According to the prophecies of Prophet Muhammad (sawas):
“A non-stop army will rise from the land of Khorasan holding black flags of Islam in the end times!!”
This army will conquer several occupied lands of Muslims till it reaches to Jerusalem (Al Quds)!!
Then it will pledge its allegiance to Imam al Mahdi (atfs).
The black flag of Khorasan will bring an end to the rule of tyranny of the fourth and the final reich:
The first pillar of Islam, Shahadah means declaration of faith.
The Shahadah is:
“Laa Ilaha Illallah Muhammad Rasullullah”
(There is no God except Allah, and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah)
The Prophet Mohammed (saws) said:
‘Three men will be killed at the place where your treasure is.
Each of them will be the son of a Khalifah, and none of them will get hold of the treasure.
Then black banners will come out of the east…
’If you see him, go and give him your allegiance, even if you have to crawl over ice, because he is the Khalifah of Allah, the Mahdi.’
Read more about his prophecies here please..
Many details of what the Prophet (saws) said would happen before the last days have reached us.
These events are happening one by one in our own time, proving to be yet another miracle of the Prophet (saws).
These events, that are happening 1,400 years after the Prophet Muhammad (saws), were explained in great detail, as if he had witnessed them himself.
These are the Prophet (saws)'s prophecies regarding the signs of the end times and the last day, taken from the hadiths:
The last hour will not come unless there is much bloodshed.227
Near the establishment of the hour there will be much Al-Harj, and Al-Harj means killing.228
The day of judgment will not come until people openly deny Allah.229
Great cities will be ruined, and it will be as if they had not existed the day before.230
Gains will be shared out only among the rich, with no benefit to the poor.231
People will indulge in homosexuality and lesbianism.232
There will be prevalence of open illegal intercourse.233
The hour (last day) will not be established until murders will increase.234
Pity poor Taliqan (a region in Afghanistan) that at that place are treasures of Allah, but these are not of gold and silver but consist of people who have recognised Allah as they should have.235
There is an indication in the hadith that Afghanistan will be occupied during the end times.
The Russian invasion of Afghanistan took place in 1979, or 1400 according to the Hijri calendar. In other words, it coincided with the start of the fourteenth century under the Hijri calendar.
It (Euphrates) will uncover a mountain of gold (under it).236
Soon the river "Euphrates" will disclose the treasure (the mountain) of gold, so whoever will be present at that time should not take anything of it.237
The rebuilding of the ruined places in the world, and the ruination of constructed places are signs and portents of doomsday.238
There are two signs of our Mahdi; ...and those signs are that moon will eclipse in the first night of its fixed nights of eclipse and sun will be eclipsed in the middle of the fixed days for its eclipse, during the month of Ramadan.239
There will be two eclipses of the sun in Ramadan before the Mahdi emerges.240
There will be two eclipses of the Moon in Ramadan...241
The common points emerging from the above three hadiths are:
1. There will be solar and lunar eclipses during the month of Ramadan.
2. These will be spaced about 14-15 days apart.
3. The eclipses will be repeated twice.
In line with those calculations, there was a lunar eclipse in 1981 (Hijri 1401), on the 15th day of Ramadan, and a solar eclipse on the 29th day of the month. There was a "second" lunar eclipse in 1982 (Hijri 1402) on the 14th day of Ramadan, and a solar eclipse on the 28th day of the month.
It is also particularly significant that in that particular instance, there was a full lunar eclipse in the middle of the month of Ramadan, a most striking prophecy.
Before he comes, a comet spreading light will come from the East.242
The birth of that star will follow the eclipse of the sun and moon.243
A tailed star will be born from the east and spread its light. Its daily direction will be from east to west.244
- In 1986 (Hijri 1406), in other words at the start of the 14th century, Halley's comet passed by the earth. The comet is a bright, shining star.
