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Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Australia Day Muslim themed billboard removed after threats

Australia Day Muslim themed billboard removed after threats , https://www.facebook.com/RealEstateSA5000/posts/1184938154888095:0, http://on.rt.com/80lq. What do you think? https://www.facebook.com/groups/perthhaveawhinge/permalink/1917768498500174/?comment_id=1917816438495380¬if_t=group_comment¬if_id=1484719113632253 Rebekah Dawson Kingi How sad for the little girls that their appearance has caused offence to some narrow minded people Unlike · Reply · 4 · 1 hr Hide 11 Replies Leon Stivey Just imagine if someone tried doing something like this to waitangi day? Or which ever other special day kiwis celebrate. Like · Reply · 38 mins Rebekah Dawson Kingi I wouldn't care, I'd like to think kiwis are an accepting bunch, if they had advertising for Waitangi Day featuring say Indian people in a suburb that had a high Indian population like papatoetoe ( much like was he case with this billboard ) I'd think it was great, get everyone involved to celebrate and exclude nobody. Like · Reply · 1 · 33 mins Leon Stivey If they had? Well do they have those advertisements there? No? Why? Because it would offend the population that still see's signing the treaty as a bad thing? Wow... i never would have guessed a pakeha wouldnt be bothered by the further alienation of the maori in their own country. Find something maori/nz/waitangi that doesnt have a massive maori with Tā moko as the images used 😏 i think the northern territory should be in charge of advertising australian stuff... their advertising is on point. Like · Reply · 26 mins Salman Haider Rabekah Rebekah Dawson Kingi or otahuhu πŸ˜‚ and don't forget Otara Like · Reply · 18 mins Rebekah Dawson Kingi It's because advertising isn't done, it needs to advertising in nz we have calendars we know when it is. yes you are right there are still unresolved issues regarding Waitangi Day so am unsure why you tried to use it as a comparison to Australia Day celebrations. Doesn't your Australia Day have similar issues/origins in regards to alienation of aboriginal people? guess you don't think about that as you're chewing on your lamb chop, guzzling your booze and bitching about Muslim people Unlike · Reply · 2 · 16 mins Saqlain Naqvi Salman Haider Otara means Like · Reply · 8 mins Leon Stivey 1 advertising is done clearly you just dont see them... try Google 2 we have calenders here too.... we also know when australia day is.... whats your point? 3 yes aboriginals... and guess what.... they are kicking the shits about the whites and "invasion day" too... bet you dont care what they think about muslims representing their stolen land as if its the whites to give away or the muslims to claim as theirs? 4 thanks for stereotyping me it shows how childish you are should i say something about fucking sheep? Do you need me to stoop to your level in order for you to see this as a real conversation? What happened to intellectual conversations and people with the ability to have other perspectives and voice them without becoming knuckle draggin neanderthals Like · Reply · 8 mins Salman Haider Saqlain Naqvi Its a suburb name in NZ. Unlike · Reply · 1 · 7 mins Rebekah Dawson Kingi um okay. Advertising is not done in nz, I've seen it here in Australia but never in nz, it was not until coming to Australia that I'd ever seen Waitangi Day be "celebrated". The point I originally wanted to make was that if we had a day that celebrated being kiwi, which in nz there isn't, but if we did I'm pretty sure if would be an all inclusive thing. Like · Reply · 1 · 2 mins Rebekah Dawson Kingi Just as cultural groups that have settled in nz include those that are not of their culture in their own celebrations Like · Reply · 1 · 1 min Salman Haider NZ is way dirrent when it comes to this type of occasions. #Openminded #Broazzzpeople Like · Reply · Just now Write a reply... Saibe Tammy Akkok Regardless of what they wear they are children....and ppl carry on on about the next generation...way to go teach them hate and bigatory instead of being a good example.....those that posted the bilboard shouldnt have caved Like · Reply · 2 · 1 hr 1 Reply Jenny Blck Good. Should not have singled out one religion anyway. And religious beliefs are personal and should be kept out of community advertising! Australia is MULTI cultural! .>.< Like · Reply · 4 · 58 mins Leon Stivey So where is the billboard in heavily muslim countries supporting the day they celebrate their national day featuring "western catholic altar boys"? Like · Reply · 3 · 52 mins 5 Replies · 38 mins Yvonne Caldwell Include all religions, or none. However, religion has no place in Australia Day...