RT News

Saturday, April 10, 2010

US 'allies' defy Obama!

The Americans have been spending $billions but cashing hatred and defiance. After spending over $300 billion during sixty years on Israel, Netanyahu-Lieberman are in open defiance of US attempts to start the Middle East peace negotiations by refusing to stop building settlements in occupied territories as demanded by Obama. In Iraq, the US spent close to $800 billion and lost 4500 dead and 45000 wounded, US Iraqi allies are negotiating with Iran on forming the new government.

To add insult to injury, P.M. Mr Nouri Al-Maliki, threatened to use force against US-Saudi favourite, Dr Allawi, if he dared to assume the office of the prime minister after coming first in March 7 election. And last but not least, Hameed Kharzai, whom the Americans have installed as President of occupied Afghanistan, has threatened to join the Taliban in fighting America and its allies. Many believe that US short-term policies coupled with chronic double standards and selective morality is undermining anything the only remaining superpower wants to do in the Arab and Muslim worlds. Bribing Russia and enticing China into accepting sanctions on Iran but not on Israel for its massive Nuclear Arsenal is a desperate attempt by Obama to appease the powerful Jewish lobby which is currently very angry with US policies toward Israel.

Adnan Darwash, Iraq Occupation Times

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