RT News

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Adelaide City Council to buy and redevelop Le Cornu site in North Adelaide

Jade Gailberger, Paul Purcell, The Advertiser December 20, 2017 11:42am GALLERY: The saga of the former Le Cornu site The $200 million Le Cornu development abandoned Adelaide business icons gone ... but not forgotten THE Le Cornu site in North Adelaide is set to be purchased “significantly below its commercial value” by the City of Adelaide. In the latest development of the long-running Le Cornu saga, the council announced on Wednesday that the O’Connell St property — which has been vacant since 1989 — will be “redeveloped in a timely fashion and in a form appropriate to North Adelaide” once a settlement is reached. Specific development plans have not yet been disclosed but a settlement is expected to be reached in the first quarter of 2018. The council says it cannot reveal the purchase price as it needs to retain “commercial confidentiality” until the transaction is completed. But figures from the property sector based on land value and recent sales show the site is worth between $30-$45 million, without considering its development potential. Lord Mayor Martin Haese said the council was taking control of the site because of its strategic importance to the future of North Adelaide. “Today’s announcement is the first step in the council’s ambition to end the uncertainty over the future of this site that has existed for three decades,” Mr Haese said. “As soon as the contract is finalised, the council will release the purchase price and other financial details publicly.” A $200m plan to rejuvenate the site was abandoned by the current owners, the Makris Group, earlier this year — prompting the council to take matters into its own hands. The Makris Group said it had reached a conditional agreement with the council to sell the site for “significantly below its commercial value”. “Because of a recent opportunity I have made the decision to work collaboratively with the Adelaide Council to utilise the former Le Cornu site for open space and community use and to relieve the extreme parking issues and pressures in North Adelaide.” “As part of the process, the Adelaide City Council expressed its interest in purchasing the site, and while the price paid is below more recent offers to the Makris Group, I am pleased to be in a position to assist the site’s transfer to the community at a price the Council can afford.” Play Mute 0:00 / 1:28 Loaded: 0% Progress: 0% Fullscreen Autoplay Adelaide’s Afternoon Newsbyte - 20/12/2017 0:52 Adelaide’s Lunchtime Newsbyte 20/12/17 0:57 7 News: Violent home invasion in Rostrevor 1:30 7 News: Driver flees multi-car crash on Main South Rd 0:31 Tourism ad pushes the great SA road trip 0:30 Ovingham apartment lights 0:17 Truckie's dash cam reveals near miss near Port Augusta 0:30 Dashcam footage of driver near miss with cops 0:58 Adelaide's Afternoon Newsbyte - 15.12.17 0:56 Spring Gully Foods free from administration 0:18 Paedophile vigilante sting at railway station in Adelaide 1:54 Adelaide’s Afternoon Newsbyte - 14/12/2017 0:46 Adelaide's Afternoon Newsbyte - 13.12.17 0:43 Tonsley train video 2:27 Adelaide’s Lunchtime Newsbyte 13/12/17 0:48 Police surround house after shooting reports Adelaide's north 2:53 7 News: STAR Group officers surround home in Salisbury Park 0:57 Adelaide's Afternoon Newsbyte - 12.12.17 0:51 The first flying racing car to take off in the South Australian desert next year 3:07 7 News: SA ash tornado 0:35 A previous plan for an Adelaide Sheraton hotel on old Le Cornu site Premier Jay Weatherill said the State Government would contribute $10m towards the development of the site. “It will create jobs in construction over the development phase, and once complete it will deliver both a cultural and economic boost to North Adelaide,” Mr Weatherill said. “Through community consultation we will see the site develop in line with what the community wants, after so many years of inactivity.” The North Adelaide community will be consulted “extensively” about formulating detailed plans, the council said. The Adelaide City Council’s purchase of the 7535m2 property adds to its $300m portfolio of commericial and retail real estate — which includes the Central Market Arcade. Daniel Gannon, the SA director of the Property Council of Australian, said the vacant site has defined North Adelaide for too long. “This site has been a beacon of inaction and community disappointment for the best part of 30 years, and business owners and landlords along this precinct have been punished as a result,” Mr Gannon said. “Environments such as O’Connell Street face a unique set of challenges, which is why it’s important to get the future composition of this site right.” “Ultimately that means a mixed-use development comprising retail, hospitality, commercial and residential, which is a