RT News

Thursday, July 15, 2010


15 Jul 2010 17:46:16 GMT
Source: Reuters

Four killed in suicide attack in Iran
15 Jul 2010 18:47:35 GMT
Source: Reuters
(Adds details; edits)

TEHRAN, July 15 (Reuters) - At least four people died in an apparent suicide attack in Iran's southeastern city of Zahedan on Thursday, Iranian news agencies said.

Two explosions, believed to be the result of a suicide attack, rocked the Grand Mosque in Zahedan, capital of Sistan-Baluchestan province, which borders Pakistan, and which has been hit by attacks blamed on the Jundollah Sunni Muslim rebel group.

"At least four people were killed in the first explosion," the semi-official Fars news agency quoted lawmaker Hosseinali Shahriari was quoted as saying. "We expect more casualties".

The official IRNA news agency said the explosions killed and injured a number of people, without giving precise numbers.

In May 2009, a suicide bomber killed 25 people and wounded more than 120 in an attack on a mosque in Zahedan.

In October 2009, 40 people, including 15 members of the elite Revolutionary Guards, were killed in a bomb attack in the province. It was the deadliest attack in Iran since the 1980s.

Iran hanged Jundollah's leader, Abdolmalek Rigi, last month. (Writing by Myra MacDonald)


Members of Iran's Rev Guard killed in explosions-agency
15 Jul 2010 19:22:34 GMT
Source: Reuters
TEHRAN, July 15 (Reuters) - Members of Iran's elite Revolutionary Guards were among those killed and injured in two explosions that hit the southeastern city of Zahedan on Thursday night, an official was quoted as saying.

"The first explosion took place behind a checkpoint and a number of Revolutionary Guard members were killed and injured because of it," deputy Interior Minister Ali Abdollahi was quoted as saying by the semi-official Fars news agency, without giving further details.


Over 20 killed in Iran mosque explosions-agency
15 Jul 2010 19:05:21 GMT
Source: Reuters
TEHRAN, July 15 (Reuters) - More than 20 people were killed and over 100 were injured in two explosions in Iran's southeastern city of Zahedan on Thursday night, a provincial emergency official was quoted as saying by IRNA news agency . "In the two explosions in Zahedan more than 20 people were killed and over 100 were injured," Fariborz Rashedi, the head of the emergency unit at Sistan-Baluchestan province told IRNA.

نسخه چاپي ارسال به دوستان
فرمانده سپاه سيستان و بلوچستان خبر داد:
دو انفجار قوي در مسجد جامع زاهدان

خبرگزاري فارس: سردار عليرضا جاهد اظهار داشت: دقايقي پيشي دو انفجار در مسجد جامع زاهدان رخ داد.

به گزارش خبرنگار دفاعي خبرگزاري فارس دقايقي پيش دو انفجار در مسجد جامع شهر زاهدان به وقوع پيوست
سردار عليرضا جاهد فرمانده سپاه سيستان و بلوچستان در گفت‌وگو با خبرنگار فارس ضمن تأييد اين خبر گفت: نيروهاي ما هم‌اكنون با حضور در محل حادثه مشغول بررسي آن هستند.
جاهد افزود: جزئيات بيشتر اين خبر تا دقايقي ديگر اعلام خواهد شد.

نسخه چاپي ارسال به دوستان
اظهارات شاهدان عيني در محل انفجار مسجد جامع زاهدان:
احتمال كشته و زخمي‌شدن 30 نفر

خبرگزاري فارس: شاهدان عيني مي‌گويند كه انفجار بمب دوم توسط عامل انتحاري صورت گرفته است و احتمال مي‌رود اين حادثه 30 كشته و مجروح داشته باشد.

به گزارش خبرگزاري فارس از زاهدان شاهدان عيني اين انفجار را انتحاري اعلام كرده و هم‌اكنون در حال امدادرساني به مصدومان هستند.
به گفته شاهدان عيني اين حادثه تاكنون بيش از 30 شهيد و تعدادي كشته در پي داشته است.
اين گزارش حاكي است انفجار بمب دوم توسط عامل انتحاري انجام شده است و هويت اين عامل انتحاري هنوز مشخص نيست.
اخبار بعدي متعاقبا ارسال مي‌گردد.


