On 03.08.09, the election of Ahmedinejad for a second term was confirmed by Ayatollah Khameni. That is despite the desperate attempt by the West to undermine his clear victory in June 12th election through inciting chaos in the streets of Tehran and other major cities. But Ahmedinejad faced the Western media and their agents with courage, honesty and strict adherence to Islamic moral values without the need for Michael Jackson’s doctors or their drugs. To the contrary, immoral Silvio Berlusconi, came under pressure for inviting prostitutes into his official residence who is currently on a holiday accompanied by a team of doctors to relief his anxiety and depression. Unlike Moral Ahmedinejd, immoral and mafia-associated Berlusconi is strongly supported by America and its Western allies. These two cases expose clearly the nadir of Western civilisation decadence. It is no wonder that a modestly-dressed Muslim girl is prohibited from frequenting many European schools while a scantily-dressed classmate will be allowed in despite showing her underwear and bras. For the second time, I send my warm congratulations to Ahmedinejad for defying the morally- and politically-bankrupt America and its Western allies.
The Christian Democrats ruled Italy with the Vatican blessings for close to 50 years. Politics in Italy is completely polarized. On one side stands the the Vatican, the Mafia, the Fascists and forces of the right (e.g. Lega Nord). On the other side is the left off centre parties which include Itlay intellectuals and educated people. Once in a while, the left wins but their governments never last for more than one year. While Berlusconi can easily complete his term in office. At one time, the Vatican issued an edict threatening all those who vote for the leftist parties with ex-communication from the church. The CIA plays a significant role during the election too. During the cold war it asked King Fahad of Saudi Arabia to donate $millions in order to defeat the communists. After one of the elections which was won by Berlusconi a graffiti near the US embassy in Rome Via Veneto saying "Auguri CIA" or congratulation CIA.
The Israelis and the American Neo-cons promoted the idea of a new Middle East map favouring Israel; into which most Arab countries will fragmented. They will try this plan in Iraq, Sudan and probably in Iran. But there is a very strong religious-national feeling which will prevent such re-drawing of the Middle East map. Because of the US-supported Israeli Nazi atrocities, it is much more probable to see US interests blown up along with Tel Aviv. One must rememeber that Hezbullah was able to stop the Israelis from reaching the Litani River despite all the support from America, Britain, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Jordan.
Israel has exposed its Nazi-style ethnic cleansing in Jeeusalem by evicting Arabs from their own homes and replacing them with settlers. Slowly but surely, the world will realise the Jewish conspiracy by controlling the world through controlling America. The Jews have led the West into fighting Jewish wars against Arabs and Muslims.
After Iraq, no-one is afraid of the USraelis, their allies or criminal mercenaries. The Iraqi-type IED's, suicide attacks and car bombs started to find their US targets in Kandahar, Kabul, Herat, Jalalabad and in Helmand province. The Americans are bleeding as manifested by the death of six US soldiers this past week end (August 1st and 2nd 2009). The American and the British generals on the grounds in Afghanistan are calling for more help. If the Americans can't defeat the Taliban with their primitive weapons and bleed heavily by disarmed Iraq, then what are you bragging about. We will be all here to witness whether American tanks will occupy Mecca or that the US interest in the Middle East will go up in flames along with Tel Aviv.
Nothing really new. Most Americans didn't know where Iraq was before the war of March 2003. The Iraqis have succeeded in teaching the Americans Iraq geography with blood. The names of Iraqi cities where American were killed or maimed are known in all US states.
Iraq has more per capita university graduates and people with PhD degrees than America. That is why it is difficult for the Americans to fool them. Their client regime is besieged in side the Green Zone and Al-Maliki will be severly punished if he happens to remain in Iraq beyond 2011. Mark my words.
Adnan Darwash, Iraq Occupation Times
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