RT News

Friday, January 06, 2012

Citing Iraq experiences Maliki rejects sanctions & foreign armies for Syria, hints at Iraqi diplomacy for

Editor: NQ Thursday, 05 K 2 2012 18:47 GMT Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki Alsumaria News / Baghdad The head of the Iraqi government on Thursday that Iraq will not be part of any axis against another in the region also rejects military intervention against Syria, as he pointed to a welcome and accept from the government and the Syrian opposition to the initiative of Iraq to resolve the Syrian issue, pointed to enter Iraq to resolve the issue Bahrain through Gulf state. Said Nuri al-Maliki in an interview with TV Sumerian, said that "Iraq's rejection of the decisions of the Arab League or non-rated and impounded different from our conviction that it should be for the Syrian people freedom, democracy and elections," asserting that "Iraq will not be at the center or in the axis against the axis" . Maliki said that "Iraq does not want the policy of axes because it may lead to a situation of competition and conflict, but wants to be an actor and a popular and soon for all," adding that "Iraq rejected the decisions of the Arab League because Iraq has experienced not respond to the Syrian people that suffer from Kalhsar devastating suffered by Iraq so far. " The Iraqi prime minister that "Iraq does not agree to the siege of any country in the world, even if Cuba was also not in favor of military intervention because the results of catastrophic," pointing out that "Iraq has managed to emerge from these results to evacuate acquitted of all foreign fighters." Maliki said that "the military, foreign, while entering a country destroy and experience the Libyan so far is the experience disturbing," noting that "Iraq has submitted its principles are against the embargo or military intervention and the Arab League initiative, freedom, democracy and elections and reject the starvation of a balanced resolution accepted by the Syrian government and the opposition ". Maliki said "the Iraqi government delegation met with the Syrian opposition in Cairo, with the Syrian government," noting that "the Iraqi government to think they have the best ideas and the best to solve the Syrian problem to the satisfaction of the Syrian people generally do not satisfy a party at the expense of the other party." Maliki said he "hoped to resolve the great Syrian issue, according to those ideas, especially since the Arab League began to understand our position," asserting that "Iraq is based on his interests and the interests of the Syrian people in Syria any confusion confuse the entire region." Maliki called "the two parties and the opposition, the Syrian government that understands that the solution that we think will resonate to accept and welcome a preliminary," asserting that "these projects should be mature dialogues before talking to the media." He made it clear that "Iraq came to the line of Bahrain also by the Gulf state-friendly so as not to turn the issue of Bahrain to the Snowball attract sectarian and turn into a crisis in the region," pointing out that "Iraq's intention is to continue, but some parties insist on the continuation approach will not end the solve the problem. " Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, expressed in (3 last December 2011), Baghdad's willingness to receive the parties to the Syrian opposition to find solutions that meet the demands of Syrian people away from violence and civil war, and with renewed rejection of the economic sanctions on Damascus, he stressed that Iraq will be the heart of the political economically and socially. The Iraqi government announced, in (14 last December), the approval of the Syrian opposition to its proposal to visit Baghdad in order to mediate between them and the Syrian regime, saying that the Iraqi move is based on the Arab initiative. He announced, Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari, in (8 December 2011), support for Iraq to the Arab League initiative on Syria, viewing it as the best way towards a political solution to protect the Syrian people. The Arab League decided in (November 12 last) suspend the membership of Syria until the implementation of the Arab plan to solve the crisis, as well as the withdrawal of Arab ambassadors in Damascus, while Iraq refrained from voting on the resolution and opposed the Lebanon, Yemen and Syria. The Iraqi government called the decision as "unacceptable and very dangerous," asserting that this did not take over other countries with greater crises, while believing that the Arabs behind the internationalization of their cases in the United Nations. Syria has seen since mid-March, a protest movement of the security forces, acting violently, and announced that the Office of the UN Human Rights, in early December, the current, the death toll in Syria of 4000 at least, describing the situation as like a civil war

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