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Saturday, March 18, 2017


http://johnwbolton.weebly.com/blog/mosque-not-needed-by-pooraka-community 9/7/2016   development@salisbury.sa.gov.au Chief Executive Officer representations@salisbury.sa.gov.au Development Number  361/1549/2016/3B Applicant Shia Community of South Australia,  PO Box 472 Marden.  SA  5070. NATURE OF THE DEVELOPMENT    PLACE OF WORSHIP WITH ASSOCIATED ACTIVITIES AND A CEMETERY… LOCATED AT  256-258 Bridge Road, Pooraka,  SA  5095 CT  6156/573  ZONE  INDUSTRY. I make this representation in writing by this email.  No hard copy in writing. I oppose a determination that this application should be granted. And I understand that I am authorized to make this representation and supported by these people on just 24 hours xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I note that “Detailed amended plans” are not provided and not available for comment. The application is required to be assessed on “its merits” A cemetery next to a retirement village with regular funerals close by is not meritorious. A cemetery in an industrial zone is not meritorious. The cemetery and Islamic centre takes up space in a much needed industrial zone. 1000 people attending will adversely affect traffic flow – access to residents and access to industrial facilities. The proposal is inappropriate in terms of land use and car parking. The zoning is for industrial, warehousing, storage and transport use.  The self described “large scale” Islamic centre of shop, school,  counselling centre.  meeting hall,  offices,  kitchen,  dining restaurant, and  cemetery does not fit and is not appropriate. The report with the application uses the words that such a development “creates obvious potential land use conflicts with residential areas”.   This is even more obvious when a retirement village is less than 30 metres away. It will not just adversely affect residents it will adversely affect access to those using the industrial zone for its primary zoned purposes. Such “large scale” Islamic sites have a clear history of impacting adversely and conflicting with other land users that interface. Industrial interfacing users require ready and un-interrupted access.  Residential interface less than 30 metres away require quite enjoyment of retirement.  Not being woken by early use at 5.00 am.  Or kept awake by late users and large crowds leaving from 150 car parks and up to 1000 attendees at least 8 times per year. A cemetery adjacent to a residential area.  Specially a retirement village area should not be imposed on existing residents.  It may be different if residents choose to purchase close to an existing cemetery but there is a clear adverse impact by introducing a cemetery into an existing residential community. Funerals according to Islamic Shia traditions are not described.  It is not known what impact they will or may have.  The grave sites will be raised above current bench land levels thereby having a greater public impact and will dominate their surrounds in conflict with residential use. The supporting report says that a “dwelling located … at the interface of a large vibrant activity centre must expect a reduced level of amenity…”   and “ noise emanating from the site” is a reason for it being on the periphery of an industrial precinct.  What of the existing retirement residences just less than 30 metres away and fronting the same street? There is no realisitic “level of separation” from the existing residences that will ameliorate the reduced level of amenity and noise emanating from the site and traffic parking conflict when 1000 people attend with only 150 on site car parks.  Application of the Council rule of One car park for three attendees renders this totally unacceptable.  The parking section of the addressing report fails to note that at least 8 times per year 1000 are expected and it refers only to a maximum of  300 to 450. It is not relevant that it will “take some years” for usage of the site to reach saturation point.  