- It travels from east to west
This happened after the lunar and solar eclipses of 1981 and 1982 (1401-1402)
People will go on the hajj with no imam at their head. When they descend to Mina, the tribes will savage each other like dogs and there will be great wars. To such an extent that feet will be covered in a lake of blood.245
A fire will appear in the sky from the east and a redness will cover the sky for three or seven days in a row.246
A fire will enfold you. That fire is currently extinguished in the valley called Berehut. People will be enfolded in that fire with terrible suffering. That fire will burn and destroy people and belongings. For eight days it will rage over the world like wind and cloud. The heat of night will be fiercer than that of day. That fire will stretch from the heads of man to the highest heavens, and there will be a terrible noise like thunder between the earth and sky, he said.247
- The burning oil in Kuwait led to the deaths of people and animals. According to experts, half a million tons of oil went up into the atmosphere as smoke. Every day, more than 10,000 tons of soot, sulphur, carbon-dioxide and large quantities of hydrocarbons with their carcinogenic properties hang suspended over the Gulf. It is not just the Gulf, but the world itself that is burning.248
- Two wells that were set alight produced as much oil as Turkey does in one day, and the smoke from them can be seen from Saudi Arabia, 55 kilometres away.249
- Continuing news of disaster from the Gulf: hundreds of oil wells set alight in Kuwait are still burning fiercely. Experts say it will be "exceedingly difficult to put those fires out," and it is said that the fires will affect a wide area from Turkey to India for the next 10 years.
The fire and smoke coming from the wells constantly pollute the atmosphere. Daytime resembles night in Kuwait.
The brown smoke that rises together with the flames remind one of the sky as the autumn turns into winter …
It will take at least a century for Kuwait to be completely habitable again.
The smoke that rises with the flames is visible from miles away, totally blocking out the sky and making the country unfit to live in.
The wealthy are abandoning Kuwait.250
He (The Mahdi) will not come until there is a portent from the sun.251
The solar eclipse of August 11, 1999 was the last of the century. During this eclipse, the likes of which take place only every 400 years, the sun, the moon and the world align. It was the first time that so many people had been able to watch and study an eclipse for so long a duration. Below are some newspaper headlines regarding the phenomenon.
This can be interpreted as the "portent from the Sun" referred to in the hadith. (Allah knows best, of course).
Before the Hour comes, there will be a tribulation like patches of dark night...252
The word "tribulation (fitna)" implies anything that turns peoples' reason and hearts away from the true path, or war, incitement, chaos, disorder and conflict.
The tribulation in the hadith will leave smoke and dust behind it, we learn.
Furthermore, the way that tribulation is described as "darkness" in the hadith, can be seen as an indication that its origins are unclear, that it is unexpected.
Looking at it from that regard, it is probable that the hadith is referring to the world's worst terrorist attack, on the cities of New York and Washington in the United States on September 11, 2001.
The inhabitants of Egypt and Sham would kill their ruler and his commands…253
The people of Sham will take prisoner the tribes of Egypt.254
Today, the states in the region in question include Israel. That is why the hadith could be pointing to the war between the state of Israel and Egypt, and the invasion of Egyptian territory.
The Hour (Last Day) will not be established until ... earthquakes will be very frequent.255
There are two great events before the day of judgment ... and then years of earthquakes.256
Labayka Ya Husayn
Imam Husayn's final battle in Karbala, Iraq.
The battle continues.. after 1400 years..
Imam Husayn's battle against evil is global...
The world is changing fast... and to be the pioneers of this change, we need to change ourselves first!!
Afghanistan War Khorasan Mahdi (atfs) vs. I$-RA-€£ - by Imran Hosein
Please, watch both parts...
"Everyone is so afraid of death, but the real Sufis just laugh: nothing tyrannizes their hearts.
What strikes the oyster shell does not damage the pearl."
"If in thirst you drink water from a cup, you see God in it.
Those who are not in love with God will see only their own faces in it."
"He is a letter to everyone.
You open it.
It says, 'live!'"
Moulana Rumi
A Persian poet of peace
Truth will prevail!!
Real education… for God’s sake…
Ya Imam Mahdi (as), the just leader of humanity
Mahdi, English: Guided one
It is prophesised that Isa (Jesus Christ) will return to aid Imam Mahdi in the end time.
Isa (Jesus Christ) will descend at the point of a white arcade, east of Damascus (Syria), dressed in yellow robes with his head anointed.
