RT News

Monday, June 17, 2013


Author RJCDC View Profile Add to favourites Ignore Date posted Sunday 23:24 Subject Thoughts.. Opinion Strong BUY Votes for this Posting Voted 18 times. Message Funny how quiet the board is now a days, or rather its funny how quiet it is with real good quality posts. I took a look back to a year or so ago and it just seemed there was genuine excitement around, matched only by the dismay as the share price jolted back into the channel from 450 ish. I remember the posts that would yield 200 ticks based on genius analysis and an equal number of ticks for those that claimed they knew something. For every BBBS there was a Spencer Freeman, it was great fun, it was horrible. A year or so down the line and GKP should have matured to a state where we no longer sit nervously peering at our screens waiting to be thrown a morsel of positive news. We should be admiring our portfolio with pride knowing that Excalibur have been hung drawn and quartered, oil spewing out filling tanks quicker than they can be emptied, and oil and gas law sorted, or if not an out for oil through turkey, AB sold, BIRs known about with back payments in the bank, self funding and nestled somewhere in the lower regions of the ftse 100. But no... We are like pigs in the trough waiting for scraps to be thrown, rolling around in this muddy quagmire that yields no truffles, looking for the escape while watching our backs. I always knew GKP was moderate risk but with favourable odds with a good wind. Unfortunately we've not had that, it's felt more like an endless barrage against a force 10 headwind, where the 'story' seems to make progress on one tack, only to lose ground on the next. But it doesn't have to be like this forever. I strongly believe we just need one break, one clear run and then GKP should at least be away into the £2s again where it sits more comfortably - with a market cap that keeps predators away and SP that allows for a good premium to be paid without looking daft. I also think the £2+ area is where the PIs start to feel relaxed too... The tone of the last few RNSs and snippets gleaned from recent presentations have appeared less bullish than those last year. firstly, The frequency is suspiciously pathetic and when you have you Ceo transfer all his shares with no explanation, wooly news about NEDs and one of your main men not blowing the gkp trumpet like they used to, then you can easily get down about it all and wallow in the pen. I strongly believe GKP have their hands tied with many ropes but I also think that those ropes are loosening slowly. We say it all the time but the next few weeks are critical in terms of company performance, perception and potential. Performance will come from the finals on Thursday. They have to show that they have moved forward from this time last year. The Pi is hot on their shoulder right now and any fobbing off will not go down at all well. Production facilities, revenue, spudding and testing and finances..Keep it clear and concise. be honest. Perception will be measured at the investor day. They need both small Pis and IIs to fall back in love with their company and the last thing they want is a repeat of last years agm. Keep it friendly, open up the second room, answer the questions and stream the agm. And don't strut like a big old nasty peacock. Potential. They need clean title more than anything else. The heritage TLW case has made me more confident that the wempens are chancers and that JC will filter out the noise and rule in favour of GKP. They also need to book reserves and raise the OIP some more, just to make the field stand out even more... And route to market needs reinforcing... Maliki needs the support of the KRG and Exxon and Chevron have hung around in Krudeistan and so The access to market will come and if the talk of pipelines being complete soon then this may not be far away. And so, basically, all it comes down to is that! A few things that require a change in the wind to move forward in earnest and see the action really hot up again and push the sp to new heights. Its been too subdued and too controlled, almost falsely it seems, for a year now. Too manipulated to the point where It feels like gulf is being told when to eat, drink and s.h.i,t Surely Tk is also tired of feeling like a trapped pig now and Would like to graze a green field or two instead? Hopefully, that change will come this week, certainly my barometer is pointing the right way... Especially Thursday. It's my 40th birthday then and I could do with cheering up. Now then, back to wallowing. News tomorrow? GLA

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