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Saturday, November 15, 2014

Controversial Keystone pipeline bill now goes to the Senate for approval

Controversial Keystone pipeline bill now goes to the Senate for approval, where it appears sponsor Mary Landrieu is just 1 vote away from securing its passage with a a filibuster-proof majority - @nationaljournal Read more on nationaljournal.com  Barack Obama  1d House passes bill approving controversial Keystone pipeline; White House has signaled Obama won't be forced on issue - live video End of alert  Barack Obama  1d President Obama says his position on Keystone XL pipeline has not changed - @Reuters Read more on reuters.com  United States  2d US House now debating Rep. Cassidy, R-La., measure to OK construction of Keystone pipeline; final vote set for Friday, Senate vote expected Tuesday - @ChadPergram see original on twitter.com  John Hoeven  2d Sen. John Hoeven, R-ND, says if there are not 60 votes to pass Keystone bill next week, there will be enough support to pass it in the Senate next year - @Reuters End of alert  petroleum  2d House of Representatives plans to vote on Keystone XL bill on Friday, according to a congressional aide - @Reuters Read more on investing.com  United States  2d President Obama takes 'dim view' of legislation to force action on Keystone pipeline, White House spokesman says - @FoxNews Read more on foxnews.com  2014 US elections  3d Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., on Keystone pipeline: 'The American people have elected a new Republican majority in the Senate and that has already made a difference. I was glad to see that Senate Democrats have finally backed off trying to obstruct construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline' - statement End of alert  Keystone Pipeline  3d Senate set to vote on Keystone pipeline on Nov. 18; Sen. Mary Landrieu, D-La., amends Unanimous Consent request to fast-track bill if they get identical bill from the House - @ChadPergram see original on twitter.com  2014 US elections  3d Editor's note: To recap, Sen. Mary Landrieu, D-La., is urging the Senate to vote on a Keystone pipeline bill, while House Republicans are moving forward on a Keystone bill sponsored by Rep. Bill Cassidy, who is facing Landrieu in a runoff Senate race. - Stephanie End of note  2014 US elections  3d More: House expediting vote on Rep. Bill Cassidy, R-La., Keystone pipeline bill; Cassidy is in a runoff with Democratic Sen. Mary Landrieu - @rollcall Read more on rollcall.com  Keystone Pipeline  3d House Rules Committee meeting today at 5:15 pm ET to move a bill to approve the Keystone pipeline to the floor for a vote tomorrow - @frankthorpNBC see original on twitter.com  2014 US elections  3d Editor's note: Sen. Mary Landrieu, D-La., is facing a December runoff for re-election. A vote on the Keystone pipeline could aid her campaign, @nationaljournal reports. - Stephanie Read more on nationaljournal.com  Keystone Pipeline  3d Sen. Mary Landrieu, D-La., on the Senate floor says she's going to ask unanimous consent to pass Keystone pipeline - @kasie see original on twitter.com  United States House of Representatives  9d House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, puts Keystone oil pipeline construction, Obamacare changes, addressing federal debt at top of agenda - @Reuters Read more on reuters.com  Barack Obama  9d White House's Josh Earnest declines to say whether President Obama would veto a Keystone XL bill - @jonallendc see original on twitter.com  John Hoeven  10d Sen. John Hoeven, R-N.D. says there will be a standalone bill in 1st quarter to approve Keystone pipeline project - @Reuters Read more on reuters.com  United States  11d TransCanada raises estimate for Keystone XL pipeline cost from US $4.74 billion to $7.02 billion as political deadlock continues - @BloombergNews Read more on bloomberg.com  Canada  18d US Secretary of State John Kerry said during Canada visit that he would like to make a decision soon on TransCanada's controversial Keystone XL crude oil pipeline; says needs to wait for due diligence - @Reuters End of alert  Nebraska, US  4mo Nebraska Supreme Court to announce it will hear oral arguments in the case over the Keystone XL pipeline's route in early September, effectively postponing any final federal decision on the controversial project until after the midterm elections - @washingtonpost Read more on washingtonpost.com

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