SPE Petroleum Resources Management System
Guide for Non-Technical Users
This guide is to help non-technical users understand how the petroleum industry assesses and quantifies
the major driver of value for exploration and production companies – oil and natural gas reserves and
resources. Clear terms and definitions that result in reliable and easily comparable reserves estimations
are essential for investors, regulators, governments and consumers not only in assessing a petroleum
company’s current and future value, but in determining the outlook for the world’s energy supply.
Completed in 2007, the PRMS provides updated definitions and the related classification system for
petroleum reserves and resources that reflect advances in technology, the international expansion and the
increasing role of unconventional resources in the industry. These updated definitions establish a
universal language which can be used for estimating and classifying quantities of oil and gas discovered
in a reservoir.
SPE’s Role in Developing the PRMS
For decades, the SPE has been a leader in developing the technical definitions that have become the
industry standard for evaluating petroleum reserves and resources. The SPE historically draws together
the scientific and engineering expertise of the global oil industry in this effort. The PRMS is the result of
more than two years of collaboration by the SPE, the World Petroleum Council (WPC), the American
Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) and the Society of Petroleum Evaluation Engineers (SPEE),
with considerable input from the industry at large. The new system builds on the previous set of
definitions and incorporates best practices identified in other international petroleum and mineral
classification systems. These technical definitions are offered for any company, agency, country or other
stakeholder to use.
Fundamentals of the PRMS
Oil and gas reserves and resources are defined as volumes that will be commercially recovered in the
future. Unlike the inventory of a manufacturing company, reserves are physically located in reservoirs
deep underground and cannot be visually inspected or counted, but rather are estimates based on the
evaluation of data that provides evidence of the amount of oil and gas present. There is no definitive
answer until the end of a reservoir's producing life. All reserve estimates involve some degree of
uncertainty. The estimation of reserves volumes is generally performed by highly-skilled individuals who
use their experience and professional judgment in the calculation of those volumes.
To take into account this uncertainty, the PRMS incorporates a central framework that categorizes
reserves and resources according to the level of certainty associated with their recoverable volumes
(horizontal axis in the figure below), and classifies them according to the potential for reaching
commercial producing status (vertical axis).
Sub-commercial Commercial
chance of
Categorize based primarily on technical uncertainty
of sales quantities associated with a project
Classify by
Chance of
Commerciality (Risk)
of project applied
chance of
When applying PRMS, technical specialists must determine a specific project that will be used to recover
the reserves and resources and determine the chance that it will be commercially successful, then must
estimate the volume expected to be recovered from the “project.” It is important to remember when
applying the PRMS that, as shown above, reserves are a subset of resources.
Differences in Classes (Vertical Axis)
The four major recoverable resources classes defined by the PRMS are production, reserves, contingent
resources, and prospective resources. There is also a distinct class for unrecoverable petroleum. These
classes are shown on the vertical axis of the PRMS framework.
Production is the quantity of oil and natural gas that has been recovered already (by a specified date).
This is primarily output from operations that has already been produced for use by consumers.
Reserves represent that part of resources which are commercially recoverable and have been justified for
development, while contingent and prospective resources are less certain because some significant
commercial or technical hurdle must be overcome prior to there being confidence in the eventual
production of the volumes.
Contingent resources are less certain than reserves. These are resources that are potentially recoverable
but not yet considered mature enough for commercial development due to technological or business
hurdles. For contingent resources to move into the reserves category, the key conditions, or contingencies,
that prevented commercial development must be clarified and removed. As an example, all required
internal and external approvals should be in place or determined to be forthcoming, including
environmental and governmental approvals. There also must be evidence of firm intention by a
company’s management to proceed with development within a reasonable time frame (typically 5 years,
though it could be longer).
Prospective resources are estimated volumes associated with undiscovered accumulations. These
represent quantities of petroleum which are estimated, as of a given date, to be potentially recoverable
from oil and gas deposits identified on the basis of indirect evidence but which have not yet been drilled.