no-brainer and the only way to proceed.” The saga of the former Le Cornu site An artist impression of the proposed $200 million redevelopment of the old Le Cornu site in North Adelaide. Picture: Makris Group 1 of 13 An artist impression of the proposed $200 million redevelopment of the old Le Cornu site in North Adelaide. Picture: Makris Group 2 of 13 An artist impression of the proposed $200 million redevelopment of the old Le Cornu site in North Adelaide. Picture: Makris Group 3 of 13 An artist impression of the proposed $200 million redevelopment of the old Le Cornu site in North Adelaide. Picture: Makris Group 4 of 13 An artist impression of the proposed $200 million redevelopment of the old Le Cornu site in North Adelaide. Picture: Makris Group 5 of 13 An artist impression of the proposed $200 million redevelopment of the old Le Cornu site in North Adelaide. Picture: Makris Group 6 of 13 Con Makris at the former Le Cornu after demolition began. 7 of 13 The vacant site at North Adelaide as it stands now. 8 of 13 An earlier artist’s impression of the new building on the site. 9 of 13 Another earlier artist’s impression of a proposed $40 million development at site, in 1989, 10 of 13 Want to see more? ( 3 more photos in collection ) Continue to full gallery The Makris Group in July abandoned plans for the $200m residential, retail and hotel development on the block. –– ADVERTISEMENT –– The group had been granted a one-year extension by the State Government’s Development Assessment Commission in 2016 to refine its design and “streamline construction programming”. However, The Advertiser understands development plans were abandoned in the past three months, ahead of its June 30 deadline. At the time, a spokesman for the Makris Group said it was now working on other plans, but he said he was not sure how advanced they were. “The owner of the 88 O’Connell Street site, Makris Group, is working with consultants to develop a new development plan for its prominent North Adelaide landholding,” he said in a statement. “The group has withdrawn an application to extend its development approval for a previous proposal as it explores a more viable development solution for the site, which is bounded by O’Connell, Archer, Centenary and Tynte Streets, North Adelaide.” Oldest | Top Comments Kasey 33 minutes ago I hear the first suggestion has been already received at the ACC  from an A.Moran: "It should be heritage listed and stay vacant" :D FlagShare LikeReply Rod 33 minutes ago One could think that the Council blocked all attempts so they could purchase it cheap and on sell it, been done plenty of times before by Councils in Australia FlagShare LikeReply BOB 38 minutes ago Makris was never going to build anything , he's been holding of waiting for the price of the land to rise . Those last plans which the ACC approved were a shocker , a 13 storey building resembling a wheat silo under a flight path didn't exactly set the world on fire , his original plans , a more suttle approach were abandoned because of the ACC ! FlagShare LikeReply BOB 48 minutes ago If the ACC is involved in any way with the redevelopment it will be a disaster, their record of stuff ups speaks for it self . I believe something along the lines of the original low rise apartment plans maybe with a central piazza surrounded by boutique type shops and restaurants, but let's keep the council out of the development . Mr X has come back to save SA maybe he's got an idea ! FlagShare LikeReply David 2 hours ago This site has had countless approvals from the council and special projects status from the government. Objections about approval came from commercial property interests. And now rate/tax payers money is being used, which surely cannot be in the public interest. What would have been a strategic partnership between state and local government are laws that require owners of blighted and undeveloped sites to ensure they do not blight all their neighbours. That would have cost us nothing and been nothing less than good neighbourliness. What next? Let's identify all the blighted long underdeveloped sites in metro Adelaide. FlagShare 2LikeReply sam 2 hours ago I had a feeling that Weatherill and Rau were involved, it's got their grubby hands all over it, they have once again used OUR MONEY (other peoples money that is) to big note themselves and will probably claim it as another Labor Legacy. My bet is that the development of the site is already a 'DONE DEAL' and passed and there will be 'NO OBJECTIONS' allowed under the new John Rau's law. I have a felling that this incompetent big spending dictatorship have NOT finished with the people in this State just yet. Towards the end it will be shred, burn and destroy from this mob whilst at the same time it will be SPEND, SPEND, SPEND.  