The impact on residences and industrial users needs to be taken in to account at the planning stage. The impact is not considered acceptable and the application for this development in this location has no merit. The conclusions in the accompanying report are not well founded. The proposed development will decrease the amount of land available for industrial purposes by utilizing the land for a different purpose altogether and by impacting as a “large scale” development with unpredictable huge traffic crowds of at least 1000 at least 8 times a year and discouraging industrial use on adjacent sites where un-impeded access is always needed. The proposed development will prejudice the ongoing development and use of the land in the industrial zone for the same reasons. The proposed development is not appropriately sited.  It is a school, a cemetery, a counselling centre, a meeting hall, offices,  a kitchen and restaurant,  and a retail shopping outlet at the interface of residential and industrial zones. It cannot be appropriately managed to ensure no unreasonably amenity impacts.  Indeed the supporting report says that noise and traffic will impact on the interfacing residents and retirement village and industrial access. It does not provide adequate parking.  It projects at least 1000 attendees at least 8 times per year and provides only 150 parking places on site which is less than  1/3 of the required amounts.  Parking will occur in the streets and impact on traffic, residents and industrial zone access. The proposed development does not respond to community needs.  There is no changing local community need.  The report refers to the South Australia Shia community not to any Pooraka or local need.  There is no reference to any   changing local community need.  There is no factual basis for that claim provided in the report.  It is simply a “large scale” Islamic centre being imposed on the local Pooraka community. The proposed development is not an appropriate form of development for the subject land and locality and is discordant with the relevant provisions of the Salisbury Council Development Plan and does not exhibit sufficient merit to warrant development plan consent. SOCIAL IMPACT REPORT Because the Development is to be determined “on its merits”  and because it is asserted by the applicant that the application has merit based substantially on its own assertions that it: “responds to changing community needs and facilitating the timely provision of social infrastructure and services.  It is appropriate that as our society becomes more diverse, that the spiritual/religious/community needs of these communities are met.” This assertion is challenged by me.   Council is required to consider the merits of the development. It is respectfully submitted to Council that it ought to require an independent Social Impact Report.  These are much like “Environmental Impact Reports”  but instead address the very issues that are being asserted by the applicants report with no supporting facts. It is not appropriate for Council to accept the unsupported assertion of the applicant on these very important issues. I request the opportunity to address in person the DAP on these issues. John Bolton, Barrister and Solicitor,  0417 862201 or by email. ​I enclose the executive summary of a paper on Social Impact Reports by Dr. Frank Salter, BA (Hons.), M.Phil, Ph.D Social Technologies Pty Ltd, ACN 154 127 518 E-mail: f.salter@socialtechnologies.com.au Website: www.socialtechnologies.com.au    Frank Salter Social Technologies Pty Ltd 26 June 2016 (Revised 7 July 2016) Download at: www.socialtechnologies.com.au A social impact study provides planning authorities with information about how a proposed development will most likely affect a neighbourhood’s way of life, culture, sense of community (identity and social cohesion), social and architectural environment, health and wellbeing. Social impact joins environmental and economic impacts in defining a neighbourhood’s amenity. Existing social impact assessments of mosques were reviewed and found to be empirically incomplete, theoretically weak and ethnocentric.   