RT News

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Why You Should Be Outraged With Canadian Banks

Canadian Banks may be playing games with interest rates, and you may not even know it. Peter Kinch shares his sophisticated mortgage insights with this exclusive audio presentation.

In this audio presentation you will discover the following:

- How banks set their fixed interest rates, and why you should be outraged right now

- What are the ‘best’ mortgage products you should be considering on your next purchase or refinance

- Peter’s prediction of the future direction of mortgage rates

- A simple to implement strategy to pay down your mortgages years faster, and pay less interest to the banks

- Find out how you can qualify for a FREE consultation with Peter Kinch or one of his professionally trained experts

To Listen to Why You Should be Outraged...
Click the media player below to
stream this audio to your computer

To download this special audio interview
to your portable media device >> Click here

Peter is the founder of the Peter Kinch Mortgage Team and the PK-Approved group of Dominion Lending Centres mortgage brokers across Canada and co-owner of the Pacific Bridge Mortgage Investment Corporation.

You can hear Peter present live at the upcoming ACRE™ (Authentic Canadian Real Estate) System October 15 & 16 in Edmonton and November 5 & 6 in Vancouver.

Peter will be presenting his brand new insights into “How To Get The Bank To Say Yes”. Plus if you register for this event, you have the opportunity to get a free, no obligation, consultation with Peter Kinch or one of his professionally trained mortgage brokers. This consultation alone will be worth your time to attend this event. Click here for more information on the ACRE™ events.

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