نسخه چاپي ارسال به دوستان
نماينده زاهدان در گفت‌وگو با فارس تشريح كرد:
جزييات جديد از نحوه انفجار و شهادت هموطنان در مسجد جامع زاهدان

خبرگزاري فارس: حسينعلي شهرياري گفت: ابتدا فردي با پوشش زنانه قصد ورود به مسجد جامع را داشته كه از ورود وي جلوگيري مي‌شود. در انفجار اول سه يا چهار نفر شهيد مي‌شوند چون انفجار اول جلوي درب ورودي مسجد رخ مي‌دهد اما چند دقيقه بعد كه مردم براي كمك‌رساني مي‌آيند در آن شلوغي فرد دومي عمليات انتحاري ديگري انجام مي دهد.

حسينعلي شهرياري نماينده مردم زاهدان در مجلس شوراي اسلامي كه در خصوص دو انفجار صورت گرفته در مسجد جامع زاهدان با خبرنگار پارلماني خبرگزاري فارس گفت‌وگو مي‌كرد، اظهار داشت: اين دو انفجار طي عمليات انتحاري انجام شده است.
وي افزود: در ابتدا فردي با پوشش زنانه قصد ورود به مسجد جامع شهر زاهدان را داشته كه در جلوي درب ورودي مسجد از ورود وي به داخل مسجد جلوگيري مي‌شود.
به گفته شهرياري تاكنون مشخص نشده فرد مذكور مرد بوده يا زن.
نماينده زاهدان در خانه ملت ادامه داد: در انفجار اول سه يا چهار نفر شهيد مي‌شوند چرا كه انفجار اول در جلوي درب ورودي مسجد رخ مي‌دهد اما چند دقيقه بعد كه مردم براي كمك‌رساني مي‌آيند و در آن شلوغي فرد دومي مي‌آيد و با عمليات انتحاري انفجار دوم رخ مي‌دهد.
وي با بيان اينكه هنوز تعداد افرادي كه شهيد شده‌اند مشخص نيست، تصريح كرد: به نظر مي‌رسد متأسفانه تلفات اين دو انفجار به اندازه تلفات مسجد علي بن ابيطالب باشد.
شهرياري با تأكيد بر اينكه تاكنون اطلاعات دقيقي از انفجارها و تعداد شهدا در دسترس نيست، عنوان كرد: واقعا اين انفجارها قابل پيش‌بيني بود بنده بارها در مصاحبه‌ها گفته‌ام كه عوامل بازمانده از جريانات وهابيت و ريگي وجود دارند و مي‌خواهند اقدامي انجام دهند تا بگويند كه هنوز حضور دارند.
رئيس كميسيون بهداشت مجلس در بخش ديگري از اين گفت‌وگو متذكر شد بارها اين تذكر را به مسؤلان امنيتي استان زاهدان داده‌ام و حتي قبل از تعطيلات عيد نوروز كتبا طي نامه‌اي به مسؤلان يادآوري كردم كه بايد مراقبت‌هاي امنيتي را در استان سيستان و بلوچستان گسترش دهند.
وي با يادآوري اينكه زمانيكه عمليات انتحاري باشد وضعيت متفاوت است، توضيح داد: اين جريانات تلاش بسيار زيادي داشته‌اند اما اكنون نيز موفق نشده‌اند كه وارد مسجد جامع شهر زاهدان شوند.
وي اضافه كرد: مردم در مسجد در حال برگزاري جشن ميلاد حضرت ابوالفضل (ع) و امام حسين (ع) بوده‌اند.
نماينده زاهدان در مجلس در ادامه با بيان اينكه تاكنون فرد يا گروهي مسؤليت اين انفجار را بر عهده نگرفته است، يادآور شد: اين انفجار به عهده عوامل وابسته به گروهك ترويستي ريگي است.
انتاي پيام/

نماينده زاهدان در گفتوگو با فارس تشريح كرد: Zahedan, Fars in an interview with the representative explained:
جزييات جديد از نحوه انفجار و شهادت هموطنان در مسجد جامع زاهدان New details of how the testimony of U.S. citizens in the mosque in Zahedan

