RT News

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Laal Masjid Molvi Aziz Threatening MQM Chief Mr. Altaf Hussain

Laal Masjid Molvi Aziz Threatening MQM Chief Mr... by syed-ali13 Laal Masjid Molvi Aziz Threatening MQM Chief Mr. Altaf Hussain BREAKING: Saudi ministry says clashes in Awamiya killed four 'terrorists,' one of them involved in killing a soldier few days earlier The Iraqi Army are now in full control of Fallujah's entrances & exits, tightening the siege. Iraqi AF is stepping up airstrikes. #Iraq; Reports that heavy clashes are currently taking place in central Baiji between ISF & #ISIS. A dozen militants already reported dead. Pics of Haji Hadi al-Amiri as he toured Dhulu'iya. An offensive will soon be launched in southern Salahudin. Reports emerging of Golden Division (Iraqi Special Operations Forces) reaching the outskirts of Tal Afar. Some suggest the airport. Tal Afar city is in IS hands. Only AB was repeatedly attacked & captured by ISF ( still not confirmed) Kurds and other citizens of Erbil are celebrating the liberation of #Sinjar /Shingal.Biji Peshmerga 💖✌✌

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