RT News

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Govt plans to build Green Zone in Islamabad

Updated at: 1253 PST, Thursday, October 09, 2008
ISLAMABAD: The government has planned to set up a heavily guarded Green Zone in the federal capital.

According to sources, an Iraq-like Red Zone will be set up in Islamabad’s red zone area over security situation, while Capital Development Authority (CDA) has already started work in this regard.

Sources said diplomatic enclave, president house, PM offices, Pakistan secretariat and other important places will be guarded by the International Zone (Green Zone) in Islamabad.

A concrete wall surrounding around G-5 and F-5 sectors from Khayban-e-Soharwardi to Margala road will be erected in the capital city.

Al-Qaeda has already announced that America has been defeated in Iraq and asked most of its highly-experienced cadre to head for Pakistan and to North Africa. It is clear that the most effective weapons aginst the Americans and their agents are the car bombs, road-side bombs and suicide belts. As they were effective in Iraq they will be effective in Afghanistan and in Pakistan. The Americans want to drive a wedge between Al-Qaeda and the Taleban, but in vain, as Mullah Omar and the Taleban depend to a large extent on the finances and the sophistication of Al-Qaeda. All efforts must be exerted to ward defeating the bankrupt Americans in order to free Arab and Muslim lands from USraeli occupations.
Adnan Darwash, Iraq Occupation Times

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