πŸ˜•πŸ˜•it's about the people... BRING BACK THE LAMB AD!!! Like · Reply · 3 · 44 mins Lale Crax I think more so it has nothing to do with them being muslim. The hijabs are what are getting to people is is NOT? if the hijabs were not on you would not know they were muslim would you? Like · Reply · 1 · 36 mins Hide 18 Replies Leon Stivey You arent too bright are you? Its like a yamaka except the muslims are clinically crazy about their head gear.... their religion dictates when its worn. They wouldnt be allowed to have their photo taken without a hijab as it would offend islam. Like · Reply · 32 mins Saibe Tammy Akkok You are so very wrong....there are many muslim women who wear no head scarf at all. Unlike · Reply · 1 · 30 mins Lale Crax Leon Stivey you are not wise nom Saibe Tammy Akkok of course there are but what is also offensive to australians is on Australia day they have a board with young ladies with hijabs. That is my point. Like · Reply · 1 · 29 mins Saibe Tammy Akkok You are right with out it no one would know... but the fact they are wearing on should be of no concern to anyone either how does it effect them to not like it. .tara is a regular muslim hater.. she is againat all things muslim not just the burka. Like · Reply · 1 · 27 mins Lale Crax Saibe Tammy Akkok i am aware tara is. So is adam. It does not bother me i am telling you what bothers many australians about it now you see would people post about this issu 3 times a day if they had young ladies without a hijab? No. This issue putting this photo up has only attacked muslims non stop woth posts and comments. That is my opinion Unlike · Reply · 1 · 25 mins Saibe Tammy Akkok I understand why there upset but fail to see what difference it makes and how it effect anybody to be upset... i mean put 2girls on in those shorts that leave nothing to the imagination and ppl would be ok with it i mean we c it on a daily basis but ppl hVe a problem there cover there head...ffs Unlike · Reply · 2 · 24 mins Saibe Tammy Akkok U are entitled to your opinion and i understand your point.. Like · Reply · 1 · 22 mins Leon Stivey Saibe Tammy Akkok there are muslim women who eat pork too.... shall we keep going? Islam is know for being relaxed right? Stoning people to death and all... so if you dont fulfill your religious obligations to islam they deem you a kafir. To be seen in public or by men without a hijab is considered one of those religious faux pas which in the eyes of other muslims makes you non muslim. Like · Reply · 22 mins Saibe Tammy Akkok No you have it wrong... Like · Reply · 21 mins Leon Stivey No islam has it wrong πŸ˜‚ Like · Reply · 19 mins Saibe Tammy Akkok Some muslim men think like that and use islam to push there own agends but it perfically ok to go about without a burcs or head covering at all Unlike · Reply · 1 · 18 mins Saibe Tammy Akkok How information is not correct so how can you say anything is wrong. Like · Reply · 1 · 17 mins Salman Haider When you say they stone people, Do you think they go out looking for people and randomly and start stooning them, WTF. Like · Reply · 1 · 11 mins Lale Crax Leon Stivey to be seen in public by a man without a hijab? What are you talking about mate 200 years ago? Yeah some believe they should wear the burqa not all races. Some believe the hijab and some nothing. So if that is the case why are there muslim women without hijabs? Like · Reply · 1 · 11 mins Leon Stivey "Some belive the hijab some beleive nothing" sorry i cant even πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Like i said the religion dictates the use, if a individual decides to go against their religion how can they call themselves religious? Easy... like being a vegan... all you gotta do is say you are to everyone. #whenreligionbecomesthenexthipsterfad Unlike · Reply · 1 · 3 mins Lale Crax Leon Stivey your seriously slow. If you read the Quran it does not state to wear the burqa. The hijab is compulsory but not followed. Like · Reply · 2 mins Saqlain Naqvi Leon Stivey There are many ladies who feel more safe, more comfort in not doing hijab here, its like embedding in local culture and camouflaging, But the same ladies when they go back in their traditional towns , they do observe hijab as their own choice as they feel awkward or not safe. Like · Reply · 1 · Just now Leon Stivey "The hijab is compulsory but not followed" in your own fucking words you have just said what ive been saying all along... its what you have to do to be one of the gang if you dont do it you are part of the gang so says the rule book. Like · Reply · Just now Write a reply... Mitchell Lowbrow Downes Thats just pitiful so much for multicultural Rebekah Dawson Kingi How sad for the little girls that their appearance has caused offence to some narrow minded people Unlike · Reply · 5 · 2 hrs 19 Replies · 26 mins Saibe Tammy Akkok Regardless of what they wear they are children....and ppl carry on on about the next generation...way to go teach them hate and bigatory instead of being a good example.....those that posted the bilboard shouldnt have caved Like · Reply · 3 · 2 hrs 1 Reply Jenny Blck Good. Should not have singled out one religion anyway. And religious beliefs are personal and should be kept out of community advertising! Australia is MULTI cultural! .>.< Like · Reply · 4 · 1 hr 1 Reply Leon Stivey So where is the billboard in heavily muslim countries supporting the day they celebrate their national day featuring "western catholic altar boys"? Like · Reply · 3 · 1 hr 5 Replies · 59 mins Yvonne Caldwell Include all religions, or none. However, religion has no place in Australia Day...