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Sunday, December 13, 2015

Never again Iraq to fall under Turkish Rule; regardless how much support you get from NATO

gendarme 1. A member of the French national police organization constituting a branch of the armed forces with responsibility for general law enforcement. 2. Slang A police officer. ========================== Twitter | Search | Log in | Sign up Adnan Darwash Adnan Darwash @ AdnanDarwash 6,115 Tweets 23 Following 29 Followers View more photos Tweets Adnan Darwash Adnan Darwash @AdnanDarwash 17h In response to Trump, the 57 Islamic States should stop issuing visas to US citizens for a period of 100 days prior to November election. View details · Reply Retweet Like Adnan Darwash Adnan Darwash @AdnanDarwash 19h The sight of bombed out streets in Syria must please the Israelis. One wish Israeli towns face similar fate for what they have done to Syria View details · Reply Retweet Like Adnan Darwash Adnan Darwash @AdnanDarwash 19h To Erdogan: Turkish Soldiers near Musil can only be interpreted as an attempt to help ISIS survive another day before they are driven away. View details · Reply Retweet Like Adnan Darwash Adnan Darwash @AdnanDarwash 20h To Erdogan: What can 1000 Turkish soldiers do when 300,000 US-led military force failed to pacify Iraq? View details · Reply Retweet Like Adnan Darwash Adnan Darwash @AdnanDarwash 21h Anti-Islamic Trump in USA and Anti-Jewish Le Pen in France will ensure that Western politics (albeit not clear yet) will not be the same View details · Reply Retweet Like Adnan Darwash Adnan Darwash @AdnanDarwash 22h In Iraq, USraeli agents must be careful: In 1958, Iraqis killed the entire Pro-British Royal family and dragged the corpses of UK agents. View details · Reply Retweet Like Adnan Darwash Adnan Darwash @AdnanDarwash 22h Arabs must consider voting for Trump in order to cut US support for Saudi Arabia which has been financing terror in Iraq, Syria and Yemen. View details · Reply Retweet Like Adnan Darwash Adnan Darwash @AdnanDarwash 22h Arabs must consider voting for Fascist Le Pen against Jewish Sarkozy; to close MOSSAD training schools in France and to cut aids for Israel. View details · Reply Retweet Like Adnan Darwash Adnan Darwash @AdnanDarwash Dec 12 One can easily conclude that all armed groups currently fighting in Iraq, Syria, Libya and Yemen are supported by USraelis and their allies. View details · Reply Retweet Like Adnan Darwash Adnan Darwash @AdnanDarwash Dec 12 Putin hopes to capitalise on the stupidity of the US in waging Jewish wars on Arabs and Muslims and to assert Russia as a Super Power. View details · Reply Retweet Like Adnan Darwash Adnan Darwash @AdnanDarwash Dec 12 The Americans aim to implement an Israeli design to weaken and fragment all countries surrounding Israel using all means including Terror. View details · Reply Retweet Like Adnan Darwash Adnan Darwash @AdnanDarwash Dec 12 The Iranians want to help Al-Assad and Hizbollah in resisting USraeli design to weaken and fragment Syria using armed resistance groups. View details · Reply Retweet Like Adnan Darwash Adnan Darwash @AdnanDarwash Dec 12 The Saudis are implementing USraeli design for Syria which aims at removing AL-Assad, Expelling the Russians and Destroying Hizbollah. View details · Reply Retweet Like Adnan Darwash Adnan Darwash @AdnanDarwash Dec 11 Many Native Americans, Blacks,Vietnamese and Iraqis will attend the funeral: US empire in its death throes: Analyst presstv.com//Detail/2015/1… View details · Reply Retweet Like Adnan Darwash Adnan Darwash @AdnanDarwash Dec 11 Baghdad the capital of reading has educated nationalists who love Iraq and Palestine. ISIS and its USraeli-Saudi mentors will sink in Iraq. View details · Reply Retweet Like Adnan Darwash Adnan Darwash @AdnanDarwash Dec 11 @faisalislam Botled water cost more than either Petrol or Milk? View conversation · Reply Retweet Like Adnan Darwash Adnan Darwash @AdnanDarwash Dec 11 US-imported corrupt Iraqi leaders couldn't challenge Erdogan. Ayatollah Al-Sistani ordered Turkish troops to leave Iraq and they will leave. View details · Reply Retweet Like Adnan Darwash Adnan Darwash @AdnanDarwash Dec 11 Successive US presidents supported Israeli atrocities, while ignoring Muslims' complaints, then foolishly ask "why do they hate us?". View details · Reply Retweet Like Adnan Darwash Adnan Darwash @AdnanDarwash Dec 11 Which one President Trump bars from US? 1. Friendly Saudi Wahhabi* 2. Hazim Abdul-Kareem ** 3. Moses Issa Abraham* * Muslim ** Christian View details · Reply Retweet Like Adnan Darwash Adnan Darwash @AdnanDarwash Dec 11 Enhanced Interrogation: The