RT News

Sunday, February 03, 2008

The balance of fear in Iraq

At this very moment, no Iraqi party, militia, ethnic or religious group believes that it can rule the country on its own. The heavily-armed and highly-trained Iraqis know how to defend their families and streets and can guarantee a balanced power sharing and peaceful future; away from the conspiracies of America and its agents. Iraq, without the presence of the hated American troops means an end to the slaughter of innocent civilians, the presence of Al-Qaeda fighters or the Iranian influence. Iraqis, secular and religious, are super patriots and lived side by side for hundreds of years. There has always been a mosque and a bar in Baghdad since its establishment by Abu Jaafar Al-Mansur in 750 AD.

Since March 2003, we have lost a million under American occupation and will lose another million if occupation was allowed to continue. The struggle to get rid of the hated American soldiers may cost us less than their presence. The Iraqi ship can only sail safely if the heavy burden of the Americans is dumped into the sea, or preferably, on the garbage dump of history. The real solution is to end the occupation and all its annexes; of military bases and agreements. The presence of US military bases, long-term security arrangements or mortgaging Iraqi oil to US cartels (A combination of independent business organizations formed to regulate production, pricing, and marketing of goods by the members.) will only prolong the resistance and justify more massacres. The shedding of the lives of innocent Iraqi civilians, the way it was carried out yesterday 01.02.08, in the animal markets of Baghdad, supposedly by Al-Qaeda, can only be justified as an attempt to undermine the US occupation and their client regime. No need to tell the Americans to remove all their Iraqi agents from the country before leaving as score settling will be more severe than that carried out by the Russians or the French in punishing agents of Nazi Germany.

The longer the Americans remain in Iraq the shorter is the period for America to declare itself as a failed and bankrupt state. Can the Americans really afford a $200 or $300 oil? After almost five years the Americans are still fighting street to street in Mosul, Baquba, Tikrit and a number of other cities. The flame of the Iraqi resistance will engulf Kuwait, Jordan and Saudi Arabia.

The American Zombies see the world in two shades of colours; red or blue. Red being an anti-America communist and blue being a pro-American. I am an Iraqi whose country has been destroyed by the later-day Moghuls, the Americans. Naturally the Americans expect Iraqis to accept the colonisation of their country, otherwise they will be labelled as insurgents, terrorists or Islamofascists. In reality, the only modern fascist with Nazi-type atrocities is an USraeli driving a panzer or flying a luftwaffe plane to invade other's lands, destroy their homes and kill the people, naturally in the name of democracy and freedom.

Obama believes that all American troops will leave Iraq within 16 months if he was elected. While McCain believes that the US troops will remain in Iraq indefinitely. So which one of these is unrealistic? Having Hussein for a middle name, I am sure that many American Zombies believe that Obama is no more than a cousin of Osama. The Americans are so stupid. The delusion is when the Americans dream of a good relation to Arab and Muslim people while at the same time they hate anything Arab or Muslim.
Adnan Darwash, Iraq Occupation Times

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