RT News

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Anbar overwhelmed by insurgent attacks

Hawrami draws ‘red line’ for Baghdad oil talks Hawrami draws ‘red line’ for Baghdad oil talks Oil tanks at Turkey's Mediterranean port of Ceyhan, which is run by state-owned Petroleum Pipeline Corporation (BOTAS), where oil exports from the Iraqi central government and, separately, from the KRG, are sent. (UMIT BEKTAS/Reuters) By Ben Lando and Patrick Osgood of Iraq Oil Report Published Thursday, December 18th, 2014 Leaders from Iraq's autonomous Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) are drawing red lines on oil policy that could put pressure on a fragile rapprochement with Baghdad. Kurdish Minister of Natural Resources Ashti Hawrami insisted Wednesday that the KRG will continue to export oil independently, and reasserted the KRG's determination to control two major oil assets it seized in July, which were previously part of Baghdad's oil portfolio. "Our export is our right. If that is the reason for di... Anbar overwhelmed by insurgent attacks Anbar overwhelmed by insurgent attacks Tribal fighters battle militants from the so-called Islamic State group in the town of Amriyat al-Fallujah in Anbar province on Nov. 5, 2014. (STRINGER/Reuters) By Jamal Naji and Ben Van Heuvelen of Iraq Oil Report Published Thursday, December 18th, 2014 Insurgents led by the so-called Islamic State (IS) group are gaining ground in a multi-pronged offensive in Anbar province, undeterred by Iraqi and U.S.-led coalition air strikes that local officials said have been insufficient.Tribal leaders fear an upcoming assault could wrest control of areas still held by local pro-government forces. Gazi al-Jigaifi, a leader of the Jigaifi tribe in Haditha, said there are reports of thousands of fighters and heavy weaponry massed in Rawa and at the Albu

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