RT News

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Hayakal & Adnan Diary

Click here to invest in South Australian Residential Commercial, Rural Properties, Schools & Businesses. May Allah protect the people of Hadhramaut & Al Mahra. Super cyclone Chapala to strike eastern Yemen at 0600 GMT, 2 Nov. Severe cyclonic storm Chapala is forecast to strike Yemen as a super cyclonic storm at about... trust.org 218 days of Saudi Arabia's ultra-violent war on Yemen. I still don't know what the Saudi plan is. In fact, I don't think Saudi Arabia knows what the Saudi plan is in Yemen. Complete confusion from Riyadh. Saudi Arabia Can't Get Its Story Straight on the MSF Hospital Destroyed in Yemen >https://news.vice.com/article/saudi-arabia-cant-get-its-story-straight-on-the-msf-hospital-destroyed-in-yemen?utm_source=vicenewstwitter . Saudi Arabia Can't Get Its Story Straight on the MSF Hospital Destroyed in Yemen | VICE News news.vice.com A journalist needs to write on the web of family ties of the ministers & senior officials of the so-called "legitimate government" of Yemen. Unelected cousins, brothers, sons, daughters, in-laws, uncles. And we thought nepotism was the Saleh regime's biggest crime. Unbelievable. Saudi Arabia complains that the UN blamed it for bombing Yemen hospital without having "a full and transparent investigation carried out by the Yemeni authorities." Saudi Arabia means the Yemeni authorities in Riyadh, of course. >http://www.todayonline.com/world/saudi-arabia-com... Discordant conflicting headlines on the Saudi war on Yemen. Almost gibberish. Saudi Navy ship 904 Yanbu sunk 25 Oct. Saudi Navy ship 902 Boraida sunk 8 Oct. The only 2 Durance-class logistics ships of KSA's Navy, with its total crew of 280 sailors, are now at the bottom of the Bab Al Mandab : Sunk by Yemen's Decisive Storm. October 28 at 12:49pm · Public Am curious : Does Saudi Arabia even have this US SCATANA legislation? KSA NOTAM : Yemen airspace closed 26 March 2015 ISIL Militants Transported From Syria to Yemen Aboard Turkish Planes sputniknews.com October 27 at 11:13pm · Public My 2 cents worth : Islamic State in Yemen and AQAP have 2 separate & competing groups of paymasters. And they're all wealthy Sunni states. October 27 at 11:05pm · Public Yemen : MSF hospital bombed by air strike, Saudi-led coalition denies responsibility. Yemen hospital hit by Saudi-led air strike: Medecins Sans Frontieres reuters.com October 27 at 10:45pm · Public I hate this terrible war, which could kill my kids & I any time, but I pray that there be no peace until Saudi Arabia is completely destroyed by Yemen. October 27 at 1:27pm · Public How's Aden after the UAE/Saudi-led liberation? Completely fucked, and close to falling under ISIS control. Well done, Riyadh and Abu Dhabi. Your military genius in Aden leaves me breathless.Saudi Arabia and the UAE have 2 choices now : start killing Aden AQ & IS fast, or do nothing and reveal to... More October 27 --------------- By Guy Taylor - The Washington Times - Updated: 7:27 p.m. on Thursday, October 29, 2015 An Iranian dissident group said more than 20 of its members in Iraq were killed Thursday when a barrage of Iranian-made rockets slammed into a former U.S. military base near Baghdad, where the dissidents have been kept in a state of semi-captivity by Iraqi authorities for years. While the casualty count could not be immediately verified, Iraqi police confirmed that at least 16 rockets had rained down on Camp Liberty, a facility the Iraqi government has used since 2012 to house more than 2,000 members of the Iranian opposition group known as the Mujahedeen-e-Khalq, or MEK. Check How People Get RICH in Australia! It's So Simple! Watch This Video NOW! There was no claim of responsibility, but MEK leaders, who have powerful advocates in Washington and in several European capitals, were quick to pin ultimate blame on the Iranian government and claimed that Tehran-backed leaders in Baghdad had willingly allowed the attack to occur. SEE ALSO: Iranian aggression since Obama nuclear deal looms as 2016 headache for Democrats Antonio Guterres, the U.N. high commissioner for refugees, sharply condemned the attack, saying Thursday that the agency was still trying to determine the number of casualties and the damage to the camp. “This is a most deplorable act,” Mr. Guterres said, adding, “Every effort must