The study adopts a biosocial theory, Ethnic Nepotism, that has proven useful in explaining and predicting the effects of ethno-religious diversity. Religions are conceptualised as entities that evolved culturally to solve adaptation problems. To generate a hypothesis concerning distinctive Muslim behaviour, overseas social impacts were reviewed. The results were two hypotheses of the social impact of Muslims on Australian neighbourhoods. Both involve loss of amenity.   The first hypothesis is that ethno-religious diversity causes a loss of trust and cohesion in Australian communities as it does overseas. The second hypothesis is that distinctive Muslim characteristics cause additional negative social impacts.   The first hypothesis is confirmed quantitatively by seven studies conducted between 2006 and 2013. Muslims formed part of the diversity being studied but were not a focus of the research.   One study by the Australian Bureau of Statistics found that in 2014 diverse communities volunteer less, as do immigrants of non-English speaking background. Four of the studies were surveys conducted by the Scanlon Foundation in conjunction with the Multicultural Foundation of Australia. The surveys, published in 2007, 2009, 2012 and 2012, all found that diversity significantly undercuts feelings of trust and safety, confidence in harmony, the quality of life, support for immigration, and acceptance of refugees.   The second hypothesis was confirmed quantitatively by seven lines of converging evidence. Muslim communities are associated with strongly negative social impacts for long-time Australians (third generation), much worse than those produced by ethno-religious diversity or by Buddhism, the other large minority religion.   The Scanlon area surveys indicate that in areas with large Muslim populations, disapproval of Muslims is about five times the disapproval of Buddhists in areas with large Buddhist populations. This result has been repeated by every survey since 2010 when the question was first included. Even among strong supporters of multiculturalism, who generally accept minorities, in 2014 as many as 18 per cent were negative towards Muslims, but only 2 per cent towards Buddhists. In the same year, when the survey was conducted more anonymously online, overall negative attitudes towards Muslims rose to 44 per cent. The findings are replicated in patterns of reported discrimination. While ethnic groups within Islam were disapproved, the negativity towards the Islamic religion was stronger.   The Scanlon results were confirmed by a Roy Morgan poll in 2013, which found that 70 per cent of respondents distrusted Islamic influence, and a Progress Institute survey in 2015, Salter: General SIA of Australian Mosques (Revised 7 July 2016) Page 5   which found that only 24 per cent of respondents felt “very safe”, a sharp fall from the 42 per cent who gave that reply in 2010.   These extensive survey results were confirmed by imprisonment rates in Victoria, NSW and Queensland. Overall, Muslims are imprisoned at almost three times their proportion of the population. In addition, Muslim unemployment and public dependency rates are two to three times greater than the Australian averages. Finally, lack of affiliation with Australia is indicated by patterns of Muslim military volunteering. About five times the number of Australian Muslims have volunteered or attempted to volunteer for jihadist forces in the Middle East than are presently serving in the Australian Armed Forces. This despite a very high casualty rate suffered by jihadists.   These converging lines of evidence help explain the survey findings of a steep decline in social cohesion and a rise in fear and uncertainty in areas with large numbers of Muslims and a similarly steep decline in acceptance of Muslims nationwide.   