Once the developers get their greedy hands on the site it will be goodbye to the big splendid heritage listed homes in North Adelaide, this development is just the foot in the door. FlagShare 1LikeReply Ted 14 minutes ago @sam I wonder what you were actually "feeling"!  if you have any proof how about divulging it. FlagShare LikeReply Roger 3 hours ago New TAFE building? FlagShare LikeReply mark 3 hours ago build a new hospital .... one that works FlagShare 2LikeReply Adrian 3 hours ago And the embarrassment over this site continues - and in true style Jay makes ina virtue of it. FlagShare 2LikeReply Mike 4 hours ago Won't be surprised if they sell it to overpaying Chinese investors once the Council obtains it. FlagShare 2LikeReply Barrie 3 hours ago @Mike  Unlikely they are too smart for that stunt.  FlagShare LikeReply Roger 4 hours ago The really burning question is what does our Premier in waiting Mr X think of it?  FlagShare 2LikeReply milton 4 hours ago Multifunction polis,monorail factory? FlagShare 3LikeReply Roger 4 hours ago “Through community consultation we will see the site develop in line with what the community wants, after so many years of inactivity.” Roll on the new taxpayer/ratepayer slush-funded Community Garden for North Adelaide residents then eh chaps?  FlagShare 1LikeReply Kasey 4 hours ago Well this shouldn't take too long then. ACC has a history of making quick and decisive action and then hardly ever getting it wrong. Frome Street Bikeway has struggled to be completed and left alone because of the handful of rabid anti-cycling councillors persuing a personal vendetta in the face of numerous council reports giving it a firm tick but I cant think of too many rabid anti-development councillors :-/ so I guess here we go for the LeCornu site finally!!  FlagShare 3LikeReply sam 2 hours ago @Kasey  on your bike lad. FlagShare LikeReply Paul 5 hours ago Buying the site "significantly below it's commercial value"... Now there's a bit of spin right there. And so can you disclose the price to us Jay so we can have a point of view as to whether we think it is below it's commercial value..?? Didn't think so.........we are not allowed to ask how you spend our money.  FlagShare 5LikeReply Eric 5 hours ago @Paul Makris is having a fire sale, most of is assets would be rated as junk. FlagShare LikeReply Paul 5 hours ago @Paul Bit like the new generator, commercial confidentiality. We only get told what this Govt wants to tell us. Who the hell do they think employs them? FlagShare 3LikeReply Tony 5 hours ago @Paul Very unlikely Con Makris would sell anything below market value. More rubbish being spun right there. FlagShare 11LikeReply Tony 5 hours ago @Eric @Paul Eric, how would you know that? FlagShare 1LikeReply Paul 4 hours ago @Eric LeCornu site is hardly junk Eric. I would love to buy some real estate from you...:) FlagShare 3LikeReply Des 4 hours ago @Paul council not government ! FlagShare 1LikeReply Paul 3 hours ago You might find the controller and bankroller is Jay et al.. FlagShare 2LikeReply Paul 5 hours ago Will Jay Weatherill be chipping money from the Emergency Services Levy..??? Oh, that's right, that was our money...!!! Desal Plant, wind turbines, car manufacturing.....what will Jay and Turbo decide on...?? FlagShare 5LikeReply Peter 5 hours ago This is getting to be too much as I read another bit of election news. I only listened to the video for 17 seconds as no way could I have lasted 24:59! FlagShare 4LikeReply peter 6 hours ago Just the site for a wind turbine tower on each corner and the permanent site for Jay’s diesel power station back up in the middle. Infill car park with drive-in theatre type charging stations dotted in between. And pedestrian pathways with solar over panel roofs. Detailed design sketches following. FlagShare 1LikeReply Barrie 6 hours ago Back in 1987 NSW Premier Barrie Unsworth sacked Sydney City Council  for going beyond their brief of collecting rubbish.  FlagShare 1LikeReply Eric 5 hours ago @Barrie Gee Barrie, I don't think Unsworth is a great example for some one doing something right? FlagShare LikeReply Helen 6 hours ago What a joke! Another political stunt by this shonky labor party. Oh...there must be an election around the corner FlagShare 5LikeReply Anthony 6 hours ago Council as the owner will do a development that breaks every known Development regulation, and the residnets wont get a word in. The hyporcrisy will overflow O'Connel St, all the way to the Torrens. FlagShare 3LikeReply Greg 6 hours ago Well done Adelaide city council, refuse to accept applications time after time after time. Oh thats not acceptable, oh thats not good enough and then you swoop in and buy it for a killing as the owners know they wont get it through anyway. FlagShare 4LikeReply Captain 5 hours ago @Greg The council has approved several development proposals for that site over the years. The state government has approved more than one proposal since it overrode the council after Makris made big donations to Labor. FlagShare 1LikeReply Eric 5 hours ago @Greg Gee! Where have guys like you and Kevin been? The Council had nothing to do with this development!! Didn't you know that all development applications above $20 million bypass councils and go straight to the Development Commission? The Makris development got the go ahead but Makris is broke and no one will loan him any money! Now, do you understand?  