Foreign Office didn't mention in its bid for re-election to the Human Rights Council independent.co.uk/news/uk/politi… ================================== Twitter | Search | Log in | Sign up Adnan Darwash Adnan Darwash @ AdnanDarwash 6,115 Tweets 23 Following 29 Followers View more photos Tweets Adnan Darwash Adnan Darwash @AdnanDarwash Dec 11 Spot On: Ken Livingstone says the Saudis are a greater threat to the UK than Russia independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-n… View summary · Reply Retweet Like Adnan Darwash Adnan Darwash @AdnanDarwash Dec 11 Only US fools think others are fools: US dodges RT’s question about Turkish troops in Iraq, gets personal — RT USA rt.com/usa/325550-ira… View summary · Reply Retweet Like Adnan Darwash Adnan Darwash @AdnanDarwash Dec 11 ISIS is A “Saudi Army in Disguise.” shar.es/1GHgf2 via @grtvnews View details · Reply Retweet Like Adnan Darwash Adnan Darwash @AdnanDarwash Dec 11 William Hague/Friends of Syria supported Jihadists: Donald Trump claims more Muslims join ISIS than the British Army dailym.ai/1lT52xd View summary · Reply Retweet Like Adnan Darwash Adnan Darwash @AdnanDarwash Dec 11 Five-star Hotel Syrian Rebels: Rifts overshadow Syria meeting in Riyadh presstv.com//Detail/2015/1… View details · Reply Retweet Like Adnan Darwash Adnan Darwash @AdnanDarwash Dec 11 CIA awarded ISIS-style terrorist attacks to the likes of Blackwater: ‘From Nazis to ISIL, US profits off war’ presstv.com//Detail/2015/1… View details · Reply Retweet Like Adnan Darwash Adnan Darwash @AdnanDarwash Dec 10 Nazis believe the Aryan Race is Ueberall. Similarly, Jews believe they are the Chosen people and God made them superior to others. View details · Reply Retweet Like Adnan Darwash Adnan Darwash @AdnanDarwash Dec 10 Erdogan as Shameless as Netanyahu: ‘Out of question’: Erdogan rules out Turkish troop withdrawal from Iraq — RT News rt.com/news/325539-ir… View summary · Reply Retweet Like Adnan Darwash Adnan Darwash @AdnanDarwash Dec 10 To Erdogan: Never again Iraq to fall under Turkish Rule; regardless how much support you get from NATO or from your USraeli mentors. View details · Reply Retweet Like Adnan Darwash Adnan Darwash @AdnanDarwash Dec 10 To Erdogan: The Othman Empire was so backward that its mal-dressed and under-paid Gendarmes were robbing impoverished Iraqis. View details · Reply Retweet Like Adnan Darwash Adnan Darwash @AdnanDarwash Dec 10 To Erdogan: The Iraqis were so fed up with the Othoman Empire that they preferred joining the Christian British to fight the Muslim Turks. View details · Reply Retweet Like Adnan Darwash Adnan Darwash @AdnanDarwash Dec 10 To Erdogan: The Othman Empire was so backward that the Iraqis had very few schools or paved roads between AD1534-1918. View details · Reply Retweet Like Adnan Darwash Adnan Darwash @AdnanDarwash Dec 10 To Erdogan: Iraqis have experienced first hand the rule of the backward, narrow-minded and uncivilised Turks between 1534 and 1918. View details · Reply Retweet Like Adnan Darwash Adnan Darwash @AdnanDarwash Dec 10 To Erdogan: During the Turkish/Othman Empire rule of Iraq, only Sunni Muslims were allowed to be government employees. View details · Reply Retweet Like Adnan Darwash Adnan Darwash @AdnanDarwash Dec 10 To Erdogan: The most hated and very cruel Othman Emire ruled Iraq from 1534-1918. It was the darkest era in Iraq history. View details · Reply Retweet Like Adnan Darwash Adnan Darwash @AdnanDarwash Dec 10 Would NATO, which virtually became an American intervention force, support Turkish incursion in Iraq and assume all relevant consequences? View details · Reply Retweet Like Adnan Darwash Adnan Darwash @AdnanDarwash Dec 10 US and Turkey want to stop Iraq defeating ISIS; in Mosul and Ramadi. If Turks insist on keeping troops inside Iraq, hell will break loose! View details · Reply Retweet Like Adnan Darwash Adnan Darwash @AdnanDarwash Dec 10 300,000 US Soldiers and mercenaries failed to secure post Saddam Iraq. Sending Arab and Turkish troops to make Muslims kill each other. View details · Reply Retweet Like Adnan Darwash Adnan Darwash @AdnanDarwash Dec 10 To US Political Zombies: Besides being ruled by Terrorists and Corrupt Criminals; Israelis refuse to recognise Jesus and or Christianity. View details · Reply Retweet Like Adnan Darwash Adnan Darwash @AdnanDarwash Dec 10 'Democratic America' Elected Mad Bush I, Imbecile Reagan, Fornicating Clinton, Foxy Nixon and War Mongers (Truman, Kennedy, Bush II, Obama). View details · Reply Retweet Like Load older Tweets Enter a topic, @name, or fullname Settings Help Back to top · Turn images off

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