Growing dispute? FIA returns some files it had confiscated from SBCA, KMC
By Hafeez TunioPublished: August 1, 2015
Sindh government says no inventory or copies were made of the record was made by the FIA officials. PHOTO: EXPRESS
Sindh government says no inventory or copies were made of the record was made by the FIA officials. PHOTO: EXPRESS
KARACHI: The Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) on Friday returned around 200 files to the Sindh Building Control Authority (SBCA) just as a rift with the provincial government deepened.
The FIA had on July 24 raided offices of the SBCA at Civic Centre, taking away thousands of files allegedly pertaining to ‘China-cutting’ for investigations.
But the Sindh government, noting that neither the SBCA nor the Karachi Metropolitan Corporation (KMC) fell under the FIA’s jurisdiction, has written a letter to the investigation body’s director protesting its raid.
In a letter titled “The transgression of powers by officers of FIA,” a copy of which is available with The Express Tribune, the provincial government threated to initiate “criminal” as well as “civil” proceedings against the federal investigation agency.
“It is our contention that the said documents have been surreptitiously stolen by FIA official after office hours,” said deputy secretary (admin) local government Zahid Kametio, in the letter.
Addressing FIA director Shahid Hayat, the letter added that the FIA, being a statutory body, is duly bound to act in accordance with law and within the parameters prescribed by the parliament (in its infinite wisdom under the federal investigation Act 1974).
It further said that the jurisdiction of the federal investigation agency is confined to matters concerning the federal government only and departments which are under its administrative control.
“The KMC under any stretch of imagination is neither part of the federal government nor is under the administrative its control, therefore the FIA has no mandate to conduct such without prior information.”
Regarding records confiscated by the FIA, the letter said emphasized with great vehemence that not only did the agency conduct its raid after office hours, but that it seized and confiscated the entire “original” record of the KMC’s land department situated at 10 floor of Civic Centre.
“Please note that no inventory or copies of this record was made by the said officers. This is itself an ‘arbitrary exercise’ and ‘abuse’ of power by FIA officers, which has caused a great anxiety not only amongst the officers of KMC, but also the public at large whose records have been picked up.”
The Sindh government termed the raid a breach of provincial autonomy and an act contrary to legal and constitutional rights.
“A request should have been made by the federal agency in writing. However, taking complete original record in a van is unilateral raid at the office of a government department and is blatant excess of authority.”
CM’s spokesperson denies talks of dispute
Talking to The Express Tribune, the spokesperson for CM government rebutted the reports of dispute between the FIA and Sindh government and said that the former has started returning the documents to KMC.
“We are also against corruption and will extend every possible help to the federal investigation agency against this menace,” the spokesperson said adding that in future the FIA will approach the commissioner of Karachi and KMC administrator for any details or record which they require.
“It has been decided that no raid will be conducted at any government office by the agency. However, Sindh government itself has stood up against the corruption and will coordinate with others agencies to get rid of it,” the spokesperson said.
FIA returns a few files
An FIA official said that of the thousands of files confiscated, 200 files have been returned.
“Not a single file pertaining to China-cutting has been given back to KMC. The federal investigation agency is probing the matter,” the official added.
Read more: SBCA
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Friday, July 31, 2015
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
Regional Youth Traineeship Program - Circular 30.10
Regional Youth Traineeship Program - Circular 30.10
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Sustainability Officers Date 23 July 2015
Contact Vicky Newton
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Summary The LGA is pleased to partner with Regions SA in bringing forward the Regional Youth Traineeship program that was announced by the Minister for Regional Development, Hon Geoff Brock as part of the State Government’s $10M Jobs Accelerator Fund at the recent RDA Far North Roadshow held in Port Augusta. Round One Expressions of Interest will close Friday 28 August 2015. Further details can be found in this Circular.
Minister for Regional Development, Hon Geoff Brock announced that the two year $2M program would assist young people (17-24) to enter the workforce through traineeships in Local Government.