FlagShare LikeReply PJ 6 hours ago About bloody time. FlagShare LikeReply Peter 5 hours ago @PJ Time for what? FlagShare 1LikeReply Paul 2 hours ago @Peter @PJ A change of government hopefully... FlagShare LikeReply Kevin 6 hours ago Sounds very shady to me. Refuse the owner development, buy it on the cheap and put up what??????? FlagShare 4LikeReply Captain 5 hours ago @Kevin Several development proposals have received approval for that site over the years both before Makris bought it and after. Makris paid off the state government to override the ACC so he could exceed height limits and even then still failed to follow through multiple times. What he did manage to do though, was significantly increase the value of the land by getting the height limits increased. FlagShare LikeReply Eric 5 hours ago @Kevin Apologise to the Council Kevin. You now know the truth, admit that you are wrong. FlagShare LikeReply ROGER 7 hours ago Just make it into a parkland. FlagShare 1LikeReply Barrie 6 hours ago @ROGER  But we already have hundreds of acres that hardly anyone uses including linear park . FlagShare 3LikeReply Rodga 6 hours ago Spot on as usual Barrie. As I was passing today and avoiding all the dog walkers, pedestrian, cyclists and walkers I thought all this park land amd linear park doing nothing but provide amenity, cooling and oxygen is just wasted space. What it needs is a decent recycling centre or maybe a solar farm or maybe just a heap of multistorey dogboxes for students and millennials. I really don't know what Colonel Light was thinking. FlagShare LikeReply wayne 6 hours ago @Barrie @ROGER i use the parks and see many different people also using them, and then theres the local climate benefits lower summer temps, reduced wind speeds, reduced flooding risk through better infiltration, and then there is non human organisims that use. park lands are in use even when no one is not physically there.  FlagShare LikeReply Paul 5 hours ago @ROGER Or an expensive car park. Like I saw recently when I went past Victoria Park during I believe some sort of motor racing expo. Price to park there? $17!!! So what they keep telling us is the parklands are for the people, but then charge $17 to just park your car there. Get real! FlagShare 1LikeReply Tony 5 hours ago @Rodga Not sure which parklands you use Rodga but ALL those people must use them at strange times. Apart from people heading through them (East Parklands) to get to work, I would have never seen more than 10 - 15 people in them on a normal working day. FlagShare 1LikeReply Barrie 3 hours ago @wayne @Barrie @ROGER  We walk though the linear most late afternoons and through MacKinnon Parade parklands lucky if we ever see anyone else.  FlagShare LikeReply David 7 hours ago So the Adelaide Council thinks its going to buy the LeCornu site on the cheap. What I have learnt in life is that nothing is free or cheap. Lets see how favourably the Makris Group will be treated on any future developments. Just Saying! FlagShare 3LikeReply Barrie 6 hours ago @David  My mail over $36m is not cheap,nor is it a commercial price with the ACC clueless on what to do with the land ,we have just seen $30m+ wasted in Victoria Sq.  there is no demand for more shops in O'Connell St over 15 vacant (including Nth Adelaide Village) today is the ACC blind,most traders are struggling . Maybe time for ACC to take stock, their role--collecting rubbish,cleaning streets and maintaining public parklands. The deal smells fishy in the upcoming marginal seat of Adelaide on the line. FlagShare 1LikeReply Rodga 6 hours ago But I thought you thought Parklands aren't used by anyone, why do they need maintenance. FlagShare LikeReply Captain 5 hours ago @Barrie @David If they build a few hundred apartments and a few hundred hotel rooms on it there'll be demand for more shops. FlagShare LikeReply Barrie 3 hours ago @Captain @Barrie @David  Too many vacant shops now in O'Connell St ,not Understand ACC knocked off a Private Developer bidding for the site at over $36m,now investors in ACC need to compete with ACC and well as State Govt handfeeding our taxpayers FUNDED GRANTS  for prime project sites, who are subsidizing their actions with ratepayers borrowings long term debt., what is the ACC doing in the development business any way ,they collect rubbish, clean streets, and maintain parklands that hardly anyone every use . FlagShare 3LikeReply Neville 7 hours ago Must be an election with the the two noddies in front of cameras splurging our taxes yet again. Private investment shunted out due to heavy state and local government development controls, and a failing retail economy as consumers get hit with the highest energy costs in the world. No business confidence, so government takes over, with what plans and return of investment (of taxpayer dollars) exactly? A few shrubs and it will make a lovely dump for homeless hire bikes . . .  