πŸ˜•πŸ˜•it's about the people... BRING BACK THE LAMB AD!!! Unlike · Reply · 4 · 1 hr 1 Reply Lale Crax I think more so it has nothing to do with them being muslim. The hijabs are what are getting to people is is NOT? if the hijabs were not on you would not know they were muslim would you? Like · Reply · 1 · 1 hr Hide 50 Replies 50 of 56 View previous replies Saibe Tammy Akkok U are entitled to your opinion and i understand your point.. Like · Reply · 1 · 1 hr Leon Stivey Saibe Tammy Akkok there are muslim women who eat pork too.... shall we keep going? Islam is know for being relaxed right? Stoning people to death and all... so if you dont fulfill your religious obligations to islam they deem you a kafir. To be seen in public or by men without a hijab is considered one of those religious faux pas which in the eyes of other muslims makes you non muslim. Like · Reply · 1 hr Saibe Tammy Akkok No you have it wrong... Like · Reply · 1 hr Leon Stivey No islam has it wrong πŸ˜‚ Like · Reply · 1 hr Saibe Tammy Akkok Some muslim men think like that and use islam to push there own agends but it perfically ok to go about without a burcs or head covering at all Unlike · Reply · 1 · 1 hr Saibe Tammy Akkok How information is not correct so how can you say anything is wrong. Like · Reply · 1 · 1 hr Salman Haider When you say they stone people, Do you think they go out looking for people randomly and start stooning them, WTF. Like · Reply · 1 · 1 hr · Edited Lale Crax Leon Stivey to be seen in public by a man without a hijab? What are you talking about mate 200 years ago? Yeah some believe they should wear the burqa not all races. Some believe the hijab and some nothing. So if that is the case why are there muslim women without hijabs? Like · Reply · 2 · 1 hr Leon Stivey "Some belive the hijab some beleive nothing" sorry i cant even πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Like i said the religion dictates the use, if a individual decides to go against their religion how can they call themselves religious? Easy... like being a vegan... all you gotta do is say you are to everyone. #whenreligionbecomesthenexthipsterfad Unlike · Reply · 1 · 1 hr Lale Crax Leon Stivey your seriously slow. If you read the Quran it does not state to wear the burqa. The hijab is compulsory but not followed. Like · Reply · 59 mins Saqlain Naqvi Leon Stivey There are many ladies who feel more safe, more comfort in not doing hijab here, its like embedding in local culture and camouflaging, But the same ladies when they go back in their traditional towns , they do observe hijab as their own choice as they feel awkward or not safe. Like · Reply · 1 · 57 mins Leon Stivey "The hijab is compulsory but not followed" in your own fucking words you have just said what ive been saying all along... its what you have to do to be one of the gang if you dont do it you are not part of the gang so says the rule book. Like · Reply · 56 mins · Edited Leon Stivey Lale Crax for someone calling me slow after giving me gramatical corrections im afraid you have missed the difference between your and you're. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Unlike · Reply · 1 · 55 mins Lale Crax Leon Stivey i talk what i know not bull shit rock throwing as yourself. Many women do not follow it. They follow their prayers etc but chosen to not wear the hijab. Unlike · Reply · 1 · 55 mins Leon Stivey Many women flee islam? Wow no wonder.... but they still call themselves muslim πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ backwards Like · Reply · 54 mins Lale Crax Leon Stivey you are quite hilarious. The thing is you see i can not speak to you. You have no knowledge whatsoever about islam. You do not know how it works. You just know what a hater would know. You do not think from any other directions except your own. Talking about the burqa i think that you sbould wear one. Unlike · Reply · 1 · 52 mins Saqlain Naqvi Hijab or Scraf is not just associated with Islam, I have seen many other respected ladies from other religions, they observe it too. We should not tag or label it to just one religion or community. Forget about hijab, how beautiful the girls looking with our flag. We don't want to make Australia another France and I am so happy to get honest comments whether plus or minus. Much Thanks. Like · Reply · 1 · 48 mins Leon Stivey πŸ˜‚ typical... no argument to put forward so you attempt to discredit me with what? Your opinion of what you think i know of islam? And inadvertently call me ugly? Oh no im so enraged i might behead one of my wives 😐 seriously though "you just know wha...See more Like · Reply · 46 mins Lale Crax Leon Stivey i did not say you are a red neck but if so rightio. Yes you are a hater. Yes you do not know anything about the religion itself. I understand. You try to make as i have no argument to make yourself feel better. You can not have an argument with someone that only believes what they believe without knowing the ins and outs. So i chose