The program will provide a wage subsidy of up to $14,500 per Trainee annually, for up to two years and seeks to fill 57 positions across each SA Regional Council, Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY), Gerard Community Council, Maralinga Tjarutja, Nipapanha (Nepabunna) Community Council, Outback Communities Authority and Yalata Community Council.
The LGA will work to assist Councils and Trainees with all aspects of the Traineeship process for the two year program period.
Given the very recent announcement of this program, the LGA has now entered into a strategic recruitment process and anticipates a mid-August program commencement date.
It is recognised that some Councils may seek to commence a Traineeship position before mid-August, and while the LGA will be limited in its capacity to assist the process, Councils that wish to follow this process should make contact with Andrew Haste, LGA Director Member Services via phone 8224 2073 or email to discuss your plans.
The Local Government Association of SA is delivering the Regional Youth Traineeship Program through the State Government’s $10 million Jobs Accelerator Fund
Parking fines to fund Vic market renewal
By Karen Sweeney July 30, 2015, 11:02 am
MELBOURNE, July 30 AAP - Fees and fines added $5 million more than expected to Melbourne City Council coffers in the last financial year.
The council raised about $80 million from parking, including half from fines, in 2014-15, Lord Mayor Robert Doyle says.
The council is "squirrelling away" the surplus funds to pay for the Queen Victoria Market renewal project, he says.
Motorists have been more compliant, paying parking fees since electronic parking sensors were installed in bays across the city, helping boost income from fees.
"We think ... parking revenue for us has about peaked and it will probably now start to decline," Mr Doyle told 3AW radio.
Mr Doyle was accused of hiding the figures, which were revealed by councillor Stephen Mayne during a council meeting this week.
But Mr Doyle said he was upset Mr Mayne had revealed unaudited figures from a confidential council briefing.
"I do get cranky when people break confidentiality," he said.
"I'm not trying to hide it but confidential means confidential and there's a reason for that."
Mr Doyle said more than half the additional revenue, $2.6 million, was the result of delays in removing on-street parking along Victoria Parade to make way for a bus lane.
Orthodox Jews' Prayer "May the Nazarens (Christians) perish in an instant. May they be bolted out of the book of the living (Pg 69:29).
The US foreign policy is like a Cart driven by Four Horses (CIA, Pentagon, AIPAC and John Kerry) pulling in as many different directions! AIPAC targeting vulnerable Democrats over Iran agreement: Analyst . Americans continue to support Israeli terrorists: Israeli settlers torch Palestinian homes, burn baby to death
A number of Iraqi Sunni politicians with contacts to Saudi Arabia and Turkey are trying in vain to frustrate Iraq efforts to defeat ISIS. In the absence of International Law (UN), Israel and Turkey have been attacking their neighbours and killing the people with impunity. Unlike Iran, Israel belongs to the club of Untouchables operating outside International law with US support. During the cold war the CIA encouraged Saudi preachers to attack Liberal, Secular, Leftist and Communist ideologies and to spread Wahhabism. Corruption Leads to Treason: In order to loot Iraq, US handed power to corrupt people (Allawi, Maliki, Hashimi, Chalabi, Barzani, Talibani). Qubban Talibani, who is married to a Jew and attend the annual meetings of AIPAC; stated that Iraq ceased to exist as a united country! Usraeli agent Kurdish Autocratic War lord, Massoud Al-Barzani, supports Turkish attack on his own people just because they are leftists! Besides the sacrifices, the Shiites leadership has been witnessing the corruption and the theft of Iraqi wealth by US-installed politicians. The Shiites majority of Iraq (60%) had been marginalised by 450 years of Turkish rule, persecuted by Saddam and killed by ISIS car bombs!
