RT News

Friday, May 14, 2010

SQA Services

<br /> <br /> STEPQ: Dashboard <br /> <br />

<br /> <br />

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Availability Calendar


Use this calendar to keep SQA in the loop of your availability. This will help expedite our scheduling efforts.

<May 2010>

Click on the days you are not available to work.


  • – Assigned Event

  • – Unavailable

  • – Event Cancelled or On Hold

This is simply an indicator that you were assigned to an event, we will call to verify availability.

Program activities for the current month
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Event #
Event Type / Subtype
ClientSupplier (Location)
Target Date&Time▲


No records found

T&E Reports: in "Draft" Status *

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Event # Client Supplier Week Actions

No records

*  Timesheets must be submitted by Sunday 11:59 PM PST for the current work period. Timesheets submitted after the deadline may result in late payment.

Recommended Software Requirements

Although STEPQ is web based, there are special plug-ins we recommend that allow users to take advantage of STEPQ enhanced features such as integrated charts and multi-file uploads.

Baseline Requirements - Will allow you to operate within STEPQ without its enhanced features

  • Resolution: 1024 x 768
  • Browsers: Internet Explorer 6+ or Firefox 3+

Optimal Requirements - Will allow you to operate within STEPQ with all its enhanced features

  • Resolution: 1280x768

  • Browsers: Internet Explorer 7+, Firefox 3+, Safari 4+

  • Browser Plugin: Adobe Flash Player

    • The flash plugin will allow you to view interactive charts and leverage the multi-file upload feature

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