to pass on bothering with a red neck hater 😎 Like · Reply · 39 mins Leon Stivey ^ go back to school sweetheart please for the sake of the english language. "You cant have an argument with someone that only beleives what they believe without knowing the ins and outs" omg the irony.... you mus not know how stubborn and pig headed th...See more Like · Reply · 33 mins Saibe Tammy Akkok Leon Stivey islam only dictates a form of moderate dress. Wear the hijab is a personal choice and should only be made by the women choosing to wear it outside of pray and religous places.. no one is required to wear it all the time unless they have chosen to and with that they would be making a promise they should keep. So u should learn the facts before you want to repeatly use it to make an irelevant point. Like · Reply · 1 · 31 mins Leon Stivey The hijab is meant to be worn when in the presence of men outside of the family circle.... so dictated by their religion. But because people have a brain some use that brain to not follow the rules. Unlike · Reply · 1 · 29 mins Lale Crax Once again i can not argue with a hater that only believes the bull shit he believes without knowing the religion itself. If i support your argument in some point so be it. We may have some areas that we believe are the same without a doubt. ...See more Like · Reply · 28 mins Saibe Tammy Akkok U r confusing mens distortion of islam with the real teaching of islam.. the actions you speak of are carried out by men who say they are muslim learn to blame the person for his choices and actions and not the religion. Like · Reply · 1 · 24 mins · Edited Saibe Tammy Akkok Hes delusional and you cant argue with stupid Unlike · Reply · 2 · 26 mins Leon Stivey "He cannot accept anything about islam" stop trying to force me and show me instead? Great way to show me how nice islam is by saying you outnumber australians.... sounds like you are all prepped for a war with words like those πŸ˜‚ you wonder why the hostility to religions especially that of islam. Like · Reply · 22 mins · Edited Lale Crax When did i state i was muslim dumb shit? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Like · Reply · 21 mins Lale Crax Leon give me an hour and I'll be back to reply.. have to do reasearch and also make a 'bomb' of a feast πŸ˜ŽπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Like · Reply · 1 · 20 mins Saibe Tammy Akkok I have no idea who said what you claim as i cant even say that word...i am australian i would never wish harm to any person especaily an australian i converted to islam over 20 years ago and am proud to be both so again i will tell you r wrong i frankl...See more Like · Reply · 1 · 17 mins Leon Stivey You didnt state it you talk like you are... otherwise what would make you think you know more than i do about the subject? Dont play dumb... you've got the skills to do it for real. Like · Reply · 17 mins Lale Crax Yep cool no worries... 😎😎😎 Like · Reply · 16 mins Saibe Tammy Akkok Talk like im what...an australian muslim... Unlike · Reply · 2 · 15 mins · Edited Leon Stivey In all seriousness you talk like third graders. πŸ˜‰ Like · Reply · 15 mins Lale Crax Guys wait mr Einstein is writing. Unlike · Reply · 2 · 14 mins Saibe Tammy Akkok I enjoy inteligent conversation ...this is far from that..stupidity gives me a headache...cya Unlike · Reply · 2 · 12 mins Leon Stivey Saibe was writing not me πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Like · Reply · 11 mins Saqlain Naqvi Even if Einstein and Newton are reborn, Australia will ask them do you have local experience? Like · Reply · 11 mins Leon Stivey Lale Crax aleppo is dying.... go help. Like · Reply · 10 mins Saibe Tammy Akkok Unlike · Reply · 2 · 10 mins Lale Crax Leon i did help actually thank you for your concern. Like · Reply · 10 mins Lale Crax Saibe Tammy Akkok so true πŸ˜ŽπŸ˜‚ Like · Reply · 1 · 10 mins Leon Stivey πŸ˜‚ Lale Crax you cant handle anything that challenges your beleifs.... very muslim of you πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ Unlike · Reply · 1 · 9 mins Leon Stivey Saibe Tammy Akkok got a meme for wise women? 😏 Like · Reply · 8 mins Lale Crax Leon Stivey i am sick of mentioning the same thing. Unless you read the Quran or associate with muslims or have a muslim friend i can not speak with you reddy Unlike · Reply · 1 · 8 mins Leon Stivey I have a muslim friend... she is also aboriginal... my mates missus... Like · Reply · 7 mins Leon Stivey But you already said i know nothing? But now you are saying i must tick one of those boxes to "know anything" well i can tick one of those boxes... bet you wont accept it though.... πŸ˜‚ Like · Reply · 6 mins Lale Crax You did not make sense. Confusing πŸ€” hmm Like · Reply · 1 · 5 mins Leon Stivey You are soooooo pathetic πŸ˜‚ Like · Reply · 4 mins Leon Stivey Omg good job ladies... there is more of you than me.... doesnt make you right πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Like · Reply · 3 mins Lale Crax The best you got? Stop it leon. You look shallow. I do not want you to look like that.

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