The biggest profiteers from Iraq corruption are the untouchable US collaborators: Barzani, Talibani, Allawi, Chalabi, Mehdi, Mutlaq, Maliki. The US embassy has helped corrupt Iraqis and other criminals to escape justice by flying them away from the green Zone to the US Via Jordan. Remember Saigon: There will not be enough helicopters to fly CIA and MOSSAD agents from the roof top of US embassy in Baghdad to Erbil! Shiite, Sunni and Kurdish Mafias of the US-installed Green Zone Republic swallow most of Iraq Oil Revenues. The US embassy must be closed. Bye Bye Cowboy Savages: After the mass demonstrations in Tahrir Square of Baghdad, millions of Iraqis will march on the Green Zone Republic!
Besides Guantanamo, Obama should close the infamous US embassy in Baghdad before it is taken down brick by brick by angry Iraqis.
It was just and timely for Al-Sistani to have intervened to stop ISIS and the corrupt politicians using foreign powers to dividing Iraq.
The armed Popular Mobilisation Force is the only power that can unite Iraq, close foreign military bases and to stop corruption.
USraelis, Turks, Saudis, Jordanians and Barzani Clan fear the Millions of Iraqi Youth rushing to join the armed Popular Mobilisation Force. Saudi and Jordanian warplanes drop weapons and supplies to ISIS West of Al-Anbar as part of the US plan to have a Sunni Arab Province!
Following the defeat of ISIS, the armed Popular Mobilisation Force will be joined by all Iraqi Nationalists to give Iraq back to the people. Shiite-led Mobilisation Force in Iraq may become a real Moral Revolution. It is already feared by corrupt politicians who betrayed Iraq.
Iraqi, Jordanian and Saudi Sunni Arabs have always collaborated with and served the UK and USraeli interests in the Middle East.
The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan has been implementing UK and US policies in the Middle East including an unlimited support for Israel.
US police the Streets of Baghdad but not those of LA: Los Angeles gangs bet on who can kill 100 people in 100 days . C4-loaded truck exploded in Baghdad today was a reply to Ibadi's reforms by Bush-established dirty-work squads which Obama didn't dismantle.
"Shiite-led Iraqi Mobilisation is the only force that is capable of defeating ISIS",, 23.07.2015.
The Iraqis hope that the Mobilisation Force will be able to Reducing Corruption, Unifying the Country and to Closing down the US Embassy. Iraq has the largest US embassy on earth, with 1000 'Diplomats', it houses conspirators, dirty-work experts, death squads and MOSSAD agents. Iraq 'll never see peace and the people 'll never enjoy life until the US embassy is closed down and all Americans are expelled. With so many restrictions put on Iraq in order to use the US-supplied F-16, it makes it imperative for Iraq to look for another supplier. The US-supplied F-16s to Iraq which are piloted by Kurdish pilots will be under US and Barzani control and be used to defend kurdish areas! The Americans are worried that the Shiite-led Popular Mobilisation Force will succeed in defeating ISIS and their plans to dividing Iraq! Optimism: No nation on earth can correctly identify and expose its corrupt politicians like the Iraqis. Justice is expected very soon. Having a determined leadership with fighters on the Fronts, the Shiite-led Mobilisation Force will ignore US conspiracies and defeat ISIS. Head of Iraq corruption is in US embassy while the tail is in the Green Zone. AL-Sistani must go for the head while Ibadi handles the tail.
Mission Impossible: US embassy in Baghdad will frustrate Al-Sistani-ordered reform program as it will involve US allies and collaborators. There may be a repeat of July 1958 revolution when frustrated Iraqis Killed King Faisal II, his British-installed ministers and aides.
The Turks are not trusted in fighting ISIS. Their warplanes will destroy Syrian army positions, by 'Friendly Fire' while targeting ISIS's.
Turkey Joins Israel and Saudi Arabia as the sponsor of violence, death and destruction in the Middle East. US-led NATO supports Turkey in attacking the anti-USraeli Kurdish PKK bases in North Iraq; using ISIS as a cover. Attack ISIS and PKK pays! The Kurds are between ISIS attacks and Turkish Bombs! Erdogan joins the US-led coalition hoping to toppling Al-Assad and destroying the PKK! Insulting the Intelligence of People: While arming Islamists before sending them to Syria, Erdogan accuses Assad of supporting terrorists!
