Summary of Twits:
US war planes return to base without dropping a bomb! SIS behead boy, 15, as he is caught listening to music in Iraq
Seeing "Putin's Rusty Boxes, ‘Russia a major military’: President Obama backtracks on Moscow’s defense capabilities… . Obama Washington Supports the Terrorists in Syria: Obama’s Latest Putin Bashing Shows Desperation via @grtvnews
Obama warplanes kill people while his propaganda machines blame Putin: US-led airstrikes kill 15 civilians in Syria… But would they succeed? The US-NATO Planned Invasion of Syria: Michel Chossudovsky via @grtvnews
Supplied with modern weapons and Israeli-Made Drones: ‘500 militants enter Syria via Turkey’… Turkey helps Daesh recruitment, training and arming before sending them to Syria: Russia…
Erdogan blames the Syrians for the age-old problems with his indigenous Kurds and wants US-led NATO to topple Al-Assad with Saudi Money! Unlike Iraq, Narrow-Minded Sheuevnist Turks refuse to recognise the legitimate demands of their substantial Kurdish minority in the country. The Saudi Military projected to entering Syria will occupy ISIS positions and replace the embattled fighters with fresh mercenaries. If the Saudis don't enter Syria, ISIS will finish in few months. But if they come; Yemen, Iraq and Syria'll be free of USraeli-Saudi terror.
Erdogan's Terrorists Were Supplied With Faulty GPS: Deadly Turkey 'terror attack' targets military in Ankara @CNNI
Listening to Donald Trump and to Jeb Bush one can't help but conclude that there is part of trigger-happy cowboy inside every American. There is part of a trigger-happy Wild West Cowboy in every American: Texas University allows guns in classes…
One hopes that National or International law catches up with the Blair's: Cherie Blair, human rights hypocrite
The media publicise Fatwas from frustrated, Saudi Wahhabi leaders living in the past and regard every modern aspect of life as a Tabu/Haram. Enlightened Islamic Leaders must be Modern and Progressive since Mohamed's Message was considered to considered 200 years ahead of its time.
Jews born in Iraq should be allowed to visit the country without fear of being spies. . While Iraqis are against Israeli atrocities, civlized practices dictate that all those born in Iraq are entitled to Iraqi citizenships. USraeli strategists wanted to establish a base in North Iraq: Collapse of Iraqi Kurdistan via @grtvnews
Maryam Ali Madson
March 18, 2011 · Edited ·
Mount Zion and the company of Zion!!
The Zionists stole the holy land from the Palestinians and other countries!
Who are the Zionists - short explanation:
It commonly referred to a specific mountain near Jerusalem (Mount Zion), on which stood a Jebusite = Jesuit fortress of the same name that was conquered by David and was named the city of David.
The term Zion came to designate the area of Jerusalem where the fortress stood, and later became a metonym for Solomon's temple in Jerusalem.
Earlier Knights Tempelar - than Jebusite - todays Jesuits aka "the company of Zion" own the Vatican bank (the richest Bank worldwide), the Rothschilds banking cartel is part of it and together with Rockefeller, Bush, Warburg & Co. they are causing all this mess...
They own most of the world, almost all national banks worldwide and us!!
Only 5 countries are outside a Rothschild banking system (Cartel) = IR Iran, North Korea, Sudan, Syria and Libya!!
All roads lead to Rome!!
Through the richest family in the world..
The Rothschilds!! (Jews)
Also known as Bani Isra'il (Arabic:بني إسرائيل Israelites) the children of I$-RA-€£.
A world declaration of liberation from criminal Rothschild, I$-RA-€£ (israHELL) & CO.:
or watch on Jew-tube:
Proof: I$-RA-€£ is owned by the council on foreign relations = Club oF Rome = Jesuit NWO/crypto-Jewish Illuminati:
They own our mainstream media, the cheap porn-industry, casinos in Las Vegas, the pharma industry, the tobacco industry, the drug industry, the war machine, cosmetics, muliti-international whorehouse corporations, fast food chains, supermarket chains, brands, etc.
They enslaved the world and each earthling!!!
Too sad!!!!
The history of money:
If my sons did not want war, there would be none.”
Gutle Schnapper Rothschild (German Jew)
We are our national banks property!! (West)
But some of us still think we are free!!??
"The imaginary me"
Jesuits are the primary leaders ushering in the occult, 'new world order' (NWO)
Just think!!
Without Hitler there would be no I$-RA-€£!!
He was on a Jesuit school!
"Mein Kampf" was written by a Jesuit priest!!
The Jesuits own 80% of I$-RA-€£!!
The Vatican bank is the richest bank worldwide which financed NaZi Germany instead of feeding the entire starving world!!
Mother Teresa is the death angel of Calcutta!!! (just Google)
It is a satanic Jesuit NWO!!
All roads lead to Rome!!
The first Jesuits were crypto-Jews.
Ignatius Loyola himself was a crypto-Jew of the occult Cabala.
Important stuff!!
Knowledge is everlasting!!
A crypto-Jew is a Jew, who converts to another religion and outwardly embraces the new religion, while secretly maintaining Jewish practices.
Further Jews or Marranos (pigs) have always dominated commerce.
Their natural allies were the local aristocrats, who provided protection.
Intermarriages took place.
Marranos (pigs) -- the original crypto-Jews
That's why they (Jews) became Jesuits, Freemasons, etc. within the Jesuit Illuminati, which was financed by the Jewish Rothschild family in 1776 !!
Forget the word Zionism for one moment, and listen carefully...
The expulsions of Jews throughout history, because of SRA (satanic ritual abuse), before Zionism was codified!!
Who is the beast???
or watch on
Synagogue of Satan!!
SRA (satanic ritual abuse):
or watch on JewTube:
The eternal Jew ("Der ewige Jude") shows the parasitic behaviours and nature of Jews!!
It explains especially the Jewish Rothschild's banking family (cartel) and their COhorts!!
It is mind-blowing... wake up now...
In fact it is a German documentary made by D.F.G. (German research foundation) in the year 1940.
It is not some cheap NaZi, national Zionist, propaganda!!
It is German NS, national Socialist, work!!
"Der ewige Jude" - GER Version.
D.F.G. deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft 1940:
Proof of Jewish media deception.. six million Jews 1915-1938!!??
Who is fooling who?? (my "Holohoax" playlist on Jew-tube)
They (Jews) are all crooks!!
Torah Jews learn an oral version of the satanic Talmud!!
Gentiles/Goyim (non-Jews) are beasts!!
or watch on JewTube:
Study the past, and study it hard!!
Our children will thank you in advance..
The Jesuits and the protocols of Zion:
The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion:
The satanic Jesuit Illuminati (UN/NATO/CFR/ETC.) destruct and reconstruct the world!
The Illuminati card game!
The Arab revolution planned by the Illuminati!?!
How the Jewish mafia screwed you!!
(Synagogue of Satan)
The royal families of Europe are Jewish.
E.g. prince Charles was circumcised by a Jewish mohel. (Google)
Illuminati, murdered by the European monarchy (Jews)
I hope you know our enemy...
They are everywhere!!
These crypto-Jews jump around acting and looking like Muslims and Christians in the ME and in the deceived west/east/north/south!!
Stay aware of them!!
They are not Muslims/Christians at all!!
They are not even human!! (while gentiles – non-Jews are beasts, they say)
Wake up!!
And don't say Ameen!!
It refers to Ameen Raa, the Egyptian sun god!!
Say instead: "Alhamdulillahe Rabbul Alaameen"
Welcome to your awakening…
(Illuminati deception)
or watch here…
(if Jew-tube blocked it again)
'US, Zionists cannot be trusted with Muslim interests',
Ayatollah Imam Khamenei:
Just follow the paper money… (I$-RA-€£)
ps. study comments, for true education!! — with Camuran Kavaz, Cristina Soler Crespo, Stacey Havoc and 18 others at Satanic place on earth = I$-RA-€£!! .
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Maryam Ali Madson
Maryam Ali Madson I$-RA-€£'s "saviour" (misbehaviour) is Dajjal (antichrist)
Always follow the paper money...
Maryam Ali Madson's photo.
Maryam Ali Madson
July 26, 2013 ·
I$-RA-€£'s "saviour" (misbehaviour) is Dajjal (antichrist)
He deceives us on purpose!! (Humanity and Ummah)
He claims to be a Shia, and he tries to make us beli...
See More
June 7, 2014 at 9:55am · Like
Maryam Ali Madson
Maryam Ali Madson You are what you eat;
You are what you listen to;
You are what you consume;...See More
See Translation
Maryam Ali Madson's photo.
Maryam Ali Madson with Illa State and 2 others.
March 31, 2014 ·
You are what you eat;
You are what you listen to;
You are what you consume;
Santa = Satan!!!...
See More
See Translation
June 7, 2014 at 9:55am · Like
Lavon Wright
Lavon Wright Wooooooow thank you Maryam for the eye opener!!!!
July 2, 2014 at 4:20pm · Like · 1
Maryam Ali Madson
Maryam Ali Madson Proof of Jewish media deception.. six million Jews 1915-1938!!??
Who is fooling who?? (my "Holohoax" playlist on Jew-tube)
April 7, 2015 at 10:21am · Like
Maryam Ali Madson
Maryam Ali Madson A world declaration of liberation from criminal Rothschild, I$-RA-€£ (israHELL) & CO.:
or watch on Jew-tube:...See More
A World Declaration of Liberation from…|By Mike Delaney
April 19, 2015 at 4:55am · Like
Maryam Ali Madson
Maryam Ali Madson Wake up!!
And don't say Ameen!!
It refers to Ameen Raa, the Egyptian sun god!!...See More
Esoteric Agenda - F…
April 19, 2015 at 5:13am · Like
#Syria #Aleppo #NorthernAleppo Martyrs Graveyard for Fighters from #Zahraa #Zahra #Nubl #Nubbol #نبل_الزهراء
Maryam Ali Madson added a new photo to album: Who laughs last thinks too slow... 1, 2, 4...
No doubt...
U.S. Blackwater mercenaries in Yemen, Syria, Iraq, etc.
But Houthi fighters kill the Chief of Blackwater mercenaries in Yemen, in the southwest of the country.
Blackwater now known as Academi is a private security firm which came to prominence while contracted by the U.S. in Iraq and inside of Afghanistan.
The U.S. based Blackwater Group has reportedly abandoned the Ta’iz front in western Yemen after suffering heavy casualties over the last two months while fighting alongside the Saudi-led Coalition forces and the Hadi loyalists.
Media ignores dozens of Blackwater mercenaries killed in Yemen!!
And that’s why Blackwater is there...
They exist to soften the casualty rates of US personnel.
They make it easier for our government to go to war without dealing with public opinion.
Could you imagine if a group like the Taliban or ISIS, blew up a US Army Colonel along with dozens of his soldiers?
It would be in the news for weeks.
Instead, there hasn’t been a single peep from our media about this situation.
In other words, Blackwater gets paid to cover up the failures of our foreign interventions, because nobody gives a crap when mercenaries die.
And they’ve made it incredibly easy for our media to ignore one of the worst military blunders in recent American history.
Russia sends CIA-backed terrorists home!!
As their proxy army of terror is defeated, the West screams ‘war crimes’!!
LMAO grin emoticon
Must shut off your TV!!
(Yahoodi brainwash)
And listen to this…
U.S. General Wesley Clark (Ret.) said in 2007:
“The Bush administration (pro-I$-RA-€£) planned to take out 7 countries in 5 years: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Iran.” (Islam)
Simply remember..
They all work for paper money!!
Not for humanity cry emoticon
Who is still sleeping??
Maryam Ali Madson
You still believe Bashar Al-Asad, the Lion of Syria, is a killer??
If so, you must shut off your TV!!
(Yahoodi brainwash)
And listen to this…
U.S. General Wesley Clark (Ret.) said in 2007:
“The Bush administration (pro-I$-RA-€£) planned to take out 7 countries in 5 years: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Iran.” (Islam)
or watch on Jew-tube:
Even 9/11 was a Mossad operation!!
Since Jesuit/Rothschild I$-RA-€£i Zionists control America:
I$-RA-€£ supports FSA free Syrian ants!!
Watch Bernard Levy & Tzipi Levni at Tel Aviv university at 8:36 min.:
The plan to destabilize Syria (original video)
"Syrian Armed Opposition FSA are terrorists",
Sheik Imran Hosein:
Greater I$-RA-€£!!
Aljazeera and I$-RA-€£i deception!!
Imran Hosein in 2003
The truth about war…
Made in I$-RA-€£
Where is Satan's Synagogue & what's his plan??
Hon. Minster Louis Farrakhan "speaks"...
Please, listen carefully:
The fall of the Dollar!!
(The end)
Long live Bashar Al-Asad & Syria heart emoticon
Real music is poetic justice ♪ ♫ ♩ ♬
"Fuck free Syrian?? ants!!" (I$-RA-€£)
"We know how to play games at the edge of the cliff, but if we fall, we only fall on the bodies of our enemies."
Alawite Hafez Al-Asad heart emoticon
An attack on Bashar Al-Asad and Syria is an attack on IR Iran and Lebanon!!
Wake up now…
Ignorance is stupidity!!
I$-RA-€£i black flags VS. Islamic black flags from Khorasan!!
Non-Islamic €$€£ (donkeys) VS. Prophecies of Prophet Mohammed (sawas)
Please, just study reality carefully!! (link)
Always follow the paper money… (I$-RA-€£)
And rock the banksters now!!
We are the resistance!!
Dear 99% unchain yourselves!!
We are not their slaves!! (I$-RA-€£)
Please, rise up…
The only answer to all those chosen satanic shit heads is Hezbollah, "party of Allah", (also HizbAllah or Hizbullah), an Iranian movement formed at the time of Iran's Islamic revolution in the 1970'ies, to assist Ayatollah Imam Ruhollah Khomeini (ra) and his forces in consolidating power in Iran against the fake Cossack "Khan" Pahlavi dynasty (Jewish Freemason Illuminati), who came into power by an insane coup, staged by his father, who was the commander of a Persian Cossack brigade since 1879!!
It took us 100 years to come out of their immoral claws which were supported by the satanic west!!
Please, study more here...
Stay focused...
Long live the axis of resistance heart emoticon
(IR Iran, Lebanon and Syria) — with Eli Sadeqi, Susan El-zaatari, Edward Petrossi, Syed Muhammad Ali Minhal, Dina Hanina, Ahmad S. Ja'fariy, Michael Lapihuska, William Sweeney, Selina Beckford, Ahsn Bin Javed, Shia Ahlulbait, Shahid ALi, Šyêd AŁi, Saiyed Aabis Husain Rizvi, Syeda Zainab, LEAVE THE GROUP 'I SEEK THE TRUTH' -- IT IS AGAINST UNITY IN THE UMMAH, Mahmoud Hajjaj, Art Tasnimnews, Hamed Danesh, Mori RJ, Tim Wright and Tahir Raza Raza
Feb 1, 2014 · Public · in Crooks.. not heroes..
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Samiah Binte Ibrahim and 26 others like this.
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Maryam Ali Madson
The black flags from Khorasan are not from the white house (I$-RA-€£), but from a former Persian province with Mashad as its capital!!
(which is placed in IR Iran today!!)
Q: Who is born in Mashad in 1939??
Guess four times:
Maryam Ali Madson with Maryam Ali Malakooti and 14 others.
The black flags from Khorasan are not from the white house (I$-RA-€£), but from a former Persian province with Mashad as its capital!!
(which is placed in IR...
Like · 1 · Report · Sep 21, 2014
Maryam Ali Madson
The real face of €$€£ (donkey) state in Iraq & Syria!!
I$-RA-€£ = Al-Jazeera!!
“€$€£ (donkey) rape center”
Slave girls of all ages (3 years to 80 years) all disposable for €$€£ (donkey) members!!
“Even a sheikh is present to declare it halal”
€$€£ (donkeys) takes control of the moon after fierce battles with NASA personnel!
Iraqi Air force: close combat with Kufah F16!!
€$€£ (donkeys) are satanic I$-RA-€£i Jews!!
ps. must study and/or watch for more info below, on your own…
Just the head-lines are enough, to understand it all!!
Maryam Ali Madson with Eli Sadeqi and 40 others.
The real face of €$€£ (donkey) state in Iraq & Syria!!
I$-RA-€£ = Al-Jazeera!!
“€$€£ (donkey) rape center”
Slave girls of all ages (3 years to 80 years) all...
Like · Report · Sep 21, 2014
Maryam Ali Madson
Who invented Salafi Wahhabism??
Just follow the paper money... (I$-RA-€£)
Maryam Ali Madson with Alice Ru.
Who invented Salafi Wahhabism??
Just follow the money... (I$-RA-€£)
Who created Wahhabism and the state of Saudi Arabia?
Short documentary – English
Like · 1 · Report · Sep 21, 2014
Maryam Ali Madson
"€$€£ (donkeys) made in USA!!"
Kayhan International:
ISIL: Made in USA :Kayhan International | Electronic Resistance ·
Like · 1 · Report · Sep 24, 2014
Maryam Ali Madson
Ignorance is stupidity!!
I$-RA-€£i black flags VS. Islamic black flags from Khorasan!!
Non-Islamic €$€£ (donkeys) VS. Prophecies of Prophet Mohammed (sawas)
Please, just study reality carefully!! (link)
Maryam Ali Madson with وحید شورابی and 32 others.
I$-RA-€£i black flags VS. Islamic black flags from Khorasan!!
Non-Islamic €$€£ (donkeys) VS. Prophecies of Prophet Mohammed (sawas)
Please, just study reality...
Like · Report · Oct 26, 2014
Maryam Ali Madson
It is a Shia Genocide...
in Syria, Iraq, Bahrain & Pakistan!!
But also in Nigeria heart emoticon
Long live the axis of resistance!!
Also known as HizbAllah (the party of God)
So sad.. dear brothers and sisters (in Palestine, Algeria, Turkey, etc.)
But many of you are completely Yahoodi brainwashed!!
You think it is an Islamic revolution!!??
This is totally wrong...
It is the long war against God (Allah)
These "wannabe" Muslims, so-called €$€£ (donkeys), are "mercenaries"!!
Made in I$-RA-€£!!
Just follow the bloody paper money.. (link)
Maryam Ali Madson with Maryam Ali Malakooti and 25 others.
Stop Shia Genocide...
in Syria, Iraq, Bahrain & Pakistan!!
But also in Nigeria heart emoticon
Long live the axis of resistance!!
Also known as HizbAllah (the party of God) ...
Like · 3 · Report · Oct 26, 2014
Maryam Ali Madson
Hafez Al-Asad and Gamal Abdel Nasser were both against the Muslim Brotherhood!!
(F$A–NU$RA-€$€£-al-CIAda = I$-RA-€£)
Please, study more here:
Maryam Ali Madson with Maryam Ali Malakooti and 24 others.
Between 1976 – 1982 Syria faced a terror wave launched by the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist organization supported by the ‘friends of Syria’ back then, today we...
Like · Report · Nov 10, 2014
Ali Anwar
On last Saturday 8th November one shia muslim Mr Nasir Abbas was killed in Peshawar by SSP terrorist .
Like · 1 · Report · Nov 11, 2014
Maryam Ali Madson
Long live the axis resistance!!
Ya Mahdi (ajtf) heart emoticon
We are at your service...
Maryam Ali Madson with Maryam Ali Malakooti and 4 others.
These honourable men inspire life on earth for the sake of Allah (God)
A series of events must take place before the “Islamic savior” Muhammad “al-Mahdi” (also...
Edited · Like · Report · Jun 1, 2015
Maryam Ali Madson
No doubt...
U.S. Blackwater mercenaries in Yemen, Syria, Iraq, etc.
Maryam Ali Madson with Eli Sadeqi and 27 others.
No doubt...
U.S. Blackwater mercenaries in Yemen, Syria, Iraq, etc.
But Houthi fighters kill the Chief of Blackwater mercenaries in Yemen, in the southwest of...
Like · Report · 2 hours ago
Write a comment...
The black flags from Khorasan are not from the white house (I$-RA-€£), but from a former Persian province with Mashad as its capital!!
(which is placed in IR Iran today!!)
Q: Who is born in Mashad in 1939??
A: Imam Khamenei heart emoticon
Supreme Leader of the Islamic revolution.
Read more about his biography here:
Mind-blowing!! :ó(
€$€£ (donkeys) do their best to destroy faith!!
Takfirism, the enemies of the Islamic Ummah:
Imam Husayn's battle against evil is global...
The world is changing fast... and to be the pioneers of this change, we need to change ourselves first!!
Where is Satan's Synagogue & what's his plan??
Hon. Minster Louis Farrakhan "speaks"...
Please, listen carefully:
Cult of Isis…
The real reason why Isis (€$€£ = donkey state) is in the Media!!
They will be used as scapegoats for the next False Flag event.
It will be a major event, the media is already planting the seed that this will lead to the next 9/11.
1990 ISIS (€$€£ = donkeys) revealed!!
ISIS = I$-RA-€£i Secret Inteligence Service!!
Catholic Kerry Turkey visit, Masonic Pope WWIII, Catholic Pelosi all Sabbateans (satanic Jews)
Must listen very carefully…
Jewish Sabbateans rule the world for Satan:
But, but, but…
We are Iran heart emoticon
We give martyrs, blood and our lives to protect our homeland!!
Iranians prepare for €$€£ (donkey) invasion!!
(English Subtitles)
That’s our Leader heart emoticon
Sayyed Ali Khamenei:
Leader of the Islamic Ummah…
Imam Khamenei heart emoticon
Delivering a message to our Master Imam, Imam Mahdi (ajtf)
According to the prophecies of Prophet Muhammad (sawas):
“A non-stop army will rise from the land of Khorasan holding black flags of Islam in the end times!!”
“You and all the dear youth and children of the Iranian nation, wherever you are, prepare yourselves for playing a determining role.
As always, I continue to pray for you.”
Different speeches from our Islamic Leader, Imam Khamenei, and more.
Please, study the following carefully:
U.S. General Wesley Clark (Ret.) said in 2007:
“The Bush administration (pro-I$-RA-€£) planned to take out 7 countries in 5 years: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Iran.” (Islam)
The real face of €$€£ (donkey) state in Iraq & Syria!!
I$-RA-€£ = Al-Jazeera!!
“€$€£ (donkey) rape center”
Slave girls of all ages (3 years to 80 years) all disposable for €$€£ (donkey) members!!
“Even a sheikh is present to declare it halal”
€$€£ (donkeys) takes control of the moon after fierce battles with NASA personnel!
Iraqi Air force: close combat with Kufah F16!!
€$€£ (donkeys) are satanic I$-RA-€£i Jews!!
ps. must study and/or watch for more info below, on your own…
Just the head-lines are enough, to understand it all!!
Hizbullah "party of Allah" (God) VS. UN/NATO/ISAF morons!! (I$-RA-€£)
Our members are no "hobby-Muslims".
They are wholehearted souljahs of Allah (swt) heart emoticon
Now, who do you follow??!!
It's up to you heart emoticon — with Eli Sadeqi, یاس رهبری, Maryam Ali Malakooti, Fatima MN Bidar, Dina Hanina, Fatima Madani, Mamadou West, Suzanna Otten, Syeda Fatima Rizvi, Susan El-zaatari, Syeda Zainab, Montazer Gole Narges, Stefan Heuer, Samah Manasra and Sadegh Kha Ra Baf
Aug 30, 2014 · Public · in Real education...
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Eli Sadeqi and 22 others like this.
View previous comments…
Maryam Ali Madson
“You and all the dear youth and children of the Iranian nation, wherever you are, prepare yourselves for playing a determining role.
As always, I continue to pray for you.”
Different speeches from our Islamic Leader, Imam Khamenei, and more.
Please, study the following carefully:
Maryam Ali Madson with Maryam Ali Malakooti and 10 others.
In this occasion…
Congratulation on the Revolutionary Guards' Day
روز پاسدار مبارک باد
Different speeches from our Islamic Leader, Imam Khamenei, and more....
Like · 3 · Report · Aug 30, 2014
Maryam Ali Madson
Hizbullah "party of Allah" (God) VS. UN/NATO/ISAF morons!! (I$-RA-€£)
Our members are no "hobby-Muslims".
They are wholehearted souljahs of Allah (swt) heart emoticon
Maryam Ali Madson with Maryam Ali Malakooti and 15 others.
Hizbullah "party of Allah" (God) VS. UN/NATO/ISAF morons!! (I$-RA-€£)
Our members are no "hobby-Muslims".
They are wholehearted souljahs of Allah (swt) ♡
Like · 4 · Report · Aug 30, 2014
Maryam Ali Madson
The real face of €$€£ (donkey) state in Iraq & Syria!!
I$-RA-€£ = Al-Jazeera!!
“€$€£ (donkey) rape center”
Slave girls of all ages (3 years to 80 years) all disposable for €$€£ (donkey) members!!
“Even a sheikh is present to declare it halal”
€$€£ (donkeys) takes control of the moon after fierce battles with NASA personnel!
Iraqi Air force: close combat with Kufah F16!!
€$€£ (donkeys) are satanic I$-RA-€£i Jews!!
ps. must study and/or watch for more info below, on your own…
Just the head-lines are enough, to understand it all!!
Maryam Ali Madson with Eli Sadeqi and 40 others.
The real face of €$€£ (donkey) state in Iraq & Syria!!
I$-RA-€£ = Al-Jazeera!!
“€$€£ (donkey) rape center”
Slave girls of all ages (3 years to 80 years) all...
Like · 2 · Report · Aug 31, 2014
Maryam Ali Madson
Cult of Isis…
The real reason why Isis (€$€£ = donkey state) is in the Media!!
They will be used as scapegoats for the next False Flag event.
It will be a major event, the media is already planting the seed that this will lead to the next 9/11.
Cult of Isis - The real reason why Isis is in the Media ·
Like · 2 · Report · Sep 17, 2014
Maryam Ali Madson
U.S. General Wesley Clark (Ret.) said in 2007:
“The Bush administration (pro-I$-RA-€£) planned to take out 7 countries in 5 years: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Iran.” (Islam)
Maryam Ali Madson with Eli Sadeqi and 21 others.
You still believe Bashar Al-Asad, the Lion of Syria, is a killer??
If so, you must shut off your TV!!
(Yahoodi brainwash)
And listen to this…
U.S. General...
Like · 1 · Report · Sep 21, 2014
Maryam Ali Madson
1990 ISIS (€$€£ = donkeys) revealed!!
ISIS = I$-RA-€£i Secret Inteligence Service!!
Catholic Kerry Turkey visit, Masonic Pope WWIII, Catholic Pelosi all Sabbateans (satanic Jews)
Must listen very carefully…
1990 ISIS Revealed, Catholic Kerry Turkey Visit, Masonic Pope WWIII, Catholic Pelosi All Sabbateans ·
Unlike · 2 · Report · Sep 21, 2014
Maryam Ali Madson
"€$€£ (donkeys) made in USA!!"
Kayhan International:
ISIL: Made in USA :Kayhan International | Electronic Resistance ·
Like · Report · Sep 24, 2014
Maryam Ali Madson
I$-RA-€£i black flags VS. Islamic black flags from Khorasan!!
Non-Islamic €$€£ (donkeys) VS. Prophecies of Prophet Mohammed (sawas)
Please, just study reality carefully!! (link)
Maryam Ali Madson with وحید شورابی and 32 others.
I$-RA-€£i black flags VS. Islamic black flags from Khorasan!!
Non-Islamic €$€£ (donkeys) VS. Prophecies of Prophet Mohammed (sawas)
Please, just study reality...
Like · Report · Oct 1, 2014
Maryam Ali Madson
Mind-blowing!! :ó(
€$€£ (donkeys) do their best to destroy faith!!
Takfirism, the enemies of the Islamic Ummah:
یاس رهبری posted a video to her timeline.
Play Video
History of the World
City of London + City of Vatican + City of Columbia are the 3 independent states within states which composes the empire of the city. The first is financial control over earth economy, the second is religion control over the earth and the third one is military control over the earth. Together they make the very unholy trinity which forms the Egyptian pyramid that we can see on the back of the privately owned federal reserve note that is used as American dollar to maintain the colony in debt and under the Queen.
From the mystery religions of ancient Egypt to the Zionist role in 9/11, "Ring of Power -- Empire of the City -- 4,000 Years of Suppressed History" puzzles together the missing pieces of our human story. Find out how an Illuminati network of international bankers and European royalty have turned the world's nations and citizens into their debt slaves.
Part 1: 9/11 The Untold Story
Half the world believes Muslims were responsible for 9/11. The other half believes it was Israeli Zionists. Who is right?
Part 2: Hidden Empire
The world's most powerful empire is not the USA. It is an empire that insiders call "Empire Of The City"
Part 3: Trail Of The Pharaohs
Did the Biblical Abraham really live to be 175? Did Moses really turn staffs into snakes and rivers into blood?
Part 4: God And The Queen
Genealogy charts show that British and French royalty are descendants of Mary Magdalene and Jesus. Is it true?
Part 5: All The Queen's Men
How rich and powerful is Queen Elizabeth II?
Part6: The Godfathers
They scammed control of the Bank of England and the US Federal Reserve, then they found God-Gold, Oil and Drugs.
Part 7: Cheating At Monopoly
How many people would play a game of monopoly if the banker was cheating and fixing the rules? Over 6 billion.
Part 8: Asses Of Evil
The New World Order MAFIA are invisible rulers who make puppets out of politicians and heroes out of villains.
Part 9: King Of Hearts
The ultimate goal of "insiders" is to disarm the world and create one world empire under one world ruler. Who is he?
Part 10: Solutions
Protesting and writing letters to deaf politicians doesn't work. What does work?
RT News
Thursday, February 18, 2016
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