To Obama: Close the Pentagon not GM!
If you study why empires have collapsed in the past you will not be surprised if the current scale of spending on weapons, arms and wars will not cause the fall of the US empire. It was late President Reagan who said about the Soviets, "we will make them go hungry for spending too much on weapons". It is not me who will close down the Pentagon but the hungry and un-employed Americans.
I am sure many red-neck, racist bigots will love to see America collapse and blame it on the nigger president.
The president must be like a manger who works hard to ensure that American human and natural resources are put into meaningful working formula and that the country and its people are safe and prosperous. There is no better time in the history of America where a good manager is needed at the top than right now; when the economic crisis is the worst ever experienced.
Besides the desperate attempts to repair the damage done by the crooks and fraudsters, Obama must seriously re-arrange his budget priorities. As an example, GM that produces 1% of the nation’s GDP may go down with the loss of hundreds of thousands of Jobs.
At the same time, the Pentagon with a 2008 budget of $623 billion is mostly spent on non-productive personnel and war machines.
Furthermore, no-one can check on how the $30 billion allocated to the CIA for 2008 or the $75 billion allocated to NSA is spent; with some staff allowances may exceed those of GM. One may easily agree with a wealthy bank to spend on security and body guards, but not when the bank goes bust.
America is on the verge of Bankruptcy and can’t afford old-style wasting of Taxpayers money on the Pentagon war mongers or on the glamorous 007 agents and sophisticated tools of the spy agencies. After all, they have all failed to detect the 19 Hijackers using US civilian planes to attack NY on 9/11.
The lack of serious budgetary prioritization may leave Obama as the last president of a failed American empire.
Democrats are supposed to be weak on security while the Republicans are known for doubling and trippling the Pentagon Budget. Part of the $623 billion pentagon budget will go for lobbyists and for former Pentagon officials who supervised wepaon acquisition. Naturally, politicians will also get a share from the weapon industry through contributions. But the question is where will the money come from? In the recent past America went through crises and came up swinging. But time has changed and the challenges are far bigger than anyone can handle. I may be a pessimist, but America as we know it today, may not survive another generation.
This kind of rhetoric is outdated now. America is begging for help in Afghanistan and borrows from China! Don't forget that Americans are still dying in Iraq.
America is like a beggar with a dagger!
America has military presence in 135 countries. It is currently fighting two wars and subsidising Israeli wars on Palestinians. America reminds me of the last days of the Ottoman empire, where everything for the Gendarmes but nothing for the people.
In 1989, the mighty USSR became history. The Russians decided on withdrawing their 160,000 soldiers from Afghanistan after their defeat at the hands of CIA-supported Muslim Mujahideen led by Mullah Omar and Bin Laden. At the time the Soviet Union had close to 2,000,000 soldiers, 220 mechanised divisions, 30,000 tanks 2500 combat aircrafts, 6000 warheads and hundreds of warships and submarines.
Similarily, the strong Pentagon will not prevent the collapse of bankrupt America.
Obama: A mute singer to deaf Wall Street Jews!
Eloquent Obama has been explaining his stimulus package to cheering audiences in many states across the land. But at Wall Street he looks like a mute singer to a deaf audience. Because the more he talks about saving the banks, the real estate market and the car industry the lower the Dow Index, NASDAQ and S&P 500 fall.
Naturally, the Jews controlling the US financial markets don’t like anyone, let alone the government, to check on what they are doing or to regulate their bonuses. If Obama continues his current push to acquire equities and to control Banks he may end up investigating the big Jewish bank robbers and recover the loot, hidden mostly in Israel and in Switzerland.
To the hard luck of the Jewish financial Dracula (s) UBS has accepted to release the names of US citizens hiding cash in the Swiss bank branches throughout the world. Currently, there is an undeclared race between the Jewish bank robbers and the federal police. Many give Obama a little chance of winning as Jewish money wields a strong political clout in Washington D.C.
Kuwait, Dubai. UAE have higher per capita income than the US. Don't forget that 50 million Americans are without a health insurance; while no Israeli is without one. That is in a Jewish rogue state that survives on American donations.
There is a strong troika made up of the arm industry, the Jewish Lobby and US politicians. This was made very clear before the Iraq war when representatives of Lockheed-Martin, the Pentagon and the Jewish Lobby prepared the ground for the American march on Baghdad to Israeli drums. Many Jewish-oriented corporations benfited from the war and continue until today 21.02.09 to carry out works here in Iraq. But the current American economic meltdown, mostly blamed on the Jewish financial mafia started to weaken the links of this Kosher-dominated Traingle. Bankrupt America will open up the old and the not-so-old files.
Thanks to the unscrupulous practices of the Jewish financial mafia, America is on the verge of bankruptcy. Most banks, hotels, airlines, car industry and even restaurants my go bust making millions of workers un-employed. Americans must wake up and catch the bank robbers if they happen to be mostly Jews. If America goes bankrupt, there will be less wars and killings throughout the world. In this regard, one must thanks the Jewish financial mafia for bankrupting America.
