@MohamedElgawady وماذا عن جنود السيسي الذين قتلوا ؟
هناك أنباء أنه دفع بهم لليبيا للقتال مع شقيقه في الخيانه حفتر !!
@ MohamedElgawady What about the soldiers who were killed Sisi?
There are reports that he had paid them to Libya to fight with his brother-in infidelity Haftar!!
Iraq: al-Maliki rejects Iran's urging to step down: BAGHDAD (AP) — Iraq's Prime Minister
In a voting within the Kurdish MPs in Baghdad, Fuad Masum was elected as the #Kurdish candidate for #Iraq's presidency
بازخوانی پیام سالگرد کشتار خونین مکه و قبول قطعنامه ۵۹۸ - ۱۶ فلسطینى، راه گم كرده خود را از راه برائت ما یافت. و دیدیم كه در این مبارزه چطور حصارهاى آهنین فروریخت، و چگونه خون بر شمشیر و ایمان بر كفر و فریاد بر گلوله پیروز شد، و چطور خواب بنى اسرائیل در تصرف از نیل تا فرات آشفته گشت، و دوباره كوكب دریه فلسطین از شجره مبارك لاشرقیة ولاغربیة ما برافروخت. و امروز به همانگونه كه فعالیت هاى وسیعى در سراسر جهان براى به سازش كشیدن ما با كفر و شرك در جریان است، براى خاموش كردن شعله هاى خشم ملت مسلمان فلسطین نیز به همان شكل ادامه دارد. و این تنها یك نمونه از پیشرفت انقلاب است.
Photo of the Day - Libya in Crisis
Wreckage of a burnt aircraft is pictured after shelling at Tripoli International Airport, July 21, 2014.
(REUTERS/Hani Amara)
‘Saddest photo yet’: Astronaut photographs Gaza offensive from space
Published time: July 24, 2014 09:36
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My saddest photo yet. From #ISS we can actually see explosions and rockets flying over #Gaza & #Israel pic.twitter.com/jNGWxHilSy
— Alexander Gerst (@Astro_Alex) July 23, 2014
Image from twitter.com @Astro_Alex
Israel, Middle East, Politics, Religion, Space, Violence, War
A German astronaut managed to capture the Gaza war zone from space while aboard the International Space Station. He called it his “saddest photo yet.”
Alexander Gerst, a German flight engineer, geophysicist and volcanologist, spread the news with a short tweet on Wednesday, as the ISS was on a flyby over Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory. The image went viral.
One can clearly see the spots in which the yellowish glow of exploding targets is more prominent than elsewhere.
“From the International Space Station we can actually see explosions and rockets flying over Gaza and Israel,” He wrote on his Facebook fan page late last night, with a German translation underneath.
The ESA astronaut is currently on the 57th day of his mission, together with Russian commander Maksim Surayev and American engineer Reid Wiseman.
Israel is currently in the midst of an all-out assault on Hamas positions in the Gaza Strip – an operation that has recently gone into a new phase, as escalating hostilities and ground warfare bring the death toll to 700.
There are casualties on both sides, but the overwhelming majority is Palestinian, 80 percent of them civilians, according to a recent UN report.
BAGHDAD Sun Jul 20, 2014 3:11am EDT
(Reuters) - The Islamic State group has claimed responsibility for a wave of car bombs in mostly Shi'ite areas of Baghdad which killed at least 27 people on Saturday.
The hardline Sunni Islamist organization which has led an offensive across northern and western Iraq said two of the explosions were suicide missions by bombers it named as Abu al-Qaaqaa al-Almaani and Abu Abdul Rahman al-Shami - noms de guerre which suggested they were from Germany and Syria.
Saturday's blasts were the deadliest in the Iraqi capital since the Sunni insurgency erupted in the northern city of Mosul and then swept through Sunni regions of Iraq towards Baghdad.
The first suicide bombing took place at a checkpoint where soldiers, police and Shi'ite volunteer fighters were gathered, the Islamic State said in an Internet statement. The other struck in Kadhimiya, the site of a major Shi'ite shrine.
At the same time two car bombs were set off in the west of the capital. "The toll of these blessed operations was the killing and wounding of 150 people," the statement said, warning of greater attacks to come.
(Reporting by Raheem Salmman; editing by Tom Pfeiffer)
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