peace, security, solidarity, infrastructure so much that in case of their exit Iraq will continue burning and neighboring OIL capitals must again be looking to US to provide security in the region.
US is worried of re-election of hardliners in Iran and to pressurize Iran, Baghdad has to continue pay the price of instability. Now then, O ' people[1] of Iraq! You are like the pregnant woman who, on completion of the period of pregnancy delivers a dead child and her husband is also dead and her period of widowhood is long while only remote relation inherits her. By Allah, I did not come to you of my own accord. I came to you by force of circumstances. I have come to know that you say `Ali speaks lie.
This post has been edited by Thaqalain: Yesterday, 03:50 PM
Karbala's director of police said Monday evening that the explosion that killed at least 49 individuals in the southern shrine city was due to an IED, and not a suicide bomber as earlier reported.
Aswat al-Iraq writes in Arabic that Gen. Ra'id Shakir Jawdat said in a press conference on Monday that the evening's deadly explosion was caused by an explosive device "made locally inside the city" rather than by a female suicide bomber wearing an explosive belt as had earlier been reported.
Six suspects have been arrested in connection with the attack, Gen. Jawdat added.
"Explosives experts confirmed that the device was locally produced, and was fabricated inside the city center," he added.
Those who designed and manufactured the device know that the security measures are intensive," and that explosives detection procedures "forbid them from bringing (explosive devices) into the city center, so they made (the devices) inside the city.
The target of this explosion was to influence the morale of the citizens and to escalate anger against the security elements and to bring down the successes realized, as well as to bring down the local government."
Gen. Jawdat explained that the six suspects were still under interrogation, without revealing any further details.
The deadly blast exploded in the Mukhayam area, located 300 meters from the tomb of Imam Husayn in central Karbala, one of the most holy sites in Shi'a Islam.
Incomplete death tolls in various media reports put the tally at forty or above. In a separate report in Arabic, Aswat al-Iraq cites Karbala medical authorities who say that at least 49 civilians died in the blast along with 71 injured. Seven of those killed were Iranian pilgrims, AP writes, citing local health authorities.
AP notes the discrepancy between the general's account, writing that an eyewitness told it that a female suicide bomber was responsible for the attack.
In a joint statement condemning the blast, the MNF and US embassy said that the attack "bears all the markings of having been carried out by al-Qaeda in Iraq," without specifying the nature of the bombing.
This post has been edited by Thaqalain: Today, 01:10 AM
This post has been edited by Abu Dujana: Today, 01:50 AM
"And thus I clothe my naked villainy with old odd ends stolen forth of holy writ, and seem I a saint, when most I play the devil."King Richard III (I, iii, 336-338) (Shakespeare)
ShiaChat, here is a tip. Imam Ali (as) said: "Do not talk about knowledge with the foolish so that they deny you, nor with the ignorant so that they find you oppressive, but talk about it with those of its people whom you meet who will accept it and understand it.".
Qur'an (24:35): Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth. The Parable of His Light is as if there were a Niche and within it a Lamp: the Lamp enclosed in Glass: the glass as it were a brilliant star: Lit from a blessed Tree, an Olive, neither of the east nor of the west, whose oil is well-nigh luminous, though fire scarce touched it: Light upon Light! Allah doth guide whom He will to His Light: Allah doth set forth Parables for men: and Allah doth know all things.
Imam Kathim (as): It is fortunate for you to have only what suffices you then you will be sufficed with the least needs of this world. If you think it is not sufficient for you to have the minimum needs of this world then all the worldly pleasures will not suffice you.
Chatroom: A new chat room has been installed. A couple minor issues such as private messaging are yet to be ironed out, however the rooms are fully operational, with some great new features!!
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