RT News

Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Americans undermined Europe

Irony: UK Conservative govt. led by a Jew!

It was a complete disappointment for David Cameron not to win an out right majority and had to make a coalition with the Liberal Democrats. This has limited his options for supporting a second March to Israeli drums, this time on Tehran, since Nick Clegg was and is vehemently against the Jewish war on Iraq. Cameron is a descendant of Jewish German immigrants.

Last July, Yaakov Wise of Manchester University’s Centre for Jewish Studies traced Mr Cameron’s family tree to 16th-century Jewish Elijah Levit. David Cameron is a strong supporter of Israeli policies. While a leader of the opposition he allowed the British Jewish Lobby to finance the campaigns of most of his shadow cabinet including George Osborne, William Haig, Jewish George Younger, Ian Duncan Smith, Jewish Oliver Letwin, Liam Fox, Michael Gove…etc.

Similar to American AIPAC, the Jews in Britain have the Board of Deputies of British Jews which receives huge sums of money from Russian Jewish Oligarchs, British Banks and American Jews. Ironically Labour Lord, Jewish homosexual Peter Mandelson worked as the link between the Russian Oligarchs and Cameron’s Shadow cabinet. As for the labour Party, Gordon Brown was the head of the Committee of Friends of Israel, while his cabinet contained Jews like Jack Straw, David and Ed Milliband and Peter Mandelson.

Historically Jews stood for liberal causes while conservative parties supported extreme right wing groups including fascists and racists. In Europe David Miliband allied himself with right wing extremists from Poland, Lituania, Germany and Lativia. It seems that the Jews can easily work with fascist organisations as long as it suits them. As an example, Israel had trained and armed the Fascist Lebanese Phalange, South African Terra Blanch and South American death squads.
Adnan Darwash, Iraq Occupation Times
Note: Conservative PM: Margaret Thatcher had five Jewish Cabinet Ministers while Scotland got four. That is at the time when Scotland had 8 million inhabitants while no more than 220,000 lived in the UK.


It was not a secret that the Americans were unhappy with Europe forming a huge market, a solid economic block and a strong currency that overshadowed the mighty US$. Furthermore, most Europeans were reluctant to join the Americans in their Jewish wars on Islam in their so-called war on terror and some like Schroeder of Germany, Jack Chirac of France and Romano Prodi of Italy didn’t buy G.W. Bush and Tony Blair deception and lies. Schroeder, Prodi and Chirac had to be replaced with pro-American agents like Merkel, Jewish Sarkozy and Mafia boss, Berlusconi.

When the ground was prepared, the second attack on Europe came by dumping the former communist countries on West Europe. East Germany (DDR) almost bankrupted the mighty Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Without exception, un-employment soared in all EU countries as a result of cheap East European workers, who enter the West without restrictions, putting pressure on the social, medial and educational services. Cheap Bulgarian trucking started to fill motorways while Polish and Ukrainian prostitutes and crime syndicates started to flourish in cities from Hamburg to Madrid. And finally Jewish-led Lehman Brothers, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and City Bank had fleeced European investors and banking institutions: like the British Northern Rock, IKB in Germany and UBS of Switzerland. The Greek disaster can be easily blamed on Goldman Sachs cooking the books.

The Americans are very happy now with the US$ is back on demand and that it may reach parity with the Euro soon. Furthermore, bankrupt governments can be easily manipulated and exploited.

But the above has a very negative long-term effect. The revolution in the Ukraine had faltered and the pro-Russian candidate had won the election defeating CIA agents. The worst is yet to come. Greece may bring charges against Goldman Sachs, while other Europeans may chase the Jewish financial fraudsters to the courts.

According to th eguardian.co.uk of 24.05.10, Shimon Peres offered to sell the apartheid regime of South Africa in 1975 a number of nuclear warheads.At the time, Shimon Peres was Israel Minister of Defence. Naturaly, the Americans were informed.This shows the stupidity of successive Americans Presidents including Obama in trying to divert attention away from Israel massive nuclear arsenal to Saddam, North Korea or to Iran uranium enrichment program.

Adnan Darwash, Iraq Occupation Times

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