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Saturday, November 03, 2007

Pakistan needs to be dissolved, says expert

Malaysia Sun
Saturday 3rd November, 2007

Washington, Nov.3 : Noted author and investment expert Dr. Ali Ettefagh has said that Pakistan is not a country, and needs to be dissolved because it has failed to build on the British view of what a nation-state should be.

The Washington Post quotes Ettefagh as further saying Pakistan's short 60-year history is full of coups and raw, violent tribal rivalry, peppered by jailing or executing the previous rulers.

"Most recently, we saw a stark and bold example of such rivalry: a returning Pakistani politician, a former prime minister, was deported from his own country. There is no commonly accepted language among these tribes and thus the official language of Pakistan is English," he said.

Regarding Iran-Pakistan relations, Dr. Ettefagh, who serves as serves as a director of Highmore Global Corporation, an investment company in emerging markets of Eastern Europe, CIS, and the Middle East, said: " For as long as I remember, Iran's eastern border with Pakistan has always been a hub of instability, smuggling and violent crime. Pakistan is the main transit route for opium and heroin from Afghanistan, where more than 90 percent of the world's opium supply is produced. In turn, that cash flow encourages money laundering; armed banditry, murder, violence and corruption."

"Pakistan is a relic set up as a counterweight to India -- and its tendency to tilt towards the Eastern Block. I think it is high time to revisit the old composite structure of five provinces combined into one artificial country. A redrawing of borders might serve useful and to cut through the farce. Let each province mature and declare independence. Some will eventually join their long-time tribal allies, leaving two or three independent lands and a more transparent political agenda," he concludes.

Shahbaz wants Pakistan and Bangladesh reunited
From our ANI Correspondent

London, Nov 3: Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) President Shahbaz Sharif has said that it was his keen desire to see Pakistan and Bangladesh united as they had been before the war in 1971.

Addressing a seminar of the Overseas Pakistani Lawyers' Association on "Democracy and Role of Law in Pakistan" here, he held the previous military regimes responsible for dividing the country in 1971.

He said President Pervez Musharraf was working on a foreign agenda instead of a national agenda.

Shahbaz said democracy was the need of the hour so that all institutions could work in a harmonious way.

The Daily Times quoted Shahbaz as saying that the PML-N was making sacrifices for restoration of democracy in Pakistan.

Copyright Dailyindia.com/ANI

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