By Raysan al-Fahad

Azzaman, November 2, 2011

Iraq’s oil-producing Province of Basra blames the government in Baghdad for blocking its share of oil sales and revenues.

Under a law issued in January 2010, each Iraqi province is entitled to $1 of each barrel of oil it produces and refines.

Basra stands to reap a substantial sum every year as the bulk of Iraqi oil sales and output, estimated at about 3 million barrels comes from Basra oil fields.

Basra refinery has a capacity of about 150,000 barrels a day.

Under current output and refining estimates, Basra should be entitled to about $90 million a month.

But Basra’s Governor Khalid Abdulsamad said the government has not implemented the 2010 law and his province has yet to enjoy its benefits.

Basra’s share is stashed away in Central Bank coffers because the Ministry of Finance has no instruction on how to release and spend the money, Abdulsamad said.

“Basra’s share of oil royalties is held up due to red-tape and absence of instructions on how to spend them,” he added.

The governor was speaking in a seminar organized by Basra University’s economists on developing a mechanism on how to invest the province’s oilresources once released.\2011-12-02\kurd.htm