Together they stand against Masih ad-Dajjal, the false messiah, and his followers. (I$-RA-€£)
Isa will slay Dajjal, and unite humanity
No doubt...
The Christian Orthodox Church will join Muslims to fight against Jews!!
The black flags from Khorasan are not from the white house (I$-RA-€£), but from a former Persian province with Mashad as its capital!!
(which is placed in IR Iran today!!)
Q: Who is born in Mashad in 1939??
Guess four times:
Prepare yourselves...
And get ready to rumble!!
Sayyed Mustafa, the father of Imam Khomeini (ra)
Quotes, biography, etc.:
"We were silent when we had to speak.
We had Khans (Cossack) rule over us.
Imam Ali said: “I hate oppressors and those who accept them.”
How will future generations judge us?"
Masha'Allah ♡
Sayyed Mustafa, the father of Imam Khomeini (ra) ♡
Quotes, biography, movie, and more:
"We were silent when we had to speak.
We had Khans (Cossack) rule over us.
Imam Ali said: “I hate oppressors and those who accept them.”
How will future generations judge us?"
The following movie is based on the life of Sayyed Mustafa (ra), the father of the founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ayatullah Ruhullah Khomeini (ra).
"Earth and sunshine"
Farsi sub English:
or watch on Jew-tube:
This series highlights plight of the people of Iran before the revolution and also the character of Sayyed Mustafa, which was also inherited by Imam Khomeini. i.e
"raising against oppression"
Brief biography of Sayyed Mustafa:
Sayyed Mustafa father of Imam Khomeini (ra) began his religious education in Isfahan with Mir Muhammad Taqi Mudarrisi before continuing his studies in Najaf and Samarra under the guidance of Mirza Hasan Shirazi (d.1894), the principal authority of the age in Shi'i jurisprudence.
This corresponded to a pattern of preliminary study in Iran followed by advanced study in the 'atabat, the shrine cities of Iraq, which for long remained normative;
Imam Khomeini (ra) was in fact the first religious leader of prominence whose formation took place entirely in Iran.
In Dhu 'l-Hijja 1320/ March 1903, some five months after the Imam's birth, Sayyed Mustafa was attacked and martyred while travelling on the road between Khumain and the neighbouring city of Arak.
The identity of the assassin immediately became known; it was Ja'far-quli Khan, the cousin of a certain Bahram Khan, one of the richest landowners of the region.
The cause of the assassination is, however, difficult to establish with certainty.
According to an account that became standard after the triumph of the Islamic Revolution, Sayyed Mustafa had aroused the anger of the local landowners because of his defence of the impoverished peasantry.
However, Sayyed Mustafa himself, in addition to the religious functions he fulfilled, was also a farmer of moderate prosperity, and it is possible that he fell victim to one of the disputes over irrigation rights that were common at the time.
The attempts of Sahiba, Sayyed Mustafa's sister, to have the killer punished in Khumayn proved fruitless, so his widow, Hajar, went to Tehran to appeal for justice, according to one account carrying the infant Ruhullah in her arms.
She was followed there by her two elder sons, Murtaza and Nur al-Din, and finally, in Rabi' al-Awwal 1323, May 1925, Ja'far-quli Khan was publicly executed in Tehran on the orders of 'Ayn al-Dawla, the prime minister of the day.
Grand Ayatollah Khomeini (ra) ♡
Persian: آيتالله āyatollāh from Arabic: آية الله, āyatu l-Lāh "Sign of God" ♡
The man who changed the world:
Ruhollah ♡
Documentary on the life of Imam Khomeini (ra) the father of the Islamic revolution in Iran.
Produced by Al Manar, remastered by AIM Islam [Arabic]:
or on Jew-tube [Eng Sub]:
Live like Muhammad (saws) ♡
Fight like Ali (as) ♡
And die like Husayn (as) ♡
Just be strong!!
