RT News

Monday, June 11, 2007

Cold War & CIA Slogan

During the last cold war (1945 to 1989) the Muslims stood with America in its fight against communism. Many Arabs countries, le.g. Saudi Arabia, refused to recognise the Republic of China or the Soviet Union, although both have supported the Palestinians while America supported and armed Israel. Bin Laden and his Al-Qaeda men accepted CIA money and arms to fight the Russians in Afghanistan. The dismantling of the Soviet Union left America as the only super power attacking others with impunity. At this moment there is an ongoing USraeli anti-Muslim crusade. It is a golden chance for Putin to support the Muslim revolutions and to defeat America and its mercenaries and agents in government. The cold war will produce a multi- polar world where American arrogance can be neutralised.

Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Syria and the Gulf supported Bush senior in his attack on Iraq. The CIA has succeeded so far in promoting the idea that Russia is as bad as America. Arabs will remain stupid as long as they don´t identify America as the enemy and work toward gaining friends, like Russia.

This is an old CIA slogan which equated friendly Russia with criminal America. Why should the USSR be with Arabs when most Arab leaders were towing the American line. Arabs and Muslims must identify America as the enemy and work to gain Russia as a friend.

Bush steps on the tail of the Iranian lion.
Ahmedinejad and Bush are heading towards a real heavy weight match. Bush is rushing all types of vessels and submarines in preparation for the imminent attack on Iran, probably before the end of June 2007. Bush needs to prove to Putin that America still has teeth to bite despite its humiliation in Iraq. In return, Ahmedinejad challenged Bush by saying that Iran is like a lion resting in his den and will devour those who dare to step on its tail. It is high time for Putin to regain Russia´s superpower status by anouncing his support for Iran in order to stop American provocations at Russian borders.

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