خبرگزاري فارس: حسينعلي شهرياري گفت: ابتدا فردي با پوشش زنانه قصد ورود به مسجد جامع را داشته كه از ورود وي جلوگيري ميشود. Fars News Agency: Hossein Ali Shahryar said: first, individual coverage to women entering the mosque, which had prevented him from entering is. در انفجار اول سه يا چهار نفر شهيد ميشوند چون انفجار اول جلوي درب ورودي مسجد رخ ميدهد اما چند دقيقه بعد كه مردم براي كمكرساني ميآيند در آن شلوغي فرد دومي عمليات انتحاري ديگري انجام مي دهد. In the first explosion, Shahid are three or four because the first blast occurs in front of the mosque entrance, but several minutes later, people come for Aid in the crowded second suicide attack against the other person does.

حسينعلي شهرياري نماينده مردم زاهدان در مجلس شوراي اسلامي كه در خصوص دو انفجار صورت گرفته در مسجد جامع زاهدان با خبرنگار پارلماني خبرگزاري فارس گفتوگو ميكرد، اظهار داشت: اين دو انفجار طي عمليات انتحاري انجام شده است. Representatives of the people in Zahedan, Hossein Ali Shahriar Islamic Consultative Assembly, which took place in two explosion in mosque in Zahedan, Fars News Agency interview with the reporter made his parliament, said: These two suicide explosion during operation has been done.
وي افزود: در ابتدا فردي با پوشش زنانه قصد ورود به مسجد جامع شهر زاهدان را داشته كه در جلوي درب ورودي مسجد از ورود وي به داخل مسجد جلوگيري ميشود. He added: "At first women's individual coverage plans to enter the mosque in Zahedan, which had prevented him from entering the mosque entrance into the mosque can be prevented.
به گفته شهرياري تاكنون مشخص نشده فرد مذكور مرد بوده يا زن. Shahriar said so far not specified above were male or female person.
نماينده زاهدان در خانه ملت ادامه داد: در انفجار اول سه يا چهار نفر شهيد ميشوند چرا كه انفجار اول در جلوي درب ورودي مسجد رخ ميدهد اما چند دقيقه بعد كه مردم براي كمكرساني ميآيند و در آن شلوغي فرد دومي ميآيد و با عمليات انتحاري انفجار دوم رخ ميدهد. Zahedan's representative in the home nation continued: in the first explosion, Shahid are three or four because the first explosion in front of the mosque entrance occurs in a few minutes later, but people come and Aid for the busy person and comes with a second suicide attack against the second explosion occurs.
وي با بيان اينكه هنوز تعداد افرادي كه شهيد شدهاند مشخص نيست، تصريح كرد: به نظر ميرسد متأسفانه تلفات اين دو انفجار به اندازه تلفات مسجد علي بن ابيطالب باشد. He expressed that the number of people who still are not clear, Shahid, asserted: Unfortunately it seems that these two losses as U.S. casualties is Ali ibn Abi Talib mosque.
شهرياري با تأكيد بر اينكه تاكنون اطلاعات دقيقي از انفجارها و تعداد شهدا در دسترس نيست، عنوان كرد: واقعا اين انفجارها قابل پيشبيني بود بنده بارها در مصاحبهها گفتهام كه عوامل بازمانده از جريانات وهابيت و ريگي وجود دارند و ميخواهند اقدامي انجام دهند تا بگويند كه هنوز حضور دارند. Shahriar emphasized that so far from the explosions and accurate information is available on the number of martyrs, as he said: actually I was a predictable explosion repeatedly interviewed survivors of the factors that Gftham Vhabyt and Rigi currents exist and want to act now to say that yet are present.
رئيس كميسيون بهداشت مجلس در بخش ديگري از اين گفتوگو متذكر شد بارها اين تذكر را به مسؤلان امنيتي استان زاهدان دادهام و حتي قبل از تعطيلات عيد نوروز كتبا طي نامهاي به مسؤلان يادآوري كردم كه بايد مراقبتهاي امنيتي را در استان سيستان و بلوچستان گسترش دهند. Head of the House Health Committee in another part of the dialogue noted repeatedly in this Note to the security authorities in Zahedan province, and I've even before the New Year holidays writing a letter to the authorities should be reminded that I care, security in Sistan and Baluchistan province to expand.
وي با يادآوري اينكه زمانيكه عمليات انتحاري باشد وضعيت متفاوت است، توضيح داد: اين جريانات تلاش بسيار زيادي داشتهاند اما اكنون نيز موفق نشدهاند كه وارد مسجد جامع شهر زاهدان شوند. He is reminded that when the situation is different from a suicide attack, explained: this current lot have tried but not successful now entered the mosque in Zahedan be.
وي اضافه كرد: مردم در مسجد در حال برگزاري جشن ميلاد حضرت ابوالفضل (ع) و امام حسين (ع) بودهاند. He added: people in the mosque in celebration Milad Hazrat Abolfazl (AS) and Imam Hussain (AS) were.
نماينده زاهدان در مجلس در ادامه با بيان اينكه تاكنون فرد يا گروهي مسؤليت اين انفجار را بر عهده نگرفته است، يادآور شد: اين انفجار به عهده عوامل وابسته به گروهك ترويستي ريگي است. Zahedan parliamentary representative continued, stating that since individual or group responsible for this explosion is not, noted: The U.S. agents responsible for duplication Trvysty pebbly.
انتاي پيام/ Antay Message /

