RT News

Sunday, March 01, 2015

Another murder of Shia youth

https://fbcdn-video-m-a.akamaihd.net/hvideo-ak-xpf1/v/t42.1790-2/10995891_395050094008138_1729866555_n.mp4 Shadman Malir main Home Vision Cable ke office per firing, Operator Ali Imran janbahaq , Farhan aur Babar zakhmi...Motor cycle sawar mulziman kafi dair tak itmainaan se firing kar k farar ho gaye....It's too much sad yar....Allah baira gharq kare is Abu sufyan aur Muawia ki na jaaiz nasl ka... frown emoticon کراچی: کالا بورڈ کے مقام پر کالعدم سپاہ صحابہ کے دہشت گردوں کی فائرنگ 3شیعہ نوجوان زخمی۔ جناح اسپتال منتقل He is Imran Abidi who is safe Alhamdolillah.. Imran Hussain has been targeted. imran Abidi ko kuch nae howa hain he is totaly save Imran hussain hain jo shaheed hogaye Imran Azadar Anjuman e Qafla E Sajjad waly shaheed howe hain Imran Hussain has expired.. confirm. May Allah bestow patience to his family having 4 kids Imran jo yahan B Area main majalis karate hain wo thk hain Haider Zaidi and Qaiser Hussain. Zaidi, son of an imambargah trustee, was murdered in Karachi’s Orangi Town neighbourhood while Qaiser Hussain was killed by unidentified gunmen in Peshawar earlier in the day. ===================== Another Guest has gone on his eternal Journey... Yesterday around 6:35 p.m, I heard the horrible voice of Bullet fires from my own street. I knew someone was becoming a victim of Target killing, afterwards I heard painful noises of people those were yelling (Larkon ko maar k chaley gaey, Ambulance bulao, Gari lao e.t.c), everybody came out of their homes. After few hours we came to know that among three (Farhan, Babar & Imran), Imran Abbas has breathed his last. Everyone was in grief in my neighbourhood & i was thinking of his household, His 5 little kids in which elder sister is about 7-years old & younger one is 2-3 months old. When i went through the incident's place in the morning while going on my work, I saw blood, but when came back to home in the evening at the same place I found Imran Abbas's picture whereas the place had been cleaned. My mother went into his funeral, she told me that his children didn't know what has happened to them or with their Father, they were playing. His mother, sisters & Wife was faint due to this sudden shock. At last People brought his coffin to graveyard & buried him. While offering Namaz-e-Wehshat-e-Qabr of Imaran Abbas I was thinking, after 3 days, 40 days or 1 year.... Everyone will come back to his or her life but the vacuum which has been created after the death of innocent Kids' father won't be filled again. Yesterday, He was alive but today He is no more. This world is just a temporary place where people come as guests & then leave. Yesterday, Today or Tomorrow. Whether He is Muneer Hussain Kazmi (My Cousin's husband), S. Sabir Hussain Zaidi (who was targeted 13 years ago in front of Imam Barigah after Namaz) or Mohsin Haider (my Maternal Uncle) & many others those are being targeted on sectarian basis for decades but no one heed upon these target killings or Bomb blasts those are mostly on specific sect. May ALLAH hasten the reappearance of IMAM AL-MAHDI (a.j.f), who will take revenge of these innocent souls. May ALLAH bless the soul of S.IMRAN ABBAS under the feet of IMAM HUSSAIN (a.s) in Jannah. Request for Fateha. frown emoticon

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