Allah (swt) is the greatest planner of them all ♡
"Sayyed" for males and "Sayyeda" for females are names/titles, which are very well known in the Islamic world ♡
The black turban and the title “Sayyed” are an indication for those who are directly descended from Prophet Mohammed صل الله عليه وسلم through the lineage of Ali رضي الله عنه and Fatimah عليها السلام ♡
The true essence of Islam (submission to God) ♡
Ya ALi ♡
September 2, 2014
Special Dispatch No.5831
Pakistani Army Accused Of Plotting Protests In Islamabad To Oust Elected Government; UAE's Regional Spy Chief Reportedly Involved In Engineering Pakistani Protests
PTI leader Imran Khan seeking to oust the elected government (image:
Coordinated anti-government protests in Islamabad since August 14 by cricketer-turned-politician Imran Khan of the Pakistan Tahreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party and Islamic cleric Maulana Tahirul Qadri of Pakistan Awami Tahreek (PAT) are being controlled by the Pakistani military and its intelligence agencies, according to reports appearing in the Pakistani media. On September 1, PTI President Javed Hashmi, who is seen as a democrat and a voice of conscience in Pakistani politics, lashed out at his party leader Imran Khan for working with the Pakistani army to overthrow the elected government of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif. Hashmi, who was fired by Khan, reminded that he remains party president since Khan did not follow procedures to sack him.
Immediately after Hashmi's statement, the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) department of the Pakistani military denied any role in engineering the protests. In a statement, it said: "ISPR has categorically rejected the assertions that Army and ISI were backing PTI/PAT in any way in the current political standoff. Army is an apolitical institution and has expressed its unequivocal support for democracy at numerous occasions. It is unfortunate that Army is dragged into such controversies. Integrity and unity of the Army is its strength, which it upholds with pride."[1] Independent analysts are skeptical of the statement, since the military's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) has been known for ousting and installing governments in the past. Pakistan's ISI, which is by any account the most powerful institution in Pakistan, is known for dictating the country's foreign policies with regard to the US, Afghanistan and India. It is also known for using former ISI chiefs such as Lt.-Gen. Hamid Gul and Lt.-Gen. Shuja Pasha (who now works for the UAE government but has been deeply involved in plotting the current protests).
Over the past few days, editorials in liberal Pakistani newspapers have accused the Pakistani military and the powerful ISI of engineering a soft coup in Pakistan through the use of protests by PTI and PAT, the latter of which is more like a religious organization with no track record of winning elections and is led by Tahirul Qadri, a Barelvi cleric who recently returned from Canada with the sole purpose of overthrowing the elected government through a Tahrir Square-like mass uprising in Islamabad. The protesters have increased pressure on the government of Nawaz Sharif, who - much to the displeasure of the Pakistani military - has sought to build friendly relations with India and has pursued a hands-off approach on Afghanistan.
In January 2013, the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) released a detailed report on the ideology and politics of Maulana Tahirul Qadri, the Canada-returned Islamic cleric who is seeking to capture power in Islamabad through unconstitutional means by mobilizing his devout supporters from the Barelvi school of Islam.[2] MEMRI also released a detailed report on the ideology and politics of Imran Khan, the PTI leader who unlike Tahirul Qadri has some stake in Pakistani politics and can chart a political career in years ahead. As detailed in the MEMRI report, Imran Khan has justified the Taliban's "jihad in Afghanistan" against U.S. forces and has accused the so-called Jewish/Israeli lobby of attacking Pakistan's nuclear program.[3]
Pakistan's best-known human rights campaigner Asma Jahangir also accused the Pakistani military of seeking to thwart the established democratic process in the country, warning: "If the army took over this time, the stint of its rule would be a minimum of 10 years."[4] The Sharif government's efforts for a negotiated exit from the crisis have so far failed, as the protest leaders have stuck to the demand that the prime minister step down to facilitate new elections.