Deputy Interior Ministry security in an interview with Fars:
انفجار زاهدان تاكنون حدود 15 شهيد و 22 مجروح داشته است Zahedan blast so far and 22 injured around 15, Shahid has

خبرگزاري فارس: علي عبدالهي گفت: تا اين لحظه انفجار در زاهدان حدود 15 نفر شهيد و 22 نفر مجروح برجاي گذاشته است كه احتمالا اين تعداد افزايش خواهد يافت. Fars News Agency: Ali Abdollahi said: So far about 15 people in Zahedan explosion and 22 injured, Shahid has remained probably the number will rise.

علي عبدالهي معاون امنيتي وزارت كشور در گفتوگو با خبرنگار حوزه دولت خبرگزاري فارس با ارائه توضيحات بيشتر درخصوص عمليات انتحاري انجام شده در مسجد جامع زاهدان گفت: انفجارهاي عصر امروز شهرستان زاهدان بعد از نماز مغرب و عشاء كه اين روزها به دليل مراسم ميلاد سوم شعبان كمي نيز طولاني است اتفاق افتاده است. Ali Abdollahi deputy security Interior Ministry in an interview with the Fars News Agency correspondent field by providing more detailed explanation about the suicide attacks carried out in Zahedan mosque said: explosions in Zahedan city today evening after vespers and Esha these days because of BC's third quantitative Shaban too long has happened.
وي با بيان اينكه هنوز هيچ گروه يا فردي مسئوليت اين انفجارها را بر عهده نگرفته است تصريح كرد: براساس بررسيهاي انجام شده تا اين لحظه اين انفجار حدود 15 نفر شهيد و 22 نفر مجروح برجاي گذاشته است كه احتمالا اين تعداد افزايش خواهد يافت. He still stating that no group or individual responsible for the explosion has not asserted: According to studies up to this moment of the blast around 15 persons and 22 injured, Shahid has remained probably the number will rise.
معاون امنيتي وزارت كشور با اعلام اينكه دو انفجار در مسجد جامع شهرستان زاهدان اتفاق افتاده است اظهار داشت: انفجار اول كه انتحاري بوده پشت محل بازرسي صورت گرفته و موجب شهادت و مجروح شدن تعدادي از پاسداران انقلاب اسلامي شده است. Deputy security Interior Ministry announced that two in mosque blast in Zahedan city said happened: The first explosion was behind the suicide site inspection took place and led to martyrdom and injured a number of Iranian Revolutionary Guards of the Islamic Revolution has been.
عبدالهي ادامه داد: انفجار دوم زماني رخ داده كه مردم پس از انفجار اول در اين محل تجمع كرده بودند و اين انفجار تلفات بيشتري داشته است. Abdollahi continued: when the second explosion occurred after the first explosion had been the gathering place and has had more casualties in this explosion.
وي با بيان اينكه اطلاعات دقيقتر نيازمند بررسي دقيق و بيشتري است كه متعاقبا اعلام خواهد شد خاطرنشان كرد: از آنجايي كه گروههاي تروريستي و افراد شرور از جانب دشمنان نظام جمهوري اسلامي ايران مخصوصا آمريكا حمايت ميشوند و اخيرا نيز شاهد حمايت امريكا از گروه تروريستي ريگي بوديم چه بسا جريانات ديگري نيز تحت حمايت آمريكا قرار گرفتهاند كه به اين گونه عملياتهاي تروريستي اقدام ميكنند. He expressed that require more precise information and more precise assessment that will be announced later be pointed out: Since the terrorist groups and rogue individuals from the enemies of the Islamic Republic of Iran, especially the United States are supporting recently witnessed America's support for terrorist groups were Rigi How many other trends have been under U.S. protection that these operations are terrorist action.
معاون امنيتي وزارت كشور يادآور شد: هدف از انجام اينگونه عملياتهاي تروريستي ايجاد اختلاف ميان اهل تسنن و شيعيان است. Deputy security Interior Ministry noted: The aim of these terrorist operations to create differences between Sunnis and Shiites is.
عبدالهي همچنين گفت: اخيرا و بخصوص بعد از دستگيري ريگي شاهد شرايط خوبي در اين منطقه بوديم كه مردم نيز از آن رضايت داشتند و حتي تعداد بالاي سفرهاي نوروزي نيز نشان از امنيت بالاي اين مناطق داشت كه اين موضوع براي برخيها قابل تحمل نبود از همين رو گروهها و افراد شرور را به انجام عملياتهاي تروريستي تحريك ميكنند. Abdollahi also said: "Recently, and particularly after the arrests Rigi control conditions were good in this area that the people that were satisfied and even the number of trips Norouzi also show high security was the top regions that it was not tolerable for some Therefore groups and individuals to do evil terrorist operations are stimulated.