continue to be made for the injured and to identify and bring to account those responsible.” Secretary of State John Kerry said U.S. officials had already been reached out to “ensure that the government of Iraq renders all possible medical and emergency assistance to the victims” and pressed other nations to accept camp residents for relocation. “The United States strongly condemns today’s brutal, senseless terrorist attack on [Camp Liberty] that killed and injured camp residents,” Mr. Kerry said in a statement. “Our condolences go out to the families of the victims, and we hope for the swift recovery of those injured.” MEK supporters claimed the scale of the attack was far greater than Iraqi authorities reported, claiming that some “80 missiles slammed into Camp Liberty.” A representative of the group told The Washington Times that 23 of the camp’s residents, including at least one woman, were killed and that two dozen others were wounded. The representative also asserted that Iranian-made Falagh missiles were among the rockets that hit the camp. The development came a day after German officials announced the arrest a 31-year-old Iranian man suspected of spying for the Iranian government on MEK members living in Germany. German prosecutors said Wednesday that Maysam P., whose last name wasn’t given in accordance with the country’s privacy laws, was being held on suspicion that he clandestinely researched Iranian opposition members in Berlin and passed the information on to a contact in Iran’s intelligence service, known as the MOIS, in exchange for money. Even before Thursday’s attack, MEK supporters on Capitol Hill were warning about the precarious status of the dissident camp in Iraq. The refugees were invited into Iraq under former dictator Saddam Hussein, but have been treated with far more suspicion by the present government in Baghdad, which has much closer ties to Tehran. Arizona Republican Sen. John McCain, who maintains MEK members have a long record of providing Washington with “useful intelligence” on Iran’s clandestine nuclear activities, convened a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing in early October to highlight what he described as a failure by successive U.S. administrations to protect the group in Iraq. House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce, called the attack “deeply troubling” and a test for the U.S.-backed government in Baghdad. The Iraqi government made an international commitment to protect the camp’s residents,” the California Republican said in a statement. “The U.S. and international community must demand accountability.” ========================= In Muslims families it is common to find children with names like Jesus, Mary or Moses. But no Jew or Christian names his son as Mohamed. Jesus message of love and forgiveness undermined the Jewish doctrine of an Eye for an Eye and a Tooth for a Tooth. Jews never embrace Jesus. US Zionist friends: Israel fast becoming an Armed Ghetto Divorced from Democracy shar.es/150vj8 via @grtvnews Her Majesty Ministers bribed by Jews: Labour MP Gerald Kaufman accuses Government of being swayed by 'Jewish money' independent.co.uk/news/uk/politi… USraeli-Saudi Support of “Jihadist” Mercenaries is Intent Upon Triggering “Regime Change” shar.es/15mBVl via @grtvnews Jewish-owned US media: New York Times Dismisses Israeli State Terror against an Entire Population shar.es/15mBk2 via @grtvnews US boots on the ground in Iraq will ensure support for ISIS and for the Kurds in order to implement Israeli design of dividing the country. It is more appropriate to call Israeli IDF standing for Israeli Schutz Stafel as ISSS along with Israeli Islamic State (ISIS). Fuel for a 100-year war: Rally in Hebron funeral procession for 5 Palestinians ‘killed by IDF’ (PHOTOS) — RT News rt.com/news/320264-pa… Target PKK not ISIS: Turkey threatens ‘whatever necessary’ to combat Kurdish autonomy ‘mindset’ in Syria — RT News rt.com/news/320016-tu… , Why US doesn't stop the flow of Oil? ISIS oil exports worth $500m a year 'conducted through Turkey' — RT News rt.com/news/320190-is… With US support, Barzani is defying the majoity of his Kurdish Population and Iraqi Government while allowing MOSSAD's foothold in Irbil! US foreign policy mess: Turkey fights the Kurds whom US is arming. Obama also arms anti-Assad 'good terrorists' opposed by Russia