Javed Hashmi On Coup Plot: "Imran Had Told The [PTI] Core Committee That The New Set-Up Would Not Be Called A Martial Law; We Will File A Petition In The Supreme Court And Get A Judge Of Our Choice … [To] Endorse [A Caretaker Government]"
The following are excerpts from a report on Hashmi's statement:[5]
"In a media talk outside the Parliament House, Hashmi said that Imran came to Islamabad with a scripted plan. 'Imran told us, they [the Pakistani military and ISI] asked him to move forward [in tandem with] with Tahirul Qadri,' charged Hashmi. He hastened to add that Imran said, 'We could not move forward without the army.' 'Imran had claimed that all matters had been settled [as part of a conspiracy to overthrow the elected government] and the general election would be held either in late August or in early September as per the plan. Imran is here with a plan; who is the planner? I do not know,' remarked Hashmi… "'When Imran Khan shared his plan with us, he said that a judge of our choice was coming as the chief justice of the Supreme Court,' Hashmi went on to reveal. He said that Imran Khan had maligned the Supreme Court by saying that the Supreme Court would de-seat Nawaz Sharif and [his brother and chief minister of Punjab province] Shahbaz Sharif. Hashmi implicated the current Chief Justice of Pakistan Nasirul Mulk, by claiming that Imran told us, 'We have a friendly chief justice now [who would approve a replacement government as it had happened in the past military coups].' While he did not name Nasirul Mulk, he confirmed that he was referring to the 'current' chief justice." "Hashmi contended that the PTI chief [Imran Khan] wanted to move forward along with Dr. Qadri. 'I told him that we were being hijacked by someone else,' said Hashmi, and claimed Imran had come to Islamabad with an agenda." "'Imran had told the [PTI] core committee that the new set-up would not be called a martial law. We will file a petition in the Supreme Court and get a judge of our choice in September and he will endorse it. That chief justice will validate the actions that will be taken eventually…' he said, quoting Imran. 'Today, I have heard that the chief justice has called all judges [for a meeting to discuss the protests],' he said. "With regards to Imran's repeated pledge of upholding the Constitution and ensuring the rule of law, Hashmi said that Imran did not care about the Constitution and said that the PTI chief acted as the king of his party. 'Imran accepts the Constitution only where it works in his favor. When it is otherwise, he abandons it,' Hashmi charged."MEMRI Report: "Living In Pakistan For The Past Few Days … [UAE's Regional Spy Chief Shuja Pasha] Has Been Deciding All The Programs Of Both The Movements [Led By Imran Khan And Maulana Qadri]" On August 20, the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) released a report translated from a leading Urdu-language daily in Pakistan, revealing how Lt.-Gen. Shuja Pasha (the former chief of Pakistan's ISI who now serves as the Regional Chief of the UAE's intelligence agency) has been planning the details of the protest rallies led by Imran Khan and Tahirul Qadri. Pasha was appointed by the UAE as Regional Chief of its intelligence agency sometime in late-2013, according to a Pakistani daily.[6] Following are excerpts from the MEMRI dispatch:[7] "Extremely reliable sources have confirmed that the entire planning of the recent movements of Imran Khan and Maulana Qadri has been drawn up by Shuja Pasha, the former chief of the secret agency [Inter-Services Intelligence of the Pakistani Army]. And over the past few days he arrived in Pakistan, having left Dubai. After having retired as the chief of the secret agency, Ahmed Shuja Pasha was serving in Dubai for the American secret agency [e.g. CIA]. "Living in Pakistan for the past few days, he has been deciding all the programs of both the movements [led by Imran Khan and Maulana Qadri separately to lead a people's march on Islamabad, on August 14, the Independence Day of Pakistan]. Two days ago [August 4 or 5], Shuja Pasha was present at the home of Shafqat Mahmood, the leader of [Pakistan] Tahreek-e-Insaf where Tahreek chief Imran Khan held a detailed meeting and listened to his advice attentively. "Before his retirement [as head of ISI], Shuja Pasha was desirous of an extension in his tenure, but the then-prime minister Yousuf Raza Gilani had clearly refused to give him an extension, as the then-opposition leader Nawaz Sharif had publicly opposed any extension for him. It is said that the People's Party government [led by Gilani] also had been opposed to an extension for him but was unable to decide, but when Nawaz Sharif opposed it at a public platform, it became easy for it [the Gilani government] to decide [against the extension]. "After that, General Pasha, who had already been disliked by Nawaz Sharif, became a