نسخه چاپي ارسال به دوستان
نزديك به 40 نفر تاكنون در حادثه تروريستي زاهدان به شهادت رسيده‌اند

خبرگزاري فارس: تعداد شهداي حادثه تروريستي شب گذشته زاهدان تاكنون نزديك به 40 نفر بوده و اين اقدام بيش از 55 مجروح بر جاي گذاشته است.

يكي از مسئولان اورژانس زاهدان در گفتگو با خبرنگار فارس با اشاره به حادثه تروريستي شب گذشته در مقابل مسجد جامع زاهدان و خسارات ناشي از آن گفت: تعداد شهداي اين حادثه تاكنون نزديك به 40 نفر بوده و بيش از 55 مجروح اين اقدام تروريستي بر جاي گذاشته است.
بر اساس اين گزارش شهادت اين تعداد از هموطنانمان در شب ولادت سالار شهيدان امام حسين(ع) موجب خشم و نفرت هر چه بيشتر مردم سني و شيعه شهر زاهدان و ساير شهرهاي استان سيستان و بلوچستان شده است.
نماينده ولي فقيه در استان و امام جمعه زاهدان و نيز استاندار اين استان در بيانيه مشتركي اين اقدام را محكوم و با خانواده هاي شهدا و مجروحان اين حادثه ابراز همدردي كردند.
بر همين اساس مولوي عبدالحميد امام جمعه اهل سنت زاهدان نيز در بيانيه اي اين اقدام را ترفندي براي تفرقه بين مسلمانان عنوان كرد.
سياسيون نيز ضمن محكوم كردن اين اقدام تروريستي اين تحركات را ناشي از توطئه‌هاي هميشگي بيگانگان و بكار گيري افراد خود فروخته عنوان كردند و خواستار دستگيري عاملان اين جنايت شدند.
انتهاي پيام/م

So far nearly 40 people in terrorist martyrdom reached Zahedan

Fars News Agency: Devastated terrorist incident the previous night in Zahedan was already close to 40 people and injured 55 more than the action on the left is.

