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Sunday, April 30, 2017

Home prices brake in April after blistering run

May 1 2017 - 10:22AM Save Print 175 reading now Home price rises slowed sharply in Australia's major cities in April, in a welcome respite for policymakers who have been alarmed at the risks of a debt-fuelled bubble in the housing market. Property consultant CoreLogic said its index of home prices for the combined capital cities rose 0.1 per cent in April, the weakest month-on-month rise since December 2015, compared with 1.4 per cent in March. Bill Shorten to moderate housing prices University funding to be cut Video duration 02:31 PMs slam Palaszczuk Video duration 01:06 Spotlight on AAA credit rating Video duration 01:57 WA GST shake up Video duration 02:05 Better days are ahead: ScoMo Video duration 00:19 One Nation risks being deregistered Video duration 01:51 AFP's metadata mea culpa More videos University funding to be cut The Federal budget is expected to include savage cuts to university funding with student fees to rise and graduates required to pay their loans back quicker. Annual growth in overall prices slowed to 11.2 per cent, from 12.9 per cent. The results come after dramatic gains in two of the country's hottest markets - Sydney and Melbourne - over the second half of 2016 and early 2017. Related Content Sydney house prices fall for first time in 18 months If the softening trend can be sustained, it would vindicate steps taken by regulators in recent months to cool the heat in the property market amid concerns that speculation in property could ultimately hurt consumers, banks and the economy. Earlier this year, the main bank watchdog tightened standards on investment and interest-only loans to try and cool the market. Banks themselves have been raising mortgage rates. Advertisement After cutting interest rates to a record low of 1.5 per cent last August, the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) has warned further easing would only encourage more borrowing by already heavily indebted households. "The higher cost of debt, as well as stricter lending and servicing criteria, has likely dented investment demand over recent months," CoreLogic head of research Tim Lawless said. CoreLogic said its index of home prices for the combined capital cities rose 0.1 per cent in April, the weakest month-on-month rise since December 2015. Photo: Pat Scala However, "we need to be cautious in calling a peak in the market after only one month of soft results". The CoreLogic data showed home prices in Sydney were flat in April but the annual pace of growth was still a blistering 16 per cent. Melbourne grew 0.5 per cent in the month with annual growth at 15.3 per cent. Canberra, another hot market, suffered a fall of 2.8 per cent. Hobart was the strongest housing market, growing at 1 per cent, with an annual gain at 13.6 per cent. Lawless noted the rush into investment properties and an expanding supply of apartments has driven yields to record lows in Sydney and Melbourne. The slowdown in yields has in turn been a major drag on consumer price inflation, which hit record lows late last year. Since January 2009, home values in Sydney have more than doubled while Melbourne has increased by 93 per cent. The inexorable price rise in the major cities has taken homes out of the reach of many first-time buyers and become a political hot potato. The conservative government of Malcolm Turnbull has blamed a lack of supply for the problem and is likely to announce some measures in its budget next week

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