personal enemy of Nawaz Sharif. Sources say that the big rally organized by Imran Khan at Minara-e-Pakistan in Lahore in October 2011 also was a show [at the behest] of General Pasha for which he used unlimited resources. These days General Pasha is engaged in efforts for uniting Imran Khan and Maulana Qadri [at a single platform], which is not succeeding due to Imran Khan's fear that in such an event Imran's public acceptance will be affected [adversely] because in the public, Maulana Qadri's popularity is not so good…" Editorial In Pakistani Daily 'Dawn': "The Carefully Constructed Veneer Of Neutrality That The Army Leadership Had Constructed Through Much Of The National Political Crisis … Has Been Torn Apart" Following are excerpts from a September 2 editorial:[8] "The carefully constructed veneer of neutrality that the army leadership had constructed through much of the national political crisis instigated by Imran Khan and Tahirul Qadri has been torn apart. First came the army's statement on Sunday [August 31], the third in a series of statements in recent days on the political crisis, which quite astonishingly elevated the legitimacy and credibility of the demands of Imran Khan, Tahirul Qadri, and their violent protesters above that of the choices and actions of an elected government dealing with a political crisis. "Consider the sequence of events so far. When the army first publicly waded into the political crisis, it counselled restraint on all sides - as though it were the government that fundamentally still had some questions hanging over its legitimacy simply because Imran Khan and Tahirul Qadri alleged so. Next, the army crept towards the Khan/Qadri camp by urging the government to facilitate negotiations - as though it was the government that was being unreasonable, and not Mr. Khan and Mr. Qadri. "Now, staggeringly, the army has 'advised' the government not to use force against violent protesters and essentially told it to make whatever concessions necessary to placate Mr. Khan and Mr. Qadri. It is simply extraordinary that it is the PAT and PTI supporters who want to break into and occupy state buildings, but it is the government that has been rebuked. It's as if the army is unaware - rather, unwilling - to acknowledge the constitutional scheme of things: it is the government that is supposed to give orders to the army, not the other way around. "The government has already issued its order: invoking Article 245 [empowering the army to ensure law and order in the city]. On Saturday, as violent thugs attacked parliament, it was surely the army’s duty to repel them. But the soldiers stationed there did nothing and the army leadership the next day warned the government instead of the protesters - which largely explains why the protesters were able to continue their pitched battles with the police and attacked the PTV headquarters yesterday [September 1]. If that were not enough, yesterday also brought another thunderbolt: this time from within the PTI with party president Javed Hashmi indicating that Mr. Khan is essentially doing what he has been asked and encouraged to do by the army leadership. It took the ISPR a few hours to respond with the inevitable denial, but a mere denial is inadequate at this point. The functioning of the state stands paralyzed because a few thousand protesters and their leaders have laid siege to state institutions. Where is the army condemnation of that?" Islamic cleric Tahirul Qadri (image: 'Daily Times' Editorial: "A 'Soft' Coup, Which Involves The Surrender Of Policy Space By The Civilian Elected Government To The Military … May Be The Price Nawaz Sharif Has To Pay To Stay In Power" The following are excerpts from a Daily Times editorial dated August 31:[9] "The concern on the part of the 11 [political] parties who have been standing with the government in this situation is understandable in light of our history. Pakistan has had more than its share of direct and indirect military interventions, coups, and manipulation behind the scenes. Perhaps the real change we are witnessing is that Pakistani society today may be less tolerant of any attempt at a 'hard' coup (a military takeover), the judiciary may not be complicit in legitimizing it as in the past, the media would probably make life hard for any such adventure, and international opinion and the western powers would look askance. "The difficulties of running Pakistan today are also immense. Without legitimacy or popular support, it may be difficult for any dispensation [military or civilian], irrespective of the manner of its ascent to power, to manage the country when it is beset with enormous problems of terrorism and the economy's slide, amongst others. However, a 'soft' coup, which involves the surrender of policy space by the civilian elected government to the military, as is being speculated may be the price Nawaz