Inside Turkey, the 'attacks' on ISIS supporters means targeting the Kurdish Leftist organisations that, in-reality, are fighting ISIS.
Iraqi Sovereignty Under US Occupation: Turkish War planes destroy targets inside Iraq with the blessing of the US and its Kurdish agents!
Turks would have never dared to bombard North Iraq and to violate its sovereignty without a green light from Obama! Barzani business associates are selling stolen Iraqi oil to Israel on behalf of ISIS at a discount price! Turkey is helping ISIS by fighting its vehement enemy the PKK. Kurdish Barzani made a secret deal with ISIS to limit the activities of PKK. Following the latest Turkish onslaught in North Iraq, Barzani has no option but to mend fences with Baghdad and to send MOSSAD agents home.
NATO shouldn't be fighting Erdogan's wars. Erdogan believed that, Like Saudi Arabia, supporting and exporting ISIS to Syria and Iraq will keep its terror attacks away from Turkey! How can Turkey claim self defence when in fact its was its airforce that attacked Iraq and Syria? Foreign Minister Zareef's refusal to visit Irbil confirms, that Iran may stop all dealings with the Pro-Israeli Kurds of Northern Iraq. By attacking Leftist Kurdish PKK, Erdogan with US blessing, is opening the old Turkish wounds that kept bleeding for decades! Erdogan is in deep trouble: 20% of the Turkish population is Kurdish while there are more Alawaiytes/Shiites in Turkey than in Syria!
@N_Neandertalien @USAwatchdog33 Putting Air in Coalition Punctured Tyres. The US Bombs while NATO member, Turkey, sends supplies to ISIS!!! If the Israelis are reluctant to fight the Syrians, the Jordanians will do it on their behalf using recently donated Israeli Helicopters!
It was reported that Bibi Netanyahu and Moshe Arens were the handlers of Israeli Spy Jonathan Pollard while still working for the US Navy. Israel PM Shamir handed Jonathan Pollard Navy Communication Codes to the USSR which resulted in capturing or liquidating scores of US spies.
All spies on US are disgraced except Israelis like Jonathan Pollard, who gave Navy Communication codes to Israel that ended up in the CCCP!
@ShababLibya Despite all the shortcomings, Qaddafi made a unified and prosperous country with heavy investment on health and education.
Arab Suicide attackers in Iraq: Palestine: 1201 Saudi Arabia: 300 Yemen: 250 Syria: 200 Egypt: 90 Tunisia: 44 Libya: 40 Source Min. Interior . What a Jihad! Islamist Suicide Attackers are queuing to get a chance to die killing other Muslims! Insulting the Intelligence of People: Netanyahu accuses the settlers of carrying out terrorist attacks while his IDF protects them!
Orthodox Jews' Prayer "May the Nazarens (Christians) perish in an instant. May they be bolted out of the book of the living (Pg 69:29). Bearded Orthodox Jews and Islamists are very similar when dealing with homosexuals. One drops them from high buildings the other stabs them!
After the defeat of ISIS, the Shiite-led Mobilisation Force will move to clear out the 'Green Zone' of USraeli agents and dirty-work squads.
The imminent defeat of the Bearded Islamic Barbarians in Iraq and Syria will send shivers through the bones of USraeli collaborators in M.E.
The Shiite-led Mobilisation Force is a real armed, MAO-Style, revolution against ISIS and the corruption of USraeli groomed agents in Iraq.
A Perfect "Constructive Chaos": Iraqis, Syrians, Libyans, Yemenis and Turks are killing each other More expected to join the mayhem later! Using Iran as a pretext, the Saudis are coordinating policies with the Israelis in supporting Islamists in Syria and in the war on Yemen.
During Caliph Al-Mamoun reign (AD 813-833) scientists were encouraged to come to Baghdad. Since 1963, Iraq has been losing them in thousands.Our present leaders encourage Arab Brains to leave for Europe!
