RT News

Sunday, March 07, 2010

AFGHANISTAN Zare Water Resources Map Sheet 4

07 Dec 2009
Source: Respond

The mapping was aimed at providing baseline maps in support of People in Need (PIN) operations to provide rural households and communities with improved access to safe drinking water in Zare district, Afghanistan. Archive aerial orthophotos acquired between June and August 2006 by NRL and KOMPSAT-2 1m pan-sharpened imagery acquired on 17th May 2007 were used as a backdrop of the main map and the zoom windows. The maps display up to date information on water resources types, population in villages of interest, hydrology and infrastructure as detected from the imagery or derived from ancillary data sources.

Country: Afghanistan
Link to high-Res: File size: 15.94 MB
Link to mid-Res: File size: 1.658 MB
Other map information: Size: A1 (594 * 841 mm)
Scale: 1:9,000
Source: GISAT
Date of image: 2006-06-21
Main data source: KOMPSAT-2
Co-ordinate System: WGS84 Geographic
Top left (X-value): 66.6603
Top left (Y-value): 35.7002
Bottom Right (X-value): 66.7106
Bottom Right (Y-value): 35.7449
Centre Longitude: 35.7225
Centre latitude: 66.6855
KML: Link to KML file

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