RT News

Friday, July 18, 2008

Preparing for Bush departure!

“When the lions get old they are raped by the foxes”, a colloquial Iraqi proverb. The first to defy Bush was Israel who went to open indirect talks with Hamas, Hezbollah and Syria against the recommendations of Condoleezza and Bush of not dealing with the Axis of evil or with terrorists. The Saudis started to call for the removal of all interference in Iraq internal affairs by anyone, including the Americans. Mr Al-Maliki, Iraq occupation fourth Prime Minister, wants to delay signing any agreement with the Americans until after Bush leaves office. To add insult to injury, top US military commanders openly warned against opening another war front despite Bush insistence on a third war on Iran. The above events have lowered tension and caused a drop in the price of crude oil. Few weeks ago, many analysts believed that the war was imminent and Goldman Sachs predicted a hike in oil price to $200 before the end of 2008. Except Ahmedinejad, who said that the Americans and the Israelis can’t possibly attack Iran. While there are five long months remaining in Bush presidency, the foreclosures, the high losses in Afghanistan, the economic and financial crisis are making it extremely difficult for the crazy American Hitler to launch another adventure.

Adnan Darwash, Iraq Occupation Times

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