RT News

Friday, February 28, 2014

LNG Contract with newly company established by Ex-Motashib Saifur Rahman

NEW TURN IN PURCHASE PRICE OF LNG FOR PAKISTAN FROM THEIR OWN COMPANY HEADED BY THE FRONT MAN MR SAIF UR REHMAN EX-MOTASIB E ALA PAKISTAN SITTING IN YEMEN Heart warming news for the nation, the corrupt government of Pakistan, which came to power through fraudulent means, in the light of hue & cry made by one particular media group (ARY) and public in general has forced these scoundrels to shamelessly reduce previously selected price of 19.5 $ for the purchase of LNG for Pakistan from their own newly established company in Yemen through their front man Ex- Motasib e Ala Mr. Saif ur Rehman, downwards to 16.5 $. The interesting point worth mentioning, that India buys same product from Yemen in 12 .5 $ (including all Kickbacks, Commissions, Cuts etc, etc) and Japan buys at 12.0 $. Now one can imagine easily as to what is going to happen in days to come, and how this gang of corrupt is going to rob mercilessly 180 million down trodden people of Pakistan in the name of sham democracy. Knowledgeable people in the subject believe that including all Kickbacks, Commissions & Cuts the purchase price for LNG delivered in Pakistan should be not more than 11.5 $, because Pakistan happens to be located nearest, then all other purchasers of LNG from Yemen. Thus in a way, still these cruel vultures of Lahore, the so called democrats are planning to rob this poor nation by 4 $ per unit in purchase price only, which as worked out would amount to 400 million dollars per year (depending upon the units agreed to be purchased per year). On top of every thing the tenure of the purchase agreement between the newly established company and Government of Pakistan would be for 15 years, having an inbuilt clause, that if the agreement is terminated before the designated period of time than the Government of Pakistan would have to pay a huge amount in lieu of damages. This deal would certainly leave the Sheikhs of Yemen to learn a lot from these Thugs from Pakistan, who also some time back purchased 49% shares in the largest steel mill of New Zealand out of money looted from Pakistan. This is how son of one foundry owner of Lahore became the richest man in Pakistan, looting the country --- The Nawaz Sharif government. Adnan Khan Unfortunate country ruled by Robbers . Must see this video link placed here under to know as to how the nation is being defrauded by Sharif government to rob its own country by millions of dollars every year and that for 15 years to their personal benefit under disguise of purchase agreement of LNG Gas from a newly established company in Yemen by old Pimp Saif ur Rehamn becoming bed partner of our Sharifs once again putting countrys interest is at stake. Shameless agreement with newly established company of Saifur Rahman is being signed in couple of days to come. Unfortunately, no other channel has raised their voice against back stabbing of the poor people of Pakistan.being committed http://videos.arynews.tv/khara-sach-21-jan-2014/#.Ut-IjpuLCSk.email

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