RT News

Saturday, August 30, 2008

A Detail Analysis of Ramadan 1429/2008, Moharram Moon Sighting 1434

According to Comic Calendar:
Ramadan is starting on Sep02/2008; Tuesday.

While according to Gregorian-Hijri Dates Converter Ramadan will be on Monday Sep01/2009=01 RamaDHaan 1429 A.H.

Tuesday 2 September 2008 Time Object (Link) Event
Observer Site Woodbridge, On, Canada

Moonrise at 6:21 AM in direction 77° East by north Map direction East by north
Moonset at 7:45 PM in direction 278° West by north Map direction West by north
Moon in south at 1:10 PM at altitude 54° above horizon

Fraction illuminated: 0.0% (at 6:46 PM)
New Moon Saturday, August 30, 2008 at 3:58 PM
First Quarter Sunday, September 7, 2008 at 10:04 AM


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Moon phases for UTC

<2007  year 2008  2009>

LunationNew MoonFirst QuarterFull MoonThird QuarterDuration
1052Jan 811:37 AMJan 157:46 PMJan 221:35 PMJan 305:03 AM29d 16h 07m
1053Feb 73:44 AMFeb 143:33 AMFeb 213:31 AMFeb 292:18 AM29d 13h 30m
1054Mar 75:14 PMMar 1410:46 AMMar 216:40 PMMar 299:47 PM29d 10h 41m
1055Apr 63:55 AMApr 126:32 PMApr 2010:26 AMApr 282:12 PM29d 8h 23m
1056May 512:18 PMMay 123:47 AMMay 202:12 AMMay 282:57 AM29d 7h 04m
1057Jun 37:23 PMJun 103:04 PMJun 185:31 PMJun 2612:10 PM29d 6h 56m
1058Jul 32:19 AMJul 104:35 AMJul 187:59 AMJul 256:42 PM29d 7h 54m
1059Aug 110:12 AMAug 88:20 PMAug 169:16 PMAug 2311:49 PM29d 9h 45m
1060Aug 307:58 PMSep 72:04 PMSep 159:13 AMSep 225:04 AM29d 12h 14m
1061Sep 298:12 AMOct 79:04 AMOct 148:02 PMOct 2111:55 AM29d 15h 02m
1062Oct 2811:14 PMNov 64:03 AMNov 136:18 AMNov 199:31 PM29d 17h 41m
1063Nov 274:55 PMDec 59:26 PMDec 124:38 PMDec 1910:30 AM29d 19h 28m
1064Dec 2712:23 PM      29d 19h 33m


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Coordinated Universal Time - the international basis for other time zones. Same time as for GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) and Zulu time. Note that United Kingdom is not on GMT during summer.

