RT News

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Collapse of USSR exposed American fallacies

Most people on earth believed that the world will be better off following the end of the cold war whereby solutions to chronic problems will be attained, democracy will spread while enormous savings to humanity will be made from the ‘peace dividends’. The Americans were especially happy since their country became the only remaining superpower. Equally, the Jews celebrated and started to plan further Israeli defiance of UN resolutions and human rights conventions knowing that they are effectively in complete control of Washington D.C.

Following September 11, 2001, a new enemy, Islam, replaced communism and all human-right values and democratic principles had to be violated, jointly by the Israelis and their American mentors. Torture was justified, economic sanctions were imposed on Mostly Muslim countries, the Americans marched on Baghdad to Israeli drums in 2003, while their war on Afghanistan was still on-going since 2001.

But the worst insult is expressed when the Americans continue to undermine democratically-elected Muslim governments of Palestine and Iran. At present the Americans are being perceived as trigger-happy and uncivilized cowboys bullying others, controlling their natural resources and installing governments to serve their own interests. In the process, they need local corrupt officials to betray their own countries. It is no wonder that US-occupied Iraq and Afghanistan are most corrupt countries on earth. Before the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Americans boasted about their freedom and democracy, albeit highly manipulated by power centres, and their defence of human rights throughout the world.


Implications of Clegg’s assertion that the war on Iraq was illegal!
Most British politicians knew that the war on Iraq was illegal and that Tony Blair deceived, forged documents and lied in order to gain some personal favours and financial gains in joining George Bush in his march on Baghdad to Israeli drums. The leader of the Liberal Democrat, Nick Clegg, has always maintained his anti-war position despite being in a coalition with the conservative party whose members including David Cameron, William Hague and George Osborne have voted for the war. Many believe that Nick Clegg has already discussed the matter with David Cameron before making the announcement in the British parliament on 21.07.2010. It seems that David Cameron plans to punish the labour party further by blaming Tony Blair, Jewish Jack Straw, Jewish David Milliband, and Jewish Goldsmith and dragging them in front of the international criminal court and labelling them as war criminals. If the war on Iraq was illegal then all the killing and destruction are considered as war crimes by default. Furthermore, many people may start suing the British government and especially Blair-Straw for the damage sustained. If David Cameron insists that Nick Clegg was wrong, then the coalition may collapse. Unlike the German SPD who lost their popular support after joining the CDU in Germany, Nick Clegg wants to cling to his base and remains loyal to his election platform. We have always maintained that the destruction of Iraq and the killing of its people will haunt all those who perpetrated the biggest crime of the century on behalf of the Jews.

Adnan Darwash, Iraq Occupation Times

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