RT News

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Ahmedinejad: Bush is a beggar with a dagger!

To Ahmedinejad: Bush is a beggar with a dagger! The beggars in Kirkuk north of Baghdad used to carry long daggers. Similarly, Bush has been arming Israel to bombard Iran while at the same time is begging Ahmedinejad for help to end the US-made bloody chaos in Iraq. The Americans are fools and never learn. True Arabs and Muslims never give in to intimidation. The Israelis have tried all types of kidnappings, torture and assassinations against Palestinians and failed to have peace. Another living example is the Iraqi resistance which remains defiant and is gaining strength by the day despite American atrocities. The Iranians and the Syrians will never buy anything from Bush while America continues its support for Israeli Nazi-type atrocities against Palestinians. Furthermore, Bush is currently waging a Zionist crusade against Arabs and Muslims manifested with uncivilised practices in Afghanistan, Iraq and at Guantanamo. With such credentials, Bush is asking the impossible.
Published: 14 November 2006 Anne Penketh, Independent Co.Uk The Iranians and Syrians must have been choking on their tea last night. After three years of being branded a part of the axis of evil and an outpost of tyranny and ordered not to meddle in Iraq, they are being invited to be part of the new Middle East. But not the one advocated three years ago by the neoconservatives who predicted that the fall of Saddam Hussein would give rise to a wave of democracy that would sweep Arab dictators from their pedestals. That dream was shattered for good last week by the American midterm elections which propelled the Democrats into the driving seat of Congress for the first time in 12 years. The new watchword is "recalibration". Do not expect any recognition in the coming days that the new policy of Tony Blair and the US is capitulation, or even a U-turn, as they go cap in hand to the leaders of Syria and Iran, accused of fomenting trouble in Iraq and supporting terrorist groups in the broader Middle East. Last night, Mr Blair's spokesman insisted that no "concessions" are being offered to Iran and Syria, and the Prime Minister stressed that the diplomatic overtures do not mark a policy shift. The two countries can either co-operate, or face isolation, Mr Blair said. But the midterm elections have made the search for an exit strategy even more urgent. The insurgents can smell the defeat of a superpower. So unless the US and Britain can persuade Iraq's neighbours that it is in their interests to help curb the insurgency, the coalition forces risk being dragged even deeper into a civil war. Why should Iran and Syria help the US and Britain at this stage? Because it is in their interests to do so - and retain important leverage in their own region. The Iranians have long felt slighted by the Americans, who rewarded them with the "axis of evil" speech after they helped the US in Afghanistan and in Iraq in the days that followed the overthrow of Saddam. The Syrians, too, say that they have acted on US requests to control the porous border with Iraq, and have deployed 10,000 troops there. But one thing has changed in the three years since the US and Britain invaded Iraq. And that is the rapport de force in the region, where Iran and Syria hold the upper hand after the Lebanon war. Mr Blair and Mr Bush - and Ehud Olmert of Israel - now have the role of lame ducks.
His language was either Syria and Iran stop supporting the terror in Iraq, or else! I though that Iran and Syria have already tested the "else" and would like to extract as much as possible from the discredited and besieged Bush and Blair. It is still Iraq that they are talking about. The Iraqis want to settle scores with the American and British criminals and their mercenaries, come what may be.
1. Syria caught and handed to the American all Saddam followers who escaped from Iraq. 2. Syria cooperated with the American in interrogating and torturing fundamentalists sent to them by the CIA. 3. Initially, Iran and Syria were happy to see their enemy Saddam being toppled and did not oppose the Americans in the invasion of Iraq. 4. Secular leaders like Najeebullah of Afghanistan and Saddam of Iraq were toppled by the Americans and were replaced with fundamentalists. What killed Bush is his Jewish agenda for the Middle East. He labelled Syria and Iran as the Axis of evil and promised to tackle them one at a time. As a result, the Iranians and the Syrians preferred to fight the American Marines in Baghdad, not in the streets of Damascus or Tehran.
Iran turned the plan of the ungrateful Americans, upside down. In the beginning it looked Iran is being cornered with American forces are in Afghanistan, Iraq and in the countries of the Arab Pigs of the Gulf. But Ahmedinejad, changed Dr Khatemi 's gear and went on the offensive making Herat in Afghanistan and Basra in Iraq Iranian terrirtories. As a result, the former enemies, the Taliban started to recive money and ammunition sor are the Iraqi resistance. If Bush continues his stupidity, Iran may satart to assist Al-Qaeda fighters throughout the world. Why the reluctance when Iran is accused by the Americans of helping terrorists. The stupidity of Bush is facing the tact and wisdom of Ahmedinejad. Dr Khatemi was a moderate, when Bush considered Iran as part of the Axis of evil; opening the way for the election of Ahmedinejad.

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