One emergency official in Zahedan, Fars in an interview with reporter, referring to the terrorist incident last night in front of mosque in Zahedan and damages it said: the number of martyrs since the incident nearly 40 people and injured more than 55 left in this terrorist act is.
Based on this testimony reports the number of our compatriots in the night S. Martyrs Martyrdom of Imam Hussain (AS) and hate what angered most people Sunni and Shia and other cities of Zahedan in Sistan and Baluchistan province has been.
Supreme Leader's representative in the province and Friday in Zahedan Governor of the province and a joint statement condemning this action with the families of martyrs and injured in this incident had sympathy.
Accordingly Molavi Abdul Hamid Sunni imams Zahedan in a statement this action as a trick to be divided between Muslims.
Statesmen also condemns this terrorist act due to the mobility of foreign conspiracies and continuous use of their people and sold as they were demanding the arrest of the perpetrators of this crime.
At the end of the message / M


Iran Guards warn US of "fallout" over bomb attack
17 Jul 2010 11:20:20 GMT
Source: Reuters
* Revolutionary Guards warn United States of consequences

* Bombing victims buried with chants of "Death to America"

* Police say reserve right to pursue rebels abroad

By Ramin Mostafavi and Hashem Kalantari

TEHRAN, July 17 (Reuters) - The United States will face "fallout" from a deadly rebel bomb attack in southeast Iran, a senior Revolutionary Guards commander was quoted as saying on Saturday by a semi-official Iranian news agency.

Massoud Jazayeri did not elaborate on what he meant. Iran has accused arch-foe Washington of backing Jundollah, the group that claimed responsibility for Thursday's blasts that killed 28 people and wounded 306, including members of the Guards.

"Jundollah has been supported by America for its terrorist acts in the past ... America will have to await the fallout of such criminal and savage measures," said Jazayeri, deputy head of the dominant ideological wing of Iran's armed forces.

Jundollah, a Sunni Muslim rebel group, said it set off the bombs at a prominent Shi'ite Muslim mosque in the city of Zahedan in retaliation for the Islamic Republic's execution in June of Jundollah leader Abdolmalek Rigi.

Iran says Jundollah has links to Sunni Islamist al Qaeda and in the past has accused Pakistan, Britain and the United States of backing Jundollah to create instability in the southeast of predominantly Shi'ite Iran.

All three countries have denied this, and Jundollah denies having any association with al Qaeda.

Mohammad Hassan Rahimian, an envoy of Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei at the funeral, also blamed Washington for the attack, the official news agency IRNA reported.

U.S. President Barack Obama on Friday condemned the bombing and said those responsible must be brought to account.

"The murder of innocent civilians in their place of worship is an intolerable offense, and those who carried it out must be held accountable," Obama said in a statement.

The United States is embroiled in a stand-off with Iran over its nuclear programme, which Tehran insists is for peaceful energy purposes but Washington and other world powers suspect is a cover to develop the means to build atom bombs.

Tehran and Washington severed diplomatic relations shortly after Iran's 1979 Islamic Revolution.

Jundollah, which says it is fighting for the rights of Iran's Sunni Muslim minority, said Rigi's relatives carried out the bombings targeting a Revolutionary Guards gathering.

The bodies of those killed were buried on Saturday in a ceremony in Zahedan attended by tens of thousands of people, according to Iranian state television.

Live footage showed the coffins, shrouded in Iranian flags, being carried on trucks with mourners chanting "Death to America" and demanding punishment of the attackers.

Iran arrested Rigi in February, four months after Jundollah claimed responsibility for a bombing which killed dozens of people, including 15 members of the Guards. That was the deadliest attack in Iran since the 1980s.

Zahedan is the capital of Sistan-Baluchestan province on the border with Sunni Muslim Pakistan. The province is dogged by serious security problems with frequent clashes between Iranian police and drug dealers and bandits.

A senior police official, Ahmadreza Radan, warned that Iran had a right to "pursue rebels inside Pakistan territory ... Iran has limited patience. Instability in Sistan-Baluchestan is rooted abroad (where) there is lack of will to confront rebels."

He said 40 people "who wanted to create instability" in Zahedan had been arrested there since the latest bombing.

Iran is grappling with ethnic and religious tensions in the southeastern province ande authorities have responded to attacks by Sunni rebels with a spate of hangings. Human rights groups and the West have condemned the hangings.

Iran rejects allegations by rights groups that it discriminates against ethnic and religious minorities.

(Writing by Parisa Hafezi; Editing by Mark Heinrich)

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