RT News

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Similarities:Hurricane Shlomo and Katrina!

Author: Adnan
Date: 20-09-08 12:28

Similarities between Hurricane Shlomo and Hurricane Katrina!
The first similarity is that Both Hurricane Shlomo and Hurricane Katrina caused $billions of damages to the US economy that will be covered by the American taxpayer. The second similarity is that no-one is there to be blamed. Hurricane Katrina was caused by angry God/nature and no-one in his right mind can possibly complain. Similarly, Hurricane Shlomo was caused by the greed of the Jewish financial mafia and no-one is powerful enough or in his right mind who can complain let alone ask for them to be exposed and punished. The message from Bush remains to be: the Jews can make wrong investments, cash hefty bonuses and commissions but the taxpayer will pay for the losses if something goes wrong.
One hopes that a bankrupt America will discourage the USraeli war mongers from launching more wars besides an early end to the US hated occupation of Iraq.
Adnan Darwash, Iraq Occupation Times

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