RT News

Friday, February 12, 2010

On Feb11th was the 31st anniversary of the great Islamic Revolution in Iran. For 31 years Iran has been castigated by the US and its allies because it had toppled the USraeli agent, the Shah and it defended its national interests. Furthermore, the West encouraged and supported Saddam’s 1980-1988 war on the Islamic republic. Under moderate President Khatemi, Iran was considered by the US as part of the AXIS of evil that should be destroyed. That is at the time when Iran had no Uranium Enrichment program.

Right now, Iran is a regional power that refuses to be pushed around or intimidated. To the credit of Ahmedinejad, Iran has forged a strong alliance with Caspian Sea countries, Turkey and Syria. And because of Islamic solidarity, Iran supports all Muslims fighting the USraeli aggression in Palestine, Yemen, Lebanon, Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. While the Jews are making a mockery out of President Obama, Ahmedinejd in his speech today 11.02.10 can be summarised as Up yours Shlomos, we are a nuclear state. Earlier, Ahmedinejad warned Syria, Lebanon and Gaza that the Israelis are about to attack them and that they should prepare to hit them hard and to inflict heavy damage on Israel. Watching the prostrated and hapless Arab leaderships, one can’t help but to praise Ahmedinejd and to congratulate the Iranians on the 31st anniversary of their revolution.
But what can one do?
The world's real trouble arises from Jewish-controlled America and nothing else. You must have learned by now that the Americans have marched on Baghdad to Israeli drums. Thousands of Americans got killed or wounded, $billion spent but for what? Iraq was on its knees and constituted no threat to anyone. Leaving Israel to intimidate others, to violate UN resolutions, to kill with impumity and to develop and stockpile all types of WMD is totally illogical and unacceptable. Diverting attention to Iraq or to Iran WMD and forgetting those of Israel is an insult to people intelligence.
There will be no peace until Israel is made to abide by international laws. Hundreds will take the place of Bin Laden, Nassuruallah, Hania Saddam or Ahmedinejad until Israel stops its Nazi-style atrocities against Palestinians.

Prove the opposite if you can!
I can easily prove my statement and it is time for you to prove that I am wrong. I am sorry to say that writing it is a fallacy isn't enough.

A good question requies a detailed reply!

Before and for a long period following the creation of Israel, Arabs were under the British or the French control. Gradually Arabs got a semi-independence with their own civilian governments and armies. During this time, thousands of Palestinains (Muslims and Christians) came asking for help after the Israeli gangs started to kill them and drive them out of their villages (Check Deir Yassin Massacre). Because of oil and other strategic importance the Americans wanted a foot hold in the M.E. and started to sponsor military takeovers similar to those successfully installed in Latin America. The first coup was in Syria 1949 and the second was in Egypt 1952 (Read Games of Nation by Miles Copeland). Ironically these pro-American military dictatrors promised to liberate Plaestine and to destroy Israel. So Arab resources were diverted away from investment in the infrastructure and people to huge military budgets. As if is this was not enough, the cold war made the Americans support the mosque (religious fundamentalists and rituals) in order to fight the communists, leftists and intellectuals. If you take a careful look at the above you see that Israel and the America are the main reason for impeding our human and material development. Don't forget that the Americans have marched to destroy moderately-developed Iraq to Israeli drums.
At this moment, many Muslims like the Iranians and the Turks started to embrace the Palestinian issue. The war isn't between Islam and the West. It is between the Zionist-controlled America and the Arab and Muslim countries that refuse to accept Israel Nazi-style atrocities. I never consider myself as a fundamentalist but vehemently reject USraeli hegemony. By the way, why the Americans don't interfer to introduce changes in Saudi Arabia if they were against Muslim practices?
In Summary: We would have developed, in our own way, if the foreign interference hadn't impeded our attempts to catch up with the developed world.

Easy to manipulate Western democracies!

The American Jewish lobby is very strong, have been controlling the Whitehouse, the Pantagon and the foreign ministry and had extendsed its influence to manipulate European politics.
President Clinton had a Jewish cabinet :
Madeline Albright, William Cohen, Sandy Berger, Robert Reich, Robert Reubens.
British Margaret Thatcher had a Jewish cabinet: Nigel Lawson, Malcolm Rifkin, Leon Britton, George Younger and Keith Joseph.
Right now in Europe: President Sarkozy is Jewish so is his foreign minister.
British David Milliband, Ed Milliband and Jack Straw are Jewish members of Gordon Brown Government.
It is easy to manipulate Western democracies with money! Politicians became pimps and prostitutes offering their services to those who pay.
The Whitehouse is currently infested with Jews.

Adnan Darwash, Iraq Occupation Times

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