Pro-USraeli British Political Establishment stinks of Coke, Alcoholism, Pedophilia, Prostitution, Nepotism; Coverups and mis-use of funds!
The Social Media are giving thousands of Americans a chance to exposing the Zionist control of the US Media, Wall Street and Politics.
================ After communicating in Arabic with ISIS in Haweeja, Helicopters landed and flew the 'Emir' and aides carrying cash!
Saudi Arabia will be against Israel if Netanyahu converts from Judaism to a Shiite Muslim replacing the Yamulka with Omama (White Turban). Is Obama a Shiite Muslim from Kenya? That explains why he signed the Iranian Deal with 5+1 opposed by Sunni Saudi Arabia and Jewish Israel.
Saudi Arabia and Israel fear normalization of US-Iran ties, not nuclear agreement: Activist
"E' Tu Brutus": Israeli envoy calls on US Congress to reject Iran agreement
The UK labour party is like a Leftist Hen that wanted to walk like a Conservative Pigeon. In the 'City', Humanitarian issues make no Money.
The Saudi Kings and Princes aren't interested in the traditional forms of Arab/Muslim solidarity but in maintaining privileges and wealth. King Salman needs Bandar Bin Sultan: A Prince of Kickbacks, a friend of Bush, Kissinger and Israel, a mentor of ISIS and an enemy of Iran. The Americans XX: The US supports and protects the Saudi Wahhabi Kingdom despite sharing the same ideology with Al-Qaeda and with ISIS.
In bombing impoverished Yemen and in siding with Israel against Iranian Nuclear Deal with the 5+1, the Saudis have gone dangerously too far. Insulting the Intelligence of People: The Saudi warplanes bomb civilian targets in Yemen and accuse the Houthis of killing civilians!
Insulting the Intelligence of People: Israeli MOSSAD assassinate people across the world and Netanyahu accuses Hizbollah of terrorism! Netanyahu-led unit destroyed 10 civilian aircraft at Beirut Airport and US veto exonerated him! Netanyahu accuses Iran of supporting anti-Shiite and pro-Wahhabi ISIS! Saudis join the US-led anti-ISIS coalition while 60% of Saudis supports ISIS Wahhabi ideology! The Saudi King, guardian of the Holy Shrines, spend his holiday not in a Muslim country but in France! Israel qualifies as a Sunni State while it cooperates with Saudi Arabia, ISIS and Al-Nusrat Front against Shiites Hizballah and Iran.
"Revolution, only Solution": Russell Brand triggers disgust after branding the Queen a 'Kraut Nazi' via @MailOnline
Adnan Darwash
US General wants Iraq to be divided along ethnic lines! How about dividing the US into CHICANOSTAN, NEGROSTAN, KUKLUXISTAN and SHLOMOSTAN?
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Adnan Darwash Adnan Darwash
For the lack of running horses the US is saddling a Geriatric Israeli Dog, Bernie Sanders, and a Fat Wheeler Dealer, Donald Trumps
As AIPAC wanted the Republicans to win the next election, it asked Israeli citizen, Bernie Sanders to divert Jewish votes away from Clinton.
US wants Iraq divided with ISIS-controlled areas be handed to Sunni Arab administration which will eventually be part of the 'Great Israel'. But As was expected, Al-Sistani Popular Mobilisation will go beyond ISIS to liberating Iraq from USraeli influence and corrupt collaborators.
Making Iraq stands on its feet again will send shivers through the bones of the USraelis and their Saudi and Jordanian agents.
Arabs Need Genuine National Leaders: Unfortunately, Nasser, Gheddafi, Assad and Saddam had served US-UK interests directly or indirectly.
Kurdish warlord Barazni refusal to go triggers a crisis in North Iraq. Anti-corruption Reform Virus is creeping up from Baghdad to Erbil. Kurdish warlord Barazni's refusal to leave office triggers a crisis in North Iraq. The anti-corruption virus is creeping up from Baghdad.