FlagShare 6LikeReply Eric 7 hours ago So Makris has finally admitted that he is broke and having a fire sale? The Gilles Plains shopping centre will be next, he'll have to just about give that one away.  FlagShare 1LikeReply David 7 hours ago @Eric Not broke but realised doing Business in SA isn't worth it. I believe they are concentrating interstate. FlagShare 8LikeReply Eric 5 hours ago @David His rust bucket of a boat needs a lot of work. FlagShare LikeReply Bango 7 hours ago With Jay there it can only mean one thing. Future site for the diesel generators FlagShare 6LikeReply Barrie 7 hours ago @Bango  Or Crows new HQ. FlagShare 1LikeReply Kevin 7 hours ago Is this not a massive conflict of interest? The council has frustrated any development option or plan on that site for many years. Then they buy the land on the cheap from a frustrated developer. Smells a bit! I wonder if that also impacts on rate values? Not likely. FlagShare 5LikeReply Eric 7 hours ago @Kevin Please get your facts right Kevin! The Council has had nothing to do with this! Minister Rau and the Development Commission took control away from Council and actually approved the Makris Group's plans completely! Makris can not raise the funds to start the job! They have been the only sticking point all long, not the Council. I think you owe the Council an apology. FlagShare 3LikeReply Kevin 7 hours ago @Eric @Kevin The council and the state put so many conditions and rules in place as to frustrate and kill any private option. But I suppose they will be removed now. I am sure that the all wise government sectors will make a mess of it and waste millions. As to any apology that would come if the rate values all are reduced to reflect the so called bargain basement sale.   FlagShare 1LikeReply Eric 7 hours ago @Kevin @Eric There were no conditions! The Development Commission gave the Makris Group everything they wanted! This media promoted that fact very well. Makris got everything he wanted, he just hasn't got the money! So, you owe the Council an apology, please.  FlagShare 1LikeReply Barrie 7 hours ago @Kevin  The land was not cheap my mail over $36m ,ACC has no viable commercial plan at this cost nor the experience in commercial development ,some experience in building poor quality apartments competing against private investors sold at loss under pervious Lord Mayor who gave a us the mess in Victoria Sq.  FlagShare 1LikeReply Peter 6 hours ago @Eric @Kevin The facts of Kevin are the facts Eric! I think you owe Kevin an apology. FlagShare LikeReply Alan 7 hours ago build a tunnel. FlagShare 1LikeReply Mandy 4 hours ago @Alan  Or park bench. FlagShare LikeReply Mary Rosslyn 7 hours ago Why not do something different...It could be turned into a World-renowned tourist attraction if done properly like Sovereign Hill. Imagine horse drawn carts, blacksmiths and the like working, build colonial-era buildings with functioning hotels, banks, bakeries etc with staff all wearing the clothes of the era.  FlagShare LikeReply Neville 7 hours ago @Mary Rosslyn The way things are going in South Australia you're probably on to something lol . . . FlagShare 1LikeReply Elizabeth 8 hours ago Make Anne Moran the Project Manager. That way she can go to the media and disagree with herself! FlagShare 4LikeReply Eric 7 hours ago @Elizabeth Moran has been a Counsellor for a very, very long time, why? FlagShare 1LikeReply Edward 8 hours ago Why should the South Australian government contribute one cent to this project? North Adelaide isn't an impoverished area and the Adelaide City Council isn't broke. Perhaps the ACC could do away with rate subsidies that apply in the North Adelaide area. Where is our people's Labor Government? Totally disgusting. FlagShare 9LikeReply Paul 5 hours ago @Edward They are behind in the polls in North Adelaide.. FlagShare LikeReply Jessy 8 hours ago So, more public development for Adelaide, as beautiful as the hideous Victoria Square 'upgrade'. Life's great when you spend other people's money. FlagShare 7LikeReply BOB 8 hours ago What a fiasco after all these years. Can you imagine this happening in Melbourne or Sydney ? FlagShare LikeReply Charles 8 hours ago @ BOB, I certainly can imagine it happening, especially if it was in the hands of Makris. FlagShare 1LikeReply asa 8 hours ago I must say you took your time Adelaide City Council, apart from that it diefinately needs cafes, shops and maybe a small mall and open air eating area . FlagShare 2LikeReply Barrie 