RT News

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

What a pity, the Americans are leaving Iraq!

Author: Adnan
Date: 14-07-08 21:47

It will be frustrating to all anti-American forces to see the Americans leaving Iraq prematurely and without the punishment they so rightly deserve. After failing to persuade, not even the client regime of Al-Maliki, to accept Bush’s proposed long-term security pact the Americans are currently thinking of moving their forces to Afghanistan. Naturally, it will be either an all or none action, as partial withdrawal will not be feasible. Many Iraqi resistance forces started to prepare for the post-American era while others want to make it a bloody retreat. The ones who will come worse are those who helped the Americans in the destruction of the country and in the killing of the people. There will be a brief period of score settling but Iraq will eventually emerge as a strong and unified country.

We are not there yet. The Iraqis know that Americans will try to shoot theirway out of Iraq to bases in Jordan or in Kuwait. Al-Maliki and the rest of the Iraqi mercenaries will be burned alive if they happen to remain in the country following the retreat of US forces. Close to one million men belonging to Al-Mehdi are preparing to block all roads and airports..

The American killers will be chased from street to street. At present they are surrounding themselves with layers of mercenaries and Iraqi native army. Today 15.07.08, almost 100 army officers and recruits were blown up to pieces in Baaquba.
Foe many resistance fighters there will be no peace with the American barbarians.

Iraqis will not forget or forgive the American criminals for their crimes in Iraq. The Americans know this and take all precautions to stay away from potential suicide attackers. Good bye to American colonization of Iraq.

The American barbarians have exposed themselves as criminal gangs carrying out an armed robbery of the country. Aside from their local mercenaries, no Iraqi nationalist wants to see them in the country. After over five years of bloody occupation, no American dares to sit down in a bar and have a drink in Baghdad.

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