Sharif has to pay to stay in power, is something the forces that support democracy and constitutionalism may not even become aware of before it is too late to reverse. "Two areas of security, defense, and foreign policy that seem up for grabs are the stance on Afghanistan as it nears endgame, and relations with India. The former involves reversing this government's 'hands off' stance to allow an Afghan-owned, Afghan-led political process find resolution of that unfortunate country's future after the Western forces leave. The latter conditions improvement in relations with New Delhi and economic cooperation on progress in the Kashmir dispute. In addition, a troubled area in the civil-military relationship is the issue of [former Pakistan Army chief General Pervez] Musharraf's trial for treason. "On all three, the military is today placed in a position to demand concessions from the government. Nawaz Sharif may decide to concede these areas in order to live to fight another day. But such a denouement would once again immeasurably weaken the hoped-for-continuation of democracy and serve as a reminder that the more things appear to change, the more they remain the same in Pakistan." 'Daily Times' Editorial: "A Motley Crowd Of Rowdy Supporters Should Not Be Allowed To Overthrow An Elected Government" Following are excerpts from a Daily Times editorial dated September 2:[10] "[The Corp Commanders' meeting] has still not entirely allayed the fear of the government's weakening opening the door to the army's carving out for itself a larger chunk of control in the arena of security and foreign policy, especially involving India and Afghanistan. The army's formulation to support the democratic system does not automatically mean it supports the incumbent government too. That is still a grey area so far. "To consolidate its political support further, the government in the meantime has called a joint session of parliament… It has also decided that parliament will remain in session so long as the sit-in continues. This parliament versus street confrontation seems destined to settle parliament's sovereign status. In any case, a motley crowd of rowdy supporters should not be allowed to overthrow an elected government. The PM's reiteration of his resolve not to resign at gunpoint will save the country from setting a wrong precedent, and is therefore a welcome step. "Amidst this cacophony, the role of the electronic media in broadcasting unsubstantiated rumors is irresponsible and deplorable. If the attack on journalists by the police was wrong and condemnable, the media's role in jumping to the (wrong) conclusions is as bad." Endnotes: [1] (Pakistan), September 1, 2014. [2], January 15, 2013. [3], October 26, 2012. [4] The News (Pakistan), September 2, 2014. [5] The News (Pakistan), September 2, 2014. [6], December 2, 2013. [7], August 20, 2014. [8] Dawn (Pakistan), September 2, 2014. [9] Daily Times (Pakistan), August 31, 2014. [10] Daily Times (Pakistan), September 2, 2014. ============== After Syria and Iraq, Islamic State makes inroads in South Asia Sun, Sep 07 03:01 AM EDT image By Hameedullah Khan and Saud Mehsud PESHAWAR/DERA ISMAIL KHAN Pakistan (Reuters) - Islamic State pamphlets and flags have appeared in parts of Pakistan and India, alongside signs that the ultra-radical group is inspiring militants even in the strongholds of the Taliban and al Qaeda. A splinter group of Pakistan's Taliban insurgents, Jamat-ul Ahrar, has already declared its support for the well-funded and ruthless Islamic State fighters, who have captured large swathes of territory in Iraq and Syria in a drive to set up a self-declared caliphate. "IS (Islamic State) is an Islamic Jihadi organization working for the implementation of the Islamic system and creation of the Caliphate," Jamat-ul Ahrar's leader and a prominent Taliban figure, Ehsanullah Ehsan, told Reuters by telephone. "We respect them. If they ask us for help, we will look into it and decide." Islamist militants of various hues already hold sway across restive and impoverished areas of South Asia, but Islamic State, with its rapid capture of territory, beheadings and mass executions, is starting to draw a measure of support among younger fighters in the region. Al Qaeda's ageing leaders, mostly holed up in the lawless region along the Pakistan-Afghanistan border, are increasingly seen as stale, tired and ineffectual on hardcore jihadi social media forums and Twitter accounts that incubate potential militant recruits. [ID:nL6N0PU0EA] Security experts say Islamic State's increasing lure may have prompted al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahri to announce the establishment of an Indian franchise to raise the flag of jihad across South Asia, home to more than 400 million Muslims. [ID:nL3N0R51YH] PAMPHLETS, CAR STICKERS Seeking to boost its influence in the Afghanistan-Pakistan