Iraq War Fiasco continues to cast shadows on UK and US politics. UK Labour Corbyn wants to apologise while US Jeb Bush talks like an idiot.
Profits of the Oil Cartels and the US arm industries are down. US hopes that Israel attacks Iran and the South bombards the Korean North! Plan B: US Generals recommended to Israel to keep some F-35 at Tabuk, Saudi Arabia, with Saudi Markings if war ever to break up with Iran.
Before delivering F-35 to Israel, the Americans must read Ehud Barak's latest revelations. According to Ehud Brak, Israel contemplated hitting Iran with a hydrogen bomb. No-one can count how many were killed as they will find none! Iran may regret signing the Nuclear deal with the 5+1. Saddam accepted to disarm, after which Iraq was 'illegally' invaded and destroyed.
Nuclear Iran is a must to deter Israel from launching a thermonuclear attack to pulverise the nation. The Greater Israel MarkII: The new borders are not limited to the area from the Nile to the Euphrates, but to include US, UK and Australia!
@TheMurdochTimes If Cameron had the guts he should chase the Israeli Nuclear Elephants and not the Iranian Uranium Enrichment Fleas.
To all Muslims: Kindly use the word ISIS for ISRAELI ISLAMIC STATE and Not DAESH. ISIS' main objective is to serve USraeli interests. Like Bin Laden, Al-Baghdad, ISIS leader, may be protected and cared for by the intelligence services of an US-Friendly country.
Although claiming to be a Christian Country with 80% go to Church every Sunday, the US is behind all current wars on conflicts in the world!
US Legislators are on the payroll of the Weapon Industry, Oil Cartels, Jewish-led Wall Street and had stopped representing the people. After leaving office, most US politicians, are given jobs in 'friendly' industries, e.g. Rumsfeld, Schultz, Haig, Kissinger, Carlucci ..etc.
IN USA, before a President Enters the Whitehouse, he Owes Too Much to Too Many Power Centres and has to Pay Back the Debts while in office!
US Democracy: In order for a politician to win in the US is to look like a Hollywood Star and with at least one US$billion in his coffer.
The Americans are conspiring to weaken the EU: After dumping former USSR countries now they are flooding the EU with refugees! AIPAC must accuse China of anti-Semitism since it caused to emptying the coffers of Jews at Wall Street and decreasing donations to Israel.
Adnan Darwash
Sep 14
British Conservative Party Leaders are used to seeing a Labour Party playing by the USraeli rules. But not with Jeremy Cobern as its leader!
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Adnan Darwash Adnan Darwash
Sep 14
Jeremy Corbyn Will be a Palestinian voice inside the British Parliament which has been historically dominated by Friends of Israel Club.
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Adnan Darwash Adnan Darwash
Sep 14
Jeremy Corbyn is a real threat to agents of the Weapon Industries and the Financial Vultures in power.
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Adnan Darwash Adnan Darwash
Sep 14
Jeremy Crobyn will try his best to put a Human face on the British Foreign Policy.
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Adnan Darwash Adnan Darwash
Sep 14
Jeremy Crobyn: Bad news for Netanyahu; as he will highlight the need to dismantle the Israel Nuclear Arsenal as it is protected by the US.
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Adnan Darwash Adnan Darwash
Sep 11
On the 14th anniversary of 9/11 one wishes Obama to permit the publication of the 28 pages deleted from the 9/11 commission's report.
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Adnan Darwash Adnan Darwash
Sep 11
Jeremy Corbyn can defeat Cameron, if he accepts increasing the UK spending not on Hospitals, Schools and Roads but on buying more US arms!!
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Adnan Darwash Adnan Darwash
Sep 11
Passing Iran Nuclear Deal in the US senate and the vote in the UN to raise the Palestinian flag are nasty defeats for Likudist Netanyahu.
