RT News

Tuesday, October 04, 2016

SA blackout from overloaded interconnector

9:47am October 5, 2016 AAP All of South Australia lost power during severe storms last week because the state's main interconnector with Victoria was overloaded, the Australian Energy Market Operator says. AEMO has released an initial report on the statewide blackout, saying the loss of three major 275 kV transmission lines and 315 MW of wind generated power in the storm put more demand on the Heywood interconnector and overloaded it. Premier Jay Weatherill will on Monday morning respond to the report, which AEMO says will be followed by a more detailed report in up to six months time. © AAP 2016 Read more at http://www.9news.com.au/national/2016/10/05/09/51/sa-blackout-from-overloaded-interconnector#bXGxZy32gUqjuImz.99

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