7 hours ago @asa  15 vacant shops in O'Connell St today ,economics for more vacant shops do not look good. FlagShare 1LikeReply Eric 7 hours ago @Barrie @asa Shops? What are they? FlagShare LikeReply Neil 6 hours ago @asa The heyday of shopping malls and physical shops has long past. FlagShare LikeReply Captain 5 hours ago @Barrie @asa Add a few hundred apartments and a few hundred hotel rooms and watch that change. FlagShare LikeReply Barrie 4 hours ago @Eric @Barrie @asa  Well old chap go for a drive you might discover 3 vacant shops/space directly opposite the site bought by ACC overnight  ,walk along the street more vacant shops, go talk to tenants in Nth Adelaide Village check how many intend to remain beyond the existing leases and come back to me.  FlagShare LikeReply Arty 8 hours ago So, with a piece on super-prime real estate no-one was willing to offer anything ideologically perfect enough. The council can now turn it into a cultural centre for some minority group or other. Maybe a monument to environmental friendliness and social inclusion. Adelaide is FAILING economically despite the window dressing. At some point its citizens will get that fact, but probably not until they are totally broke. Commerce is what we need, but we're doing everything possible to drive it away. FlagShare 4LikeReply Charles 8 hours ago @ Arty, once again your spray contains little to no substance. FlagShare 1LikeReply Steve 8 hours ago @Charles ,Arty's comments the most likely outcome, do you really trust Adelaide City Council to get it right Charles? FlagShare 1LikeReply Arty 8 hours ago @Charles Your cheap insult contained even less.  FlagShare 2LikeReply John 8 hours ago Why is everyone whinging about the State Government below? They have tried to take this site off Makris for decades yet were held back by ACC many times and now have nothing to do with the purchase - it is the ACC.  Now we can see why the ACC was so reluctant for the Government to fix the mess, they wanted it. FlagShare LikeReply Captain 8 hours ago @John  You're all back to front on that. The state government has the power of compulsory acquisition and a lot more money available to it than the ACC so could have stepped in at any time. The ACC approved a number of developments on that site over the years before the state government overrode the ACC by granting the site "major project status" after Makris made donations to the Labor party. (Con Makris is on record saying "that's just how business is done in this state"). People are whinging about the state government because it's interfered with the development of this site over the years and used it to score political points. They're also whinging because Weatherill appeared at the press conference when he had no need to as it's the ACC that's buying the site. FlagShare LikeReply Ian 7 hours ago @Captain @John Well you know there is no show without Punch between now and next March! FlagShare 1LikeReply Lyall 6 hours ago @Captain @John If you read the report you will find that the State Govt is contributing $10,000,000 toward purchase price being paid. FlagShare LikeReply Captain 5 hours ago @Lyall @Captain @John When I made my comment that wasn't in the article. The Advertiser has always engaged in the practice of modifying the content of articles without disclosing the changes, a behaviour I consider to be dishonest and shameful. FlagShare LikeReply Samuel 8 hours ago Best use would be underground car park, with park on top and tram stop. Simple way to rejuvenate the area as well as meet local and state needs. FlagShare 2LikeReply Brent 8 hours ago @Samuel Car parks are real hot spots for rejuvenation and vibrancy.. FlagShare 2LikeReply Samuel 8 hours ago @Brent @Samuel They are when people can park there and take a tram to various locations around the city.  FlagShare 2LikeReply Neil 8 hours ago @Samuel @Brent You mean like the hotspot at the Entertainment Centre Tram Stop? Wasn't that there first? FlagShare LikeReply Samuel 8 hours ago Not sure what you mean by that @Brent  FlagShare LikeReply John 8 hours ago The ACC owning it could be worse than the Makris group!! We'll end up with a temporary mall that is put up just for March and pulled down again.  FlagShare LikeReply Michael 9 hours ago They could always build the worlds most expensive hospital on it......Oh it's been done! FlagShare 2LikeReply John 8 hours ago @Michael And thank god it was.  FlagShare 3LikeReply Charles 9 hours ago Well overdue. FlagShare LikeReply Charles 9 hours ago Long overdue, better in the hands of government than with (a) Con. FlagShare 2LikeReply Christine 8 hours ago @Charles Did you mean he is buying it for  'J ' ?    