It will not take long before Israel is forced to devalue its currency. The Jews who have bankrupted America can't send fat tax-deductable donations to Israel at least not for the coming year. If the present US economic crisis continues, most Jews will leave Israel.
All Americans must put the interests of America before those of Israel, especially after what the Jewish financial mafia has done to America.
Adnan Darwash, Iraq Occupation Times
Russian Scholar Says U.S. Will Collapse Next Year
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
MOSCOW — If you're inclined to believe Igor Panarin, and the Kremlin wouldn't mind if you did, then President Barack Obama will order martial law this year, the U.S. will split into six rump-states before 2011, and Russia and China will become the backbones of a new world order.
Panarin might be easy to ignore but for the fact that he is a dean at the Foreign Ministry's school for future diplomats and a regular on Russia's state-guided TV channels. And his predictions fit into the anti-American story line of the Kremlin leadership.
"There is a high probability that the collapse of the United States will occur by 2010,"Panarin told dozens of students, professors and diplomats Tuesday at the Diplomatic Academy — a lecture the ministry pointedly invited The Associated Press and other foreign media to attend.
The prediction from Panarin, a former spokesman for Russia's Federal Space Agency and reportedly an ex-KGB analyst, meshes with the negative view of the U.S. that has been flowing from the Kremlin in recent years, in particular from Vladimir Putin.
Putin, the former president who is now prime minister, has likened the United States to Nazi Germany's Third Reich and blames Washington for the global financial crisis that has pounded the Russian economy.
Panarin didn't give many specifics on what underlies his analysis, mostly citing newspapers, magazines and other open sources.
He also noted he had been predicting the demise of the world's wealthiest country for more than a decade now.
But he said the recent economic turmoil in the U.S. and other "social and cultural phenomena" led him to nail down a specific timeframe for "The End" — when the United States will break up into six autonomous regions and Alaska will revert to Russian control.
Panarin argued that Americans are in moral decline, saying their great psychological stress is evident from school shootings, the size of the prison population and the number of gay men.
Turning to economic woes, he cited the slide in major stock indexes, the decline in U.S. gross domestic product and Washington's bailout of banking giant Citigroup as evidence that American dominance of global markets has collapsed.
"I was there recently and things are far from good," he said.
"What's happened is the collapse of the American dream."
Panarin insisted he didn't wish for a U.S. collapse, but he predicted Russia and China would emerge from the economic turmoil stronger and said the two nations should work together, even to create a new currency to replace the U.S. dollar.
Asked for comment on how the Foreign Ministry views Panarin's theories, a spokesman said all questions had to be submitted in writing and no answers were likely before Wednesday.
It wasn't clear how persuasive the 20-minute lecture was. One instructor asked Panarin whether his predictions more accurately describe Russia, which is undergoing its worst economic crisis in a decade as well as a demographic collapse that has led some scholars to predict the country's demise.
Panarin dismissed that idea: "The collapse of Russia will not occur."
But Alexei Malashenko, a scholar-in-residence at the Carnegie Moscow Center who did not attend the lecture, sided with the skeptical instructor, saying Russia is the country that is on the verge of disintegration.
"I can't imagine at all how the United States could ever fall apart,"Malashenko told the AP.
Ahmadinejad says the age of empires has ended
Updated at: 1745 PST, Tuesday, June 16, 2009
YEKATERINBURG: Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Tuesday said the age of empires had ended and the capitalist system has started to crumble.
"The international capitalist order is retreating," the controversial president told world leaders, including Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and China's Hu Jintao, in the Russian city of Yekaterinburg.
"It is absolutely obvious that the age of empires has ended and its revival will not take place."
A broadly-smiling Ahmadinejad, wearing a dark suit and as usual no tie, earlier shook hands with a beaming Medvedev before the leaders went into the second day of the summit.
Whether Ahmadinejad -- who has a habit of stealing the limelight at such events -- would turn up had become a source of intrigue after he postponed his planned arrival on Monday following unrest in Iran.
Ahmadinejad later held a bilateral meeting with Medvedev, the Kremlin said.
"Iraq is still occupied. There is no order in Afghanistan. The Palestinian problem is unsolved," he said.
"America is overwhelmed by economic and political crises and there is no hope in their decisions.”
"The allies of the United States are also not in a position to wrestle with these problems."
Pointing to the economic crisis, Ahmadinejad said that "drastic changes are an unavoidable necessity in the wake of damage caused by international capitalism"
Russian deputy foreign minister Sergei Ryabkov earlier described the elections as an "internal affair of the Iranian people", in Moscow's first official reaction to the controversy.
The Iranian president was attending the summit in Iran's capacity as an observer to the organisation and Tehran has in the past expressed interest in becoming a fully-fledged member.
The visit to Russia was Ahmadinejad's first foreign trip since his landslide re-election victory over his moderate rival Mir Hossein Mousavi.
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