This class represents a higher risk than contingent resources since the risk of discovery is also added. For
prospective resources to become classified as contingent resources, hydrocarbons must be discovered, the
accumulations must be further evaluated and an estimate of quantities that would be recoverable under
appropriate development projects prepared.
Some petroleum will be classified as “unrecoverable” at this point in time, not being producible by any
projects that the company may plan or foresee. While a portion of these quantities may become
recoverable in the future as commercial circumstances change or technological developments occur, some
of the remaining portion may never be recovered due to physical or chemical constraints in the reservoir.
The volumes classified using the system represent the analysis of the day, and should be regularly
reviewed and updated, as necessary, to reflect changing conditions.
A project may have recoverable quantities in several resource classes simultaneously. As barriers to
development are removed, some resources may move to a higher classification. One of the primary
distinctions between resources and reserves is that while resources are technically recoverable, they may
not be commercially viable. Reserves are always commercially viable and there is intent development
Differences in Categories (Horizontal Axis)
Within any resource class other than production, volumes are placed into different categories based on
their certainty of eventually coming out of the ground. Decisions to upgrade volumes to any category
within a class are generally based on the technical certainty of recovering the volumes. In this discussion,
the focus is on the reserve class, as these volumes are commonly the focus of public discussions of oil and
gas company producing assets.
The highest valued category of reserves is “proved” reserves. Proved reserves have a “reasonable
certainty” of being recovered, which means a high degree of confidence that the volumes will be
recovered. To be clear, reserves must have all commercial aspects addressed. It is technical issues which
separate proved from unproved categories.
“Probable” or “possible” reserves are lower categories of reserves, commonly combined and referred to
as “unproved reserves,” with decreasing levels of technical certainty. Probable reserves are volumes that
are defined as “less likely to be recovered than proved, but more certain to be recovered than Possible
Reserves”. Possible reserves are reserves which analysis of geological and engineering data suggests are
less likely to be recoverable than probable reserves.
The term 1P is frequently used to denote proved reserves, 2P is the sum of proved and probable reserves
and 3P the sum of proved, probable and possible reserves. The best estimate of recovery from committed
projects is generally considered to be the 2P sum of proved and probable reserves. Note that these
volumes only refer to projects that are currently justified for or already in development. Total value of
any resource base must include an assessment of the contingent and prospective resources as well as
In order for volumes to move from one category to the next, the technical issues which cause them to be
placed in less certain categories must be resolved. In the majority of cases, this requires that additional
data must be obtained before any greater certainty can be recognized. This may include, among other
things, the drilling of additional wells, the monitoring of current production to better understand
performance or the implementation of a pilot to have greater confidence in the volumes that full scale
development projects may eventually produce.
The PRMS is designed to provide a framework for the classification of oil and gas volumes which a
company may have associated with its portfolio of assets. It is not specific to any particular geographic
location and can be applied to both conventional and unconventional reserves and resources anywhere in
the world, in any fiscal regime.
When summarizing these volumes, some key points must be kept in mind:
1) All oil and gas reserve and resource volumes are not the same, and should generally not be added
together without taking into consideration the risk and uncertainty associated with each volume. Some
volumes are clearly less certain and more risky than others. Whether the focus is only on reserves, or
on the resource base as a whole (remember, reserves are a subset of resources!), expressing these
volumes as one number may be misleading.
2) Risk and uncertainty are key but significantly different concepts. Risk is primarily associated with the
classification of volumes and is a measure of the certainty of a project progressing to production.
Uncertainty is the driver for categorization and is a measure of the technical factors impacting the
volumes ultimate producibility.
3) The PRMS was developed as a collaborative system, designed to support a wide group of
stakeholders. Throughout the early drafting stages, advice and input was sought not only from the
petroleum industry, but from the financial, accounting, governmental sectors, in addition to the mining
The PRMS is available on the SPE website at
It is highly recommended that users visit the website to gain a deeper understanding of the terms and
definitions, learn more about the system and its application, and other aspects of reserves and resources
RT News
Tuesday, July 05, 2011
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