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Adnan Darwash Adnan Darwash
Sep 11
Caliph Al-Mamoun AD813-AD833, encouraged 'scientist' to come to Baghdad. Our present leaders encourage Arab Brains to leave for Europe!
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Adnan Darwash Adnan Darwash
Sep 9
The US plan to rally Al-Qaeda and Its Allies to declare an Afghanistan-style Jihad to killing Al-Assad similar to the hanging Dr Najeebullah
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Adnan Darwash Adnan Darwash
Sep 7
The Saudi-led coalition fell deep in a Yemeni pit and continues digging. Invaders of Afghanistan and Yemen have paid a heavy price.
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Adnan Darwash Adnan Darwash
Sep 7
ISIS fighters know anti-ISIS coalition Warplanes aren't serious in their attacks and continue their open air parades and execution parties.
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Adnan Darwash Adnan Darwash
Sep 7
The killing in Syria is being carried out not only by the Syrian regime forces as Western Media insinuate but also by the bearded Islamists.
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Adnan Darwash Adnan Darwash
Sep 7
Qataris, Saudis, UK, US, Jordan and Turkey helped to Recruit, Train and Arm Islamists before sending them to destroy and kill in Syria.
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Adnan Darwash Adnan Darwash
Sep 7
Gulf Arab States (Pigs of the Gulf) are ready to spend US$ billions on destroying the homes of Other Arabs but not to assist Arab refugees!!
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Adnan Darwash Adnan Darwash
Sep 7
A Christian 'Kafir,, like German Angela Merkel, goes out of her way to help Arab refugees but not the Wahabi Muslims of Saudi Arabia!
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Adnan Darwash Adnan Darwash
Sep 4
The Syrian Refugees 'll be readily accepted in the UK if they claim to be Jews. David Cameron will be the first to offer them citizenship.
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Adnan Darwash Adnan Darwash
Sep 4
Eisenhower ordered the Israelis out of Sinai in 1956. Obama can order the Israelis to implement 39 UNSC resolutions they are in breach off.
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Adnan Darwash Adnan Darwash
Sep 4
The most Significant Obama Legacy is having the guts to dismantle Israel massive arsenal of Nuclear, Biological and Chemical weapons.
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Adnan Darwash Adnan Darwash
Sep 2
The most effective way for Obama to punish US legislators opposing Iranian Deal is to insist on Israel to dismantle its Nuclear arsenal.
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WASHINGTON -- Air safety investigators have a "high degree of confidence" that a photo of aircraft debris found in the Indian Ocean is of a wing component unique to the Boeing 777, the same model as the Malaysia Airlines plane that disappeared last year, a U.S. official said Wednesday.
Air safety investigators - one of them a Boeing investigator - have identified the component as a "flaperon" from the trailing edge of a 777 wing, the U.S. official said.
A French official close to an investigation of the debris confirmed Wednesday that French law enforcement is on site to examine a piece of airplane wing found on the French island of Reunion, in the western Indian Ocean. A French television network was airing video from its Reunion affiliate of the debris.
The U.S. and French officials spoke on condition that they not be named because they aren't authorized to speak publicly.
At the United Nations, Malaysian Transport Minister Liow Tiong Lai told reporters that he has sent a team to verify the identity of the plane wreckage.
"Whatever wreckage found needs to be further verified before we can ever confirm that it is belonged to MH370," he said.
If the debris turns out to be from Malaysia Airlines flight 370, it will be the first major break in the effort to discover what happened to the plane after it vanished on March 8, 2014, with 239 people on board while traveling from Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia to Beijing. A massive multinational search effort of the South Indian Ocean, the China Sea and the Gulf of Thailand came up dry.
A comprehensive report earlier this year into the plane's disappearance revealed that the battery of the locator beacon for the plane's flight data recorder had expired more than a year before the jet vanished. However, the report said the battery in the locator beacon of the cockpit voice recorder was working.