region, a local cell with allegiance to Islamic State has been distributing pamphlets in the Pakistani city of Peshawar and eastern Afghanistan in the past few weeks, residents said. The 12-page booklet called "Fatah" (Victory), published in the Pashto and Dari languages of Afghanistan, was being mainly distributed in Afghan refugee camps on the outskirts of Peshawar. The pamphlet’s logo features an AK-47 assault rifle and calls on local residents to support the militant group. Cars with IS stickers have also been spotted around Peshawar. Sameeulah Hanifi, a prayer leader in a Peshawar neighborhood populated mainly by Afghans, said the pamphlets were being distributed by a little-known local group called Islami Khalifat, an outspoken Islamic State supporter. "I know some people who received copies of this material either from friends or were given at mosques by unidentified IS workers," he told Reuters. A Pakistani security official said the pamphlets came from Afghanistan’s neighboring Kunar province where a group of Taliban fighters was spotted distributing them. "We came across them 22 days ago and we are aware of their presence here," said the official. "Pakistani security agencies are working on the Pakistan-Afghan border and have arrested a number of Taliban fighters and recovered CDs, maps, literature in Persian, Pashto and Dari." "We will not permit them to work in our country and anyone who is involved in this will be crushed by the government." RECRUITMENT IN INDIA Signs of Islamic State's influence are also being seen in Kashmir, the region claimed by both India and Pakistan and the scene of a decades-long battle by militants against Indian rule. Security officials in Indian-held Kashmir say they have been trying to find out the level of support for the Arab group after IS flags and banners appeared in the summer. Intelligence and police sources in New Delhi and Kashmir said the flags were first seen on June 27 in a part of the state capital Srinagar, and then in July when India's only Muslim-majority region was marking Islam's most holy day, Eid al-Fitr. Some IS graffiti also appeared on walls of buildings in Srinagar. A police officer said youngsters carrying Islamic State flags at anti-India rallies had been identified but no arrests had been made. Another officer who questions people detained in protests against Indian rule, many of them teenagers, said most were only focused on winning independence from India. "The majority of them have no religious bent of mind," he said. "Some of them, less than 1 percent, of course are religious and radicalized and end up joining militant ranks. They are influenced by al Qaeda, Taliban, Islamic State." Islamic State is also trying to lure Muslims in mainland India, who make up the world's third-biggest Islamic population but who have largely stayed away from foreign battlefields despite repeated calls from al Qaeda. In mid-July, an IS recruitment video surfaced online with subtitles in the Indian languages of Hindi, Tamil and Urdu in which a self-declared Canadian fighter, dressed in war fatigues and flanked by a gun and a black flag, urged Muslims to enlist in global jihad. That came out just weeks after four families in a Mumbai suburb reported to the police that their sons had gone missing, with one leaving behind a note about fighting to defend Islam. It soon turned out that the men had joined a pilgrimage to Baghdad. They later broke off from the tour group and never returned. Indian intelligence believe the men ended up in Mosul, the Iraqi city captured by Islamic State in June, and that one of them may have died in a bomb blast. Last week, the Times of India newspaper said four young men, including two engineering college students, were arrested in the eastern city of Calcutta as they tried to make their way to neighboring Bangladesh to join a recruiter for Islamic State based there. "It's not just these four, but our investigations have found that there could be more youngsters who are in touch with IS handlers and this is a bit of a scary proportion," the newspaper quoted a senior officer as saying. A top official at India's Intelligence Bureau in New Delhi told Reuters: "The problem is we know so little about this network or who is acting on their behalf here. "We know roughly where the Lashkar-e-Taiba, the Indian Mujahideen (organizations backed by Pakistan) support groups are, where they make contacts. But this is a different challenge. Youth getting radicalized in their homes on the Internet, in chatrooms and through Facebook are not easy to track." (Reporting by Asim Tanveer, Hameed Ullah, Saud Mehsud and Maria Golovnina,; Additional reporting by Fayaz Bukhari in SRINAGAR, Writing and additional reporting by Sanjeev Miglani in KABUL and NEW DELHI; Editing by Maria Golovnina and Raju Gopalakrishnan) =====
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