I have to say I am pleased I am not a ratepayer in Adelaide, it really is time to sit down and define exactly what a government and a council are responsible for, then have an outsiders inspection to see they have done all their duties of care and maintenance needed  before spending money on jobs that are not in their remit. Look at the empty housing trust places needing care and the number of homeless we have. FlagShare 1LikeReply wayne 9 hours ago The Makris Group has done nothing for years....About time they were moved on..Con Makris got his publicity.Anything will be better than looking at a vacant block.  FlagShare 2LikeReply Tony 5 hours ago @wayne Why should a land owner have to do anything with a property they own? FlagShare LikeReply Bango 9 hours ago That was kind of underwhelming.... FlagShare 4LikeReply Sam C 9 hours ago 'Development will be put in the hands of the local community.'   Now that is funny. That essentially means that the site will remain as it is for another few decades.   Laughable. FlagShare 5LikeReply Richard 8 hours ago Maybe it'll end up a nice lawned area with some shrubbery and park benches. FlagShare LikeReply Tom 9 hours ago Just waiting for another half-arsed development now... FlagShare 1LikeReply Nathan 9 hours ago Goody more 'luxury' apartments, which are just apartments with a word slapped in front of it FlagShare LikeReply Julie 9 hours ago This is great news and all parties should be congratulated. North Adelaide was always meant to be the epitome of Colonel Light's vision of a progressive and prosperous city and this action will take back control of a frustrating saga. Now for Port Adelaide.. FlagShare 2LikeReply John 8 hours ago @Julie North Adelaide was meant to be progressive? Ah well, you win some, you lose some. Just checked the emergency services website - Brace yourselves everyone - imminent and severe spin warning in the North Adelaide Region . FlagShare 10LikeReply Brenton 9 hours ago will be “redeveloped in a timely fashion fashion and in a form appropriate to North Adelaide” once a settlement is reached. Specific development plans have not yet been disclosed but a settlement is expected to be reached in the first quarter of 2018. Sounds like ANOTHER thought bubble........ FlagShare 3LikeReply Kasey 9 hours ago @Brenton so there's now a formal plan to come up with a plan. but we'll let you know what it is before the next election of course!  FlagShare 6LikeReply Richard 9 hours ago Whilst something needed to happen the council and State Government in a joint development??? Massively expensive white elephant coming up FlagShare 3LikeReply Navylad53 9 hours ago JUST where is Jay getting all this $$$$ to spend on these dreams ???? FlagShare 1LikeReply John 8 hours ago @Navylad53 COUNCIL is not the GOVERNMENT.  FlagShare 1LikeReply Neil 8 hours ago @John @Navylad53 I'll let the Local Government Association know! FlagShare LikeReply Ian 7 hours ago @John @Navylad53 State Government are putting in $10million towards development. Or the tax payer is. FlagShare 1LikeReply Kasey 9 hours ago Shows you the contempt Jay and his cronies have for the electorate..as if we'd believe anything regarding development of this eyesore site after all this time and all the failed proposals over the past 2+ decades? Jay seems to think we're all idiots I guess?  FlagShare 4LikeReply Mark 9 hours ago @Kasey Jay has a lot to answer for in this state, but to blame him in this instance is ridiculous. Almost every proposal on this site was approved, you are letting the owners off far too lightly if you are just going to take the easy path and blame the government. FlagShare 5LikeReply The other Wayne 9 hours ago @Kasey This has nothing to do with the current government or previous governments. Every proposed development for this site has been scuttled by the North Adelaide council and the North Adelaide residents association. There the ones to blame. FlagShare 8LikeReply Kasey 9 hours ago @The other Wayne I'm hearing that the ACC have bought the site. If this is true I'll bet you dollars to donuts they wont be building a carpark or a highrise on the site!  FlagShare LikeReply Mark 9 hours ago @Kasey @The other Wayne Why exactly would you want to put a car park on this site anyway? FlagShare LikeReply Kasey 9 hours ago @Mark at the very least an underground carpark should be a part of any mixed use development on the site. FlagShare 3LikeReply Mark 9 hours ago @Kasey Sorry thought you were suggesting a car park ought to be built on the site which would be a disaster. Agree any proposed development should have a mix of car parking. FlagShare 1LikeReply John 8 hours ago @Kasey COUNCIL. Not the SA Government. FlagShare LikeReply John 8 hours ago @Mark @Kasey @The other Wayne To park all the cars, I reckon.  FlagShare LikeReply Captain 5 hours ago @The other Wayne @Kasey If approving six or seven development proposals for that site over the last few decades is "scuttling" then I guess you're right. FlagShare LikeReply The other Wayne 9 hours ago The only way to get our city revitalised and moving forward is to remove councils from these locations and allow the state government to administer them, then there won't be a problem.  