Investigators hope that if they can locate the two recorders they can get to the bottom of what has become one of aviation's biggest mysteries. The unsuccessful search for Flight 370 has raised concern worldwide about whether airliners should be required to transmit their locations continually via satellite, especially when flying long distances over the ocean.
Apart from the anomaly of the expired battery, the detailed report devoted page after page to describing a flight that started off completely normal.
The 584-page report by a 19-member independent investigation group went into minute details about the crew's lives, including their medical and financial records and training. It also detailed the aircraft's service record, as well as the weather, communications systems and other aspects of the flight. Nothing unusual was revealed.
The 777, first introduced into service in 1995, had had an enviable safety record up until Flight 370. The only prior fatal crash was of an Asiana Airlines flight while landing in San Francisco in 2013 that was later attributed by the U.S. National Transportation Safety Board to mistakes by the flight's pilots. Two passengers were killed in the crash and a third was run over by a truck.
Four months after the disappearance of Flight 370, another Malaysia Airlines 777 was shot down over rebel-held portion of Eastern Ukraine, killing all 298 aboard.
GOLETA, Calif. (KABC) -- A large oil sheen was spotted off the coast of the Goleta Beach shore on Wednesday, but the source of the oil has not yet been determined.
Crews responded to the area due to a strong smell of gas and oil just before 10 a.m. When units arrived, they smelled a strong odor, and they also encountered some kayakers who had black oil on them. The slick was found 1,000 feet from the shoreline spanning 50 to 60 feet long.
"We're not calling this an oil spill because we don't know where the source is," said David Zaniboni of Santa Barbara County Fire.
He said the area is prone to natural seepage. Venoco Oil, one of the oil companies that has a pipeline near the oil slick, says there have been no incidents at their facilities.
By the afternoon, the Coast Guard said the oil sheen was approximately 3 miles long and 1-mile wide and will dissipate naturally. A marine safety team is doing an initial assessment to find the source.
The incident is about a dozen miles from Refugio State Beach, where a broken pipeline spilled thousands of gallons of crude into the ocean on May 19.
The Coast Guard, Fish and Game and the Environmental Protection Agency were called to the scene.
Goleta Beach remained open to visitors. No immediate health or safety risk was found at the beach, but officials urged the public to avoid immediate contact with the oil.
Afghan intelligence: Taliban leader Mullah Omar dead
Afghan intelligence: Taliban leader Mullah Omar dead
Jul. 29, 2015 1:53 PM EDT
4 photos
Taliban Mullah Omar
FILE - In this undated image released by the FBI, Mullah Omar is seen in a wanted poster. An Afghan... Read more
KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — Afghanistan's main intelligence agency said Wednesday that the reclusive Taliban leader Mullah Mohammad Omar has been dead for more than two years.
The one-eyed, secretive head of the Taliban hosted Osama Bin Laden's al-Qaida in the years leading up to the Sept. 11 attacks and then waged a decade-long insurgency against U.S. troops after the 2001 invasion that ended Taliban rule.
He has not been seen in public since fleeing the invasion over the border into Pakistan.
Abdul Hassib Sediqi, the spokesman for Afghanistan's National Directorate of Security, said Mullah Omar died in a hospital in the Pakistani city of Karachi in April 2013.
"We confirm officially that he is dead," he told The Associated Press.
It was not immediately clear why his death was only being announced now. The Taliban could not immediately be reached for comment. Pakistan's Foreign Ministry said it had no information about the announcement.
A former Taliban minister who was once close to Mullah Omar said he had died of tuberculosis and was "buried somewhere near the border on the Afghan side." He spoke on condition of anonymity so as not to jeopardize his standing with the Taliban, who do not want individual members to speak to the media.
A Pakistani security official, also speaking on condition he not be named as he wasn't authorized to brief journalists, had earlier dismissed rumors of Mullah Omar's death as "speculation" designed to disrupt peace talks.
Representatives of the Afghan government and the Taliban are due to meet on Friday in Pakistan for a second round of official talks aimed at ending the war that is nearing its 14th year.
"He was very sