RT News

Monday, August 02, 2010

Quranic Ayahs related to Imam e Zamana (atfs)

Assalamu Alaikum Ya Ali (asws) Madad

With the help and blessings of Masoomeen (asws) we would like to share a belated gift with all momineen in commeration of the zahoor of Imam e Zamana (atfs). We have just completed the English translation of Imam e Zamana (Atfs) in Quran & Hadiths. This is a collection of over 100 Quranic tafseers and ayahs that are related with Imam e Zamana (atfs). Click the following link to read online or download


Or For urdu translation of al Mahujjah fe Manzil fe al Qaim al Hujjah (atfs): http://www.wilayatmission.com/UrduBooks.html

InshaAllah in the upcoming weeks we will also be uploading the English version of Allama Majalisi's Biharul Anwar vol 13 Kitab al Ghaibah we will be sending out emails once it is uploaded inshaAllah.

It is very important to remember that we all must gain the marifat of our Imam (atfs) otherwise according to the saying of RasoolAllah (saw) "We will die the death of a jahil".

Please remember us in your prayers and duas!!

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