FlagShare LikeReply Chris 9 hours ago Election coming. Wait for more orchestrated spin announcements from the spin dept. All diatribe, spin and smoke and mirrors. FlagShare 11LikeReply The other Wayne 9 hours ago There it is, this is so much better than a Christmas present. Another new announcement for the old Lecornu site. This farce now brings so much joy,. I can't wait for the next announcement. I got one Jay, why not announce this will be the next site for the new Soccer stadium. That's sure to rock the socks of the North Adelaide Residents association. FlagShare 4LikeReply Chris 9 hours ago @The other Wayne How about a real nice announcement? Jay Weatherill announces his retirement. FlagShare 11LikeReply The other Wayne 9 hours ago @Chris @The other Wayne The problem is who you put in their place, Steven Farcical and his band of old crocs. What a joke. FlagShare 2LikeReply Carolyn 9 hours ago That’s nice. Now could you flick on that million dollar battery to get us some power here? Been out a while now. FlagShare 1LikeReply Navylad53 9 hours ago @Carolyn Weren't there suburbs blacked out last night, what happened to the Back up there? FlagShare LikeReply John 8 hours ago @Navylad53 @Carolyn Yeah. A battery can't transmit power across broken power lines people!! There will still be outages due to breakdowns.  Come on....  FlagShare LikeReply David 9 hours ago An oval and clubrooms for the Adelaide Crows would be the best use. FlagShare 1LikeReply John 9 hours ago @David cracking idea FlagShare 1LikeReply John 8 hours ago @David They have both, in the Swamps. Where they belong.  FlagShare LikeReply Jerry 10 hours ago The government and local council are a disgrace. This empty eyesore should never have been vacant for 30 years.Whilst every other capital city in this country advances in leaps and bounds Adelaide is left behind with at least 20 years to try and even catch up. Build something on the site and get on with it. Sadly the SA Governments vision statement should be "Adelaide the city of no future, jobs, growth and opportunity". FlagShare 1LikeReply craig 10 hours ago White elephant in such a magnificent suburb. Would never have been allowed to go on for so long in ANY other capital city FlagShare 3LikeReply Bazza 9 hours ago Actually there are multiple sites like this in EVERY other capital city... FlagShare 6LikeReply Joseph 10 hours ago Must be close to election time.  The question is why wan't anything done years ago? FlagShare 6LikeReply Nathan 8 hours ago @Joseph Because it was owned by a private developer with an active development application. FlagShare LikeReply Patrick 10 hours ago Iv got inside information that is extremely credible, This is the site of the new MULTI FUNCTION POLIC FlagShare 1LikeReply Julia 10 hours ago Jay will stand in a place of no construction activity, no conceivable danger or vehicle traffic, far from even a passing forklift, in a high vis jacket, possibly even a hard hat, and joy of joys, perhaps even safety goggles, look equal parts grave and upbeat, and say something of no consequence whatsoever. FlagShare 3LikeReply Roger 10 hours ago Underground multi level car park with a pedestrian link underground to the North Adelaide Village with a green space / park at ground level with a tram terminus. oo sorry Jay, thought it was Wednesday. FlagShare LikeReply craig 10 hours ago I thought exactly the same thing..it will be grass and tram terminus FlagShare 1LikeReply Robbo 10 hours ago CUT!!!! "OK reset and let's do Take 15". "We'll get this comedy finished if it kills me". FlagShare 7LikeReply craig 10 hours ago 🤣🤣 FlagShare LikeReply Anne 10 hours ago Have they printed a special new folder to hold for this announcement? FlagShare 13LikeReply craig 10 hours ago I have been a state labor supporter for several years and for several reasons..but when i see Jay and Tom holding those folders i cringe...its really not a good look. A Premier should stand (or walk) tall...without props. Looks embarrassing in my humble opinion FlagShare 1LikeReply vroom@the_track 9 hours ago @craig Don't be rational when commenting on politics, it goes against social media trends. FlagShare 1LikeReply Barrie 10 hours ago Private sector now has to compete with Govt agencies . FlagShare 5LikeReply David 10 hours ago Not ANOTHER Weatherill announcement!!!! FlagShare 7LikeReply Tim 10 hours ago Announcement number 22 - why is Weatherill there?  More spin from a tired State Government? FlagShare 13LikeReply Sam C 10 hours ago With the state Labor government and the ACC involved, we can only expect another announcement followed by the eventual  collapse of the proposal. Par for the course with this lot. FlagShare 10LikeReply Andrzej 10 hours ago i'll believe it when it is FINALLY built.....

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