Qualitative evidence offers further confirmation of these results, while adding behavioural detail. Muslim and Middle Eastern communities contribute disproportionately to terrorism and organised crime, according to state and federal security experts. Islamic terrorism is responsible for the National Terrorism Threat Advisory System warning that another act of domestic terrorism is “probable”, a high setting to which it was raised in September 2014. Muslims show ethnic variation in rates of terrorism, high for Lebanese, low for Indonesians. However, the latter constitute only 5.9 per cent of Australian Muslims, and jihadism is increasing in Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines. Criminal Muslim families are so prominent in distribution of illicit drugs and related violence, that Victoria and NSW both have had crime squads dedicated to “Middle Eastern Crime”. These threats are predicted by experts to last for generations. Contributing to this are low Muslim intermarriage rates, also evident in Europe.   Organised crime and terrorism belong to a wider spectrum of anti-social behaviour. The qualitative evidence includes descriptions of anti-social behaviour, including the broad-spectrum crime described in earlier, anti-white assaults and harassment, and hyper-masculine and misogynist culture among young men. Similar accounts are provided by experienced journalists and police. The view from within Islam tacitly confirms these accounts either by calling for a more pacifist Islam in tune with Australian values, or by denouncing Australian society.   To summarise, quantitative and qualitative data indicate that Muslims exert negative social impacts on local neighbourhoods significantly beyond that caused by ethno-religious diversity. More than immigrants and minorities in general, Muslims weaken community identity and cohesion, reduce trust and sense of public safety, and increase anti-social behaviour, crime, and unemployment in local areas. In addition, Islamic populations and mosques increase the risk of organised crime and terrorism, a trend expected to last for generations. Salter: General SIA of Australian Mosques (Revised 7 July 2016) Page 6   Taken together, these negative impacts constitute a substantial loss of amenity to local residents. As the number of Muslims grow, an area typically becomes less liveable for non-Muslims. Mosques contribute to negative social impacts in their areas by attracting Muslims and by reproducing Islamic doctrines and identity. They also slow assimilation by promoting within-group marriage. These have been adaptive features of mosques and Islam because they preserve the identity and cohesion of Muslim communities. They have the same effects among Muslim immigrants in Australia but in so doing slow integration with the larger society, with resulting negative social impacts on local populations.   The policy implications of this general SIA are that: (1) proposals to build or commission religious centres should be accompanied by SIAs describing social impacts in the categories reviewed in the present study; and (2) councils should be empowered to preserve the cultural and religious identities of their communities. https://www.facebook.com/ttadelaide/photos/a.402431186445170.92077.193474184007539/1377135535641392/?type=3 Rebecca 9/7/2016 07:39:32 pm I'm with you John Jo Pagan 9/8/2016 05:53:17 am Mosque not needed but instrumental in islam dominating the northern suburbs of Adelaide... Our country is seemingly not learning through the mistakes of Sweden, France etc... Warwick Smith link 9/8/2016 04:05:20 pm John Bolton, if you are listening is it about time we started to look to legalities to counter islamic intrusion. The koran is full of threatening text aimed at non followers of Islam... Have we no redress at law? Please exercise your legal knowledge to come up with a solution. They are not going away, they have been in everyone's face for the last 1400 years. Stop fiddling , Rome is burning. On the other hand I hear they are working quite hard to make it illegal to criticise islam. We in the dar al harb need to do something and we won't be seeing any effort from our traitorous pollies. Time to get moving. Save More Send Message News Feed Saved · 8 unopened saves this week Close Today Tonight Adelaide 2 March at 15:23 · Locals outraged as an Adelaide council approves a new mosque not far from another protested site. Tonight 6.30. www.todaytonightadelaide.com.au #TTAdelaide Image may contain: outdoor Like Like Love Haha Wow Sad Angry CommentShare Top comments 142 Residential & Commercial Real Estate Investment, South Australia, Darren Kitchen, Ruben Toledo-linares and 139 others 612 shares 106 comments Comments Residential & Commercial Real Estate Investment, South Australia Write a comment... Troy Duncan Troy Duncan You've gotta be kidding me. They wouldn't even allow that many McDonalds in the same radius. Unlike · Reply · 99 · 2 March at 19:07 Ashton Eldridge Ashton Eldridge Unless it's built by the on the run mob it gets rejected. Shahin is getting his way. Like · Reply · 2 · 2 March at 19:24 Ashton Eldridge Ashton Eldridge Unless it's built by the on the run mob it gets rejected. Shahin is getting his way. Unlike · Reply · 1 · 2 March at 19:25 Peter Bee Peter Bee Well maccas head office wouldn't Like · Reply · 3 March at 07:32 Chris Wills Chris Wills Put a pig on the land and they won't build one Like · Reply · 3 March at 18:20 Residential & Commercial Real Estate Investment, South Australia Write a reply... Marion McGivern Marion McGivern I don't even live there. I live down the South Coast in Sydney. Are these Councils getting Kickbacks??? Sorry but getting so frustrated with all of this. Unlike · Reply · 38 · 2 March at 20:01 Wayne Stevens Wayne Stevens There'd be kickbacks for sure Unlike · Reply · 6 · 2 March at 20:04 · Edited Marion McGivern Marion McGivern Thanks Wayne can't believe there are not Unlike · Reply · 1 · 2 March at 20:05 Marion McGivern Marion McGivern Thanks Wayne. Can't believe there are not. Hopefully these people know what they are doing !!!! Unlike · Reply · 1 · 2 March at 20:06 Marion McGivern Marion McGivern Thanks Wayne. Hopefully these people know what they are doing!!! Like · Reply · 2 March at 20:07 Jamie Morgan Jamie Morgan I'd say it's almost a sure bet that they're getting their palms greased. It's all about money for these councils. However voters have long memories and those councillors who support it will suffer come election time. Unlike · Reply · 5 · 2 March at 21:53 · Edited Kelly Hitchcock Kelly Hitchcock They have been caught out before doing dodgy deals Unlike · Reply · 1 · 4 March at 00:13 Residential & Commercial Real Estate Investment, South Australia Write a reply... Laura Ann Laura Ann That's ridiculous. So many in such a small area. They are not even trying to hide their agenda now..... Unlike · Reply · 39 · 2 March at 19:18 · Edited Dave Edwards Dave Edwards Not so small! 10km radius is the whole of metro Adelaide from the beach to the hills and Pooraka in the north to Oaklands park in the south and from the beach to the hills. Unlike · Reply · 1 · 5 March at 07:31 · Edited Residential & Commercial Real Estate Investment, South Australia Write a reply... Peter Donkin Peter Donkin No to the scum of the world. Time to let governments know we are not in favour of these terrorists houses in our country Unlike · Reply · 41 · 2 March at 19:01 Les Katt Les Katt They are obviously going to get a real big batch of the next intake of Africans, Wahhabis , Syrians , Kenyans, moracans or anyone else that no one will take as 'so called' refugees - why, because they are barbarians with a few extremists thrown in to keep us guessing Unlike · Reply · 12 · 3 March at 11:26 Ashton Eldridge Ashton Eldridge Shahin is building them. He has every petrol station in the immediate area also. On The Run sounds like a terrorist organization when you think about it really. Unlike · Reply · 17 · 2 March at 19:28 Paula Mitchell Paula Mitchell Also an easy way for them to launder money through. .just a thought! Unlike · Reply · 5 · 2 March at 22:29 Cathy Leaney Cathy Leaney time to boycott on the run Unlike · Reply · 2 · 3 March at 15:14 Ashton Eldridge Ashton Eldridge I refuse to go there. Fred Shahin worked for the UN for 27 years. Ponder that. No wonder the family built an empire from dodgy cigarettes and overpriced fuel Unlike · Reply · 2 · 3 March at 16:11 Wayne Meyers Wayne Meyers They are also building the new motorsport park at Tailem Bend. Unlike · Reply · 2 · 4 March at 08:14 Ashton Eldridge Ashton Eldridge Yep. Many people tried to buy the old Mitsubishi test track but got shut down. Shahin is getting his way with everything. Bit sus Unlike · Reply · 1 · 4 March at 08:55 Residential & Commercial Real Estate Investment, South Australia Write a reply... Andrew Payne Andrew Payne Another sign where democratically structured laws for religious purposes, along with skilled lawyers from around the world, can combine to state a case for its construction because it falls within the law here in Australia. I repeat...........Democracy will be the downfall of democracy. Unlike · Reply · 3 · 3 March at 18:57 2 Replies Shaun Evans Shaun Evans Simple. We need to stop paying for them. What do you mean "we're not paying for them " Every time you go shopping they get your money. It's called Halal certification . ...See more Unlike · Reply · 15 · 3 March at 01:34 NJ Singh NJ Singh Halal certification money literally pays for an accredited person to survey a work site and deem the product to be within halal requirements. That's it. It's paying someone's wage. Unlike · Reply · 1 · 3 March at 08:52 Shaun Evans Shaun Evans Only Halal requirement is saying Bismala. We were not all born yesterday . Unlike · Reply · 3 · 3 March at 10:23 Janette Winchester Janette Winchester Three trillion is a huge wage. Seriously is that where you think halal certification tax goes. We're doomed Unlike · Reply · 2 · 3 March at 16:24 Residential & Commercial Real Estate Investment, South Australia Write a reply... Mark Joseph Stirland Mark Joseph Stirland Why do they need so many for 2% of the population ? Unlike · Reply · 51 · 2 March at 18:10 8 Replies Amy Robinson Amy Robinson This is going to be a short 5min walk from my house. I'm worried how it'll effect the housing prices! Not impressed that there will b a cemetery there. If I wanted to live near a cemetery I would have bought a house near one. But hey what ever makes 'them' happy. I'm not racist, I'm just peeved off that this will effect the housing prices to fall in the area. Unlike · Reply · 3 · 4 March at 03:20 Abo Adam Abo Adam No need to worry, they are ready to buy your house too even for the highest price if you wish. Unlike · Reply · 1 · 4 March at 23:23 Denise Gunner-Hadfield Denise Gunner-Hadfield You'll just have to put up with the call to prayer 5 times a day Unlike · Reply · 1 · 6 March at 21:51 Residential & Commercial Real Estate Investment, South Australia Write a reply... Winston Churchill's crimes & horrible quotes Winston Churchill's crimes & horrible quotes Channel 7.... are you trying to shove One Nation and Pauline Hanson down peoples' throats. You are such a bunch of bigoted racists.... shame on you. Unlike · Reply · 2 · 4 March at 22:02 Mike Adler Mike Adler when will we learn? These mosques should be suspended indefinitely until such time as this ideology is investigated a little more thoroughly Unlike · Reply · 2 · 5 March at 14:53 Sonya Mara Sonya Mara Shame on Salisbury Council... Unlike · Reply · 30 · 2 March at 18:32 Daniel Madsen Daniel Madsen Burry a pig in the ground where they want to build it Unlike · Reply · 26 · 2 March at 18:55 2 Replies Jamie Mcconnachie Jamie Mcconnachie They are claiming territory . Fix by placing pig carcass on any proposed site . They can build a place of worship on a "soiled" site ๐Ÿ˜‡ Unlike · Reply · 11 · 2 March at 20:09 2 Replies Christine Geddie Christine Geddie This is going to cause civil war if these aren't stopped! Unlike · Reply · 9 · 2 March at 22:04 5 Replies Ashton Eldridge Ashton Eldridge Disgusting effort Salisbury council Unlike · Reply · 21 · 2 March at 16:49 Marcus Olley Marcus Olley Dodgy council for sure The same council complain in 5 years about all the problems in the area Unlike · Reply · 3 · 2 March at 20:46 · Edited Michael Street Michael Street Just think, the sixth terror centre.... When are these Polies going to wake up and realise this Unlike · Reply · 2 · 3 March at 10:46 Daniel Wilkins Daniel Wilkins Locals need to stand up and smash it to Pieces until they give up surely it would be a good target for the local hoons Unlike · Reply · 2 · 2 March at 21:22 Gary Carter Gary Carter Stop paying rates to the council if everyone join together things will change Unlike · Reply · 1 · 4 March at 15:07 Dave Edwards Dave Edwards Anyone notice just how many comments here are downright violent in tone? How does Today Tonight feel about that after stirring it all up with a misleading segment? Unlike · Reply · 1 · 5 March at 07:45 Craig Cliffy Clifford Craig Cliffy Clifford Gotta keep the 2% happy at the expense of the 98% or they might get radical!!! Unlike · Reply · 5 · 3 March at 12:18 Paul Brooker Paul Brooker Spreading this filth, disgusting and will mark the end one day Unlike · Reply · 2 · 2 March at 21:58 Alli Walmsley Alli Walmsley If it falls within the planning development boundaries they can't knock it back. Unlike · Reply · 2 · 2 March at 20:33 Mee Fergus Mee Fergus theres the proposed one on bridge rd and research rd cnr at pooraka , its supposedly going to have cemetery and child care / educational centre !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Unlike · Reply · 2 · 2 March at 17:03 Sarah Groch Sarah Groch That's been approved now Like · Reply · 1 · 2 March at 17:05 Barrie Fitzgerald Barrie Fitzgerald How can they get a child care centre approved? There is an adult shop in the shops there! Unlike · Reply · 2 · 2 March at 18:16 Chris Aun Chris Aun What a joke.. Like · Reply · 2 March at 18:41 Mee Fergus Mee Fergus is there anything that isnt complained about ? Unlike · Reply · 2 · 2 March at 18:44 · Edited Residential & Commercial Real Estate Investment, South Australia Write a reply... Kaylene Phillips Kaylene Phillips Used to be Hotels on Every street corner .....Know it's Mosqes? Unlike · Reply · 2 · 2 March at 22:41 Ray Clark Ray Clark Anyone from the Salisbury Council what to tell us the reason they let this happen? How many do they need. And who is paying for this. Unlike · Reply · 2 · 2 March at 23:00 Grahame Wilson Grahame Wilson Buying them with Sharia finance. All legal!! #draintheswamp Unlike · Reply · 3 · 2 March at 19:39 1 Reply Tony Russell Tony Russell They should let bikeys build a place like that next door to them Unlike · Reply · 2 · 3 March at 19:53 Darren Hamilton Darren Hamilton They've taken cheap lower socioeconomic uneducated people's land and will build and march on Unlike · Reply · 3 · 2 March at 20:17 Mechelle Ballard Mechelle Ballard Yes and we plan to use them as slaves. Are you people serious,such stupid comments, get the stupid response they deserve Like · Reply · 2 March at 21:00 Darren Hamilton Darren Hamilton Wtf are you on about ? Show your stand or stand aside Unlike · Reply · 1 · 2 March at 21:04 Darren Hamilton Darren Hamilton Wtf are you on about ? Show your stand or stand aside Like · Reply · 2 March at 21:05 Residential & Commercial Real Estate Investment, South Australia Write a reply... Denise Harris Denise Harris Looks like south Australia is going to be the state they are taking over ....that's why our government is running it into the ground. Tanya Thomson Theresa Harris-Beinke Unlike · Reply · 3 · 2 March at 20:24 · Edited Alvan Treweek Alvan Treweek Yes, they take SA, then they have split the country. Makes sense. Unlike · Reply · 2 · 3 March at 23:58 Denise Harris Denise Harris Alvan Treweek does make sense Like · Reply · 3 March at 23:59 Residential & Commercial Real Estate Investment, South Australia Write a reply... Brenda Crawshaw Brenda Crawshaw As I have said previously "goodbye to the Australian way of life" we will soon be under Islamic law Unlike · Reply · 1 · 3 March at 08:53 Brydon Edwards Brydon Edwards No we won't be under Islamic law... some of us will prevent that!! Like · Reply · 3 · 3 March at 13:56 Brenda Crawshaw Brenda Crawshaw I hope we can do something before it gets too difficult and are overrun Unlike · Reply · 1 · 3 March at 14:32 Brenda Crawshaw Brenda Crawshaw I hope we can do something before it gets too difficult and are overrun Like · Reply · 3 March at 15:52 Dave Edwards Dave Edwards What? Are you serious? Like · Reply · 5 March at 07:38 Residential & Commercial Real Estate Investment, South Australia Write a reply... Peter Bannister Peter Bannister Who's running the council come on its time to stop this they will take over , I love my country with all my heart but this is killing me , Unlike · Reply · 1 · 4 March at 06:09 Wayne Stevens Wayne Stevens And yet try and put a shed up in angle vale and its Noooo! Unlike · Reply · 8 · 2 March at 19:53 Chris Aun Chris Aun Who votes for a church in the Mecca? Unlike · Reply · 8 · 2 March at 19:06 Frank Evans-D'angelo Frank Evans-D'angelo Councils think they're places of worship.... Unlike · Reply · 7 · 2 March at 19:29 Mechelle Ballard Mechelle Ballard Ahh daa,thats because they are. Seriously what a stupid comment Like · Reply · 2 March at 20:55 Frank Evans-D'angelo Frank Evans-D'angelo Zzz sleeping Like · Reply · 3 · 2 March at 20:58 Kate Bankhead Kate Bankhead More like a place for storing guns,ammunition and bombs! Unlike · Reply · 3 · 3 March at 02:26 Residential & Commercial Real Estate Investment, South Australia Write a reply... Glenn Hanbury Glenn Hanbury WTF this is Straya Like · Reply · 7 · 2 March at 18:48 Paul Lowe Paul Lowe As the saying goes, build it and they will come. Adelaide will soon be overrun by muzrats Unlike · Reply · 1 · 4 March at 06:46 Shane Dawes Shane Dawes Put a pig in the ground. That Fuckes there plans Unlike · Reply · 6 · 2 March at 19:01 Dave Edwards Dave Edwards Idiot. Like · Reply · 5 March at 07:40 Shane Dawes Shane Dawes Is that the best you have Like · Reply · 5 March at 09:18 Winston Churchill's crimes & horrible quotes Winston Churchill's crimes & horrible quotes it won't work... we will just take it out and give it back to you Unlike · Reply · 1 · 5 March at 10:46 Residential & Commercial Real Estate Investment, South Australia Write a reply... Chris Caiacob Chris Caiacob Your joking what are they thinking Adelaide Unlike · Reply · 3 · 2 March at 18:51 Jeff Glanville Jeff Glanville Good one nuke will take them all out in one hit Unlike · Reply · 2 · 2 March at 20:31 Craig Phillips Craig Phillips Maybe a fire sale in needed Unlike · Reply · 3 · 2 March at 19:11 1 Reply Dave Jaggers Dave Jaggers Hey people .easy targets Unlike · Reply · 2 · 2 March at 20:19 Leonie Harris Leonie Harris Bury a pig on the site. Problem solved Unlike · Reply · 2 · 3 March at 16:25 Jaala Kellam Jaala Kellam Wow Leonie. Like · Reply · 3 March at 22:16 Winston Churchill's crimes & horrible quotes Winston Churchill's crimes & horrible quotes it won't work... we will just take it out and give it back to you Like · Reply · 5 March at 10:46 Residential & Commercial Real Estate Investment, South Australia Write a reply... Kyle James Kyle James Bury a pig on the building site Like · Reply · 1 · 2 March at 21:48 Beaves Swervin Beaves Swervin Someone needs to Throw a pig on the site. Like · Reply · 1 · 2 March at 21:40 1 Reply Sam Italiano Sam Italiano Wtf Like · Reply · 1 · 2 March at 19:52 Michael Briggs Michael Briggs Isn't there a rally about this on Friday 3 march??? Like · Reply · 2 March at 20:21 Relli T Hale Relli T Hale This bloke just cracks me up lol ... Unlike · Reply · 2 · 2 March at 22:50 Judy Hope Judy Hope You have got to be joking What's wrong with council? Unlike · Reply · 2 · 2 March at 20:12 Geoffrey Pearce Geoffrey Pearce Please ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡บ Unlike · Reply · 1 · 2 March at 18:53 James Douglas James Douglas We are being taken over because we elect weak assed pricks Unlike · Reply · 2 · 3 March at 15:31 Ned Kelly Ned Kelly This is Bacon me mad, time for a pigs head ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ Unlike · Reply · 2 · 5 March at 12:54 David Lillico David Lillico Let them build then ....... Unlike · Reply · 1 · 2 March at 19:13 Tanya Thomson Tanya Thomson Omg wow ๐Ÿ˜ก Unlike · Reply · 1 · 2 March at 20:25 John Clark John Clark Burn it down Unlike · Reply · 1 · 3 March at 14:07 Ness Cross Ness Cross Ffs how many more till people wake up Like · Reply · 3 March at 11:35 Ian Plunkett Ian Plunkett Wtf where do live? Unlike · Reply · 1 · 2 March at 22:00 Kevin Farrell Kevin Farrell Burn em to the ground Unlike · Reply · 1 · 2 March at 20:06 1 Reply Darren Hamilton Darren Hamilton Rally protest and never ever resist Unlike · Reply · 1 · 2 March at 20:15

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