RT News

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Japan must re-start its Kamikaze attacks

The Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama has resigned after failing to close the American Military Base in Okinawa. The Americans have been occupying bases in countries like Germany and Japan since the end of WWII. While there, the Americans are exempted from abiding by local laws and their violations and crimes are either ignored or swept under the rug. The people of Okinawa have repeatedly demonstrated in vain against the US Marines kidnappings and rapes of Japanese girls. They have voted for Mr Hatoyama when he promised them to ask the Americans to leave the base. But that is not to be the case and Hatoyama had to go while the US Marines remain in Okinawa. Taking into consideration that Japan is the second economic superpower and the bigget trading partner of the US.The Japanese need no lessons from the Iraqis in order to liberate their country as they have invented the Kamikaze.

In Iraq, G.W. Bush and John McCain repeatedly announced that the US will remain in Iraq as long as they have stayed in Japan and Germany. But the mighty Iraqi resistance made them rethink their strategies as it became too costly to remain in the country. After failing to make the Americans leave peacefully, the Japanese have the right to use all means to liberate their country. Few Kamikaze attacks on the US forces in Japan will do wonders.

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