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WGS84: Lon: -79d36m00.0s Lat: +43d46m59.9s Alt: 115m
All times in EST or EDT (during summer)
21h13m08s Iridium 43Iridium 43 Flare at nightFlare from solar panels Magnitude=-2.4mag
Azimuth=154.1° SSE altitude= 33.9° in constellation Capricornus
Flare angle=0.99°
to flare center line, closest point →MapIt: Longitude=79.911° W Latitude=+43.763° (WGS84) Distance=25.1 km Azimuth=264.9° W
Satellite above: longitude=75.1° W latitude=+36.0° height above Earth=781.2 km distance to satellite=1272.2 km
Altitude of sun=-14.8°
21h56m57s Iridium 39Iridium 39 Flare at nightFlare from MMA2 (Left antenna) Magnitude= 0.1mag
Azimuth=356.7° N altitude= 10.5° in constellation Lynx
Flare angle=1.26°
to flare center line, closest point →MapIt: Longitude=78.294° W Latitude=+42.618° (WGS84) Distance=167.2 km Azimuth=140.3° SE
Satellite above: longitude=81.4° W latitude=+64.0° height above Earth=787.0 km distance to satellite=2500.6 km
Altitude of sun=-21.7°
22h02m03s Iridium 75Iridium 75 Flare at nightFlare from MMA1 (Right antenna) Magnitude= 0.2mag
Azimuth= 83.2° E altitude= 44.9° in constellation Pegasus
Flare angle=1.84°
to flare center line, closest point →MapIt: Longitude=80.217° W Latitude=+43.784° (WGS84) Distance=49.5 km Azimuth=270.3° W
Satellite above: longitude=71.3° W latitude=+44.2° height above Earth=783.9 km distance to satellite=1055.7 km
Altitude of sun=-22.4°
22h07m13s Iridium 80Iridium 80 Flare at nightFlare from MMA2 (Left antenna) Magnitude=-3.4mag
Azimuth=356.1° N altitude= 5.4° in constellation Lynx
Flare angle=0.36°
to flare center line, closest point →MapIt: Longitude=80.319° W Latitude=+43.951° (WGS84) Distance=60.5 km Azimuth=288.1° WNW
Satellite above: longitude=83.6° W latitude=+64.9° height above Earth=787.2 km distance to satellite=2610.9 km
Altitude of sun=-23.1°
22h48m12s Iridium 20Iridium 20 Flare at nightFlare from MMA1 (Right antenna) Magnitude=-2.5mag
Azimuth= 34.2° NE altitude= 5.4° in constellation Auriga
Flare angle=0.49°
to flare center line, closest point →MapIt: Longitude=79.059° W Latitude=+43.605° (WGS84) Distance=47.7 km Azimuth=114.4° ESE
Satellite above: longitude=54.1° W latitude=+59.3° height above Earth=787.0 km distance to satellite=2689.9 km
Altitude of sun=-28.7°
22h58m00s Iridium 49Iridium 49 Flare at nightFlare from MMA1 (Right antenna) Magnitude= 0.3mag
Azimuth= 38.1° NE altitude= 8.1° in constellation Auriga
Flare angle=1.27°
to flare center line, closest point →MapIt: Longitude=81.121° W Latitude=+43.959° (WGS84) Distance=123.4 km Azimuth=279.7° W
Satellite above: longitude=56.4° W latitude=+59.5° height above Earth=786.9 km distance to satellite=2598.2 km
Altitude of sun=-29.8°
23h00m29s Iridium 11Iridium 11 Flare at nightFlare from MMA1 (Right antenna) Magnitude=-3.6mag
Azimuth= 40.0° NE altitude= 7.3° in constellation Perseus
Flare angle=0.37°
to flare center line, closest point →MapIt: Longitude=80.010° W Latitude=+43.920° (WGS84) Distance=36.2 km Azimuth=294.9° WNW
Satellite above: longitude=56.3° W latitude=+57.5° height above Earth=718.4 km distance to satellite=2442.2 km
Altitude of sun=-30.1°
This is a spare satellite or its status is unknown. Brightness estimate may be unreliable and flare time accurate to a few seconds.

Wednesday 3 September 2008 Time Object (Link) Event
5h19m20s Iridium 6Iridium 6 Flare at nightFlare from solar panels Magnitude=-1.9mag
Azimuth=212.2° SSW altitude= 31.7° in constellation Cetus
Flare angle=1.37°
to flare center line, closest point →MapIt: Longitude=80.064° W Latitude=+43.821° (WGS84) Distance=37.4 km Azimuth=276.5° W
Satellite above: longitude=85.5° W latitude=+36.1° height above Earth=782.4 km distance to satellite=1307.3 km
Altitude of sun=-15.4°
6h42m02s Lacrosse 4 Lacrosse 4 Daytime flareFlare from SAR antenna Magnitude=-0.3mag
Azimuth= 95.0° E altitude= 43.7° in constellation Gemini
Flare angle=0.63°
to flare center line, closest point →MapIt: Longitude=79.452° W Latitude=+43.843° (WGS84) Distance=13.6 km Azimuth= 60.7° ENE
Satellite above: longitude=72.1° W latitude=+43.1° height above Earth=686.6 km distance to satellite=943.9 km
Altitude of sun=-0.6°
This is an experimental flare prediction. Brightness estimate may be unreliable. Please report a successful observation (Object/site coordinates/date/measured time/accuracy/magnitude). =================== Place Longitude Latitude Timezone Adelaide 138° 36′ E 34° 56′ S Moharram New Year Moon as per Adelaide, SA Sp First Moharram will be on Friday Nov16th, Ashoora will be on Nov 25th/ 2012 New Moon Birth Date Sun Moon at Sunset Moon Lag BEST Code + Set Az Age Alt Az DAZ Mag El Set Time TIME year mth day h m d mth day h m o h m o o o o h m m h m 2012 Nov 14 07 38 Wed 0 Wed Nov 14 18 58 247 11 20 4 250 -3 -4.1 7 19 26 28 19 11 F 1 Thur Nov 15 18 59 246 35 21 17 256 -10 -5.7 21 20 34 95 19 41 A 14 Nov 2012 6:00 AM 8:26 PM 112° 246° 1:11 PM 73.1° 357,462 0.1% New Moon at 8:38 AM 15 Nov 2012 6:56 AM 9:34 PM 115° 244° 2:14 PM 74.8° 357,856 2.3% =======================

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