and Syria! Why not forgetting about Hitler's crimes too: Pro-Iraq War Labour MP says the Chilcot Inquiry shouldn’t be published independent.co.uk/news/uk/politi… Poor Blair, people didn't forget his War Crimes: Answers to four of the key questions in the delayed Chilcot Report dailym.ai/1Rf2un4 Tony Blair is a war criminal: Answers to four of the key questions in the delayed Chilcot Report dailym.ai/1Rf2un4 via @MailOnline US-led West gave Saddam WMD before bombarding Iraq: Russia warns of growing US-funded bio-weapons labs in region ptv.io/211q Jewish Jack Straw and Jewish Goldsmith decided UK illegal Iraq war: Immensely frustrated over Chilcot Inquiry delay dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3… Add insults to the wounded Image of Saudi Wahabis: Jailed Saudi blogger wins prestigious EU human rights prize ptv.io/20vm Worst Statement of the year came from Saudi Arabia where an official indicated that "In future wars in M.E. we will side with Israel". If it weren't for Shiat Iran, the entire Sunni Islam would have adopted Saudi-Wahabi rituals while pledging allegiance to ISIS and Israel. Hands and heads are being chopped in public, while Saudi Princes using private jets to traffic in Drugs, Liquor and Prostitutes! While MI-6 arms 'friendly' terrorists: Terror threat is highest I've ever seen, says MI5 chief Andrew Parker dailym.ai/1PV62wq CIA-MI-6 and MOSSAD pretext for destroying countries: Who is the next Arab leader "Killing his own people" after Saddam, Gheddafi and Assad? CIA, MI-6 and MOSSAD Dirty-Work Squads are busy fomenting strifes between the various factions to make Arabs/Muslims fighting each other. Not another Bush Please: GOP debate: Marco Rubio steals the show, while Jeb Bush fades @CNNI cnn.it/1kcNtHI CIA pours fuel while the Whitehouse puts out the fire! Syria conflict: John Kerry seeks end to civil war 'hell' bbc.com/news/world-mid… Would the USraeli-Saudi led alliance tell the world who will replace Al-Assad if he decides on resigning or be forced out of power? Trigger-happy Israeli SS kill with impunity: Palestinian woman injured in Israeli shooting shot by mistake: Tel Aviv ptv.io/20vE No country but Iran can face USraeli plots : Iran ready to counter any malicious US, Israeli moves: Defense minister ptv.io/212T Spot On: Yemeni Houti's Ansarallah "Saudi Arabia is the filthy hand of Israel and the US" The best Defence is a Damaging Offence: Yemeni forces carry out retaliatory attacks on Saudi military positions ptv.io/211a. The USraelis and allies must've understood by now that no force can subdue Arabs in Disarmed Iraq, Impoverished Yemen, or Besieged Gaza. Oct 30 Spot on: US uses NGO’s, journalists to spy on countries: Pundit ptv.io/210a Oct 30 Obama Special Forces to Syria: Most US Military Fiascos abroad started small. Vietnam was a example where 58000 killed and 250000 wounded. Oct 30 Putin has promised and delivered: Over 1,600 terror targets destroyed in 1 month of Russia's Syria op — RT News rt.com/news/320168-sy… US needs a Syrian-style civil war: How the New World Order “Globalists” Are Dividing Americans shar.es/15Xwnv via @grtvnews ---------------------- In addition to G.W. Bush: Several US presidents were mentally ill: Documents ptv.io/2152 Ayatollah Khameini: "Fragmenting Iraq into Kurdish, Sunni and Shiat parts is meaningless, will harm the people and Netanyahu is unhappy to know that Arabs don't buy Israeli products. But would any Jew buy Leather Gloves made in Auschwitz? In order to have Peace and Justice: Blair, Straw, G.W. Bush, Rumsfeld, Cheney, Wolwofitz, Yehud Barak and Netanyahu must be put on trial. UK knew the range of US missiles with ISIS: British pilots were warned to stop low flying over Egypt 3 MONTHS ago dailym.ai/1M9cbmZ About time for Iran to act and to stop talking: Iran warns Saudi FM: Don’t test our patience ptv.io/214K Before Finishing Iraq and Afghanistan: America’s Invasion of Syria. Ground Operations have Commenced shar.es/15WTL7 via @grtvnews US Special Forces deployed as ‘human shields’ to salvage terror assets in Syria — RT Op-Edge rt.com/op-edge/320356… Stupid Iraqis: One million march to the tomb of Hussein but not on the Green Zone housing those who destroyed Iraq and those who robbed it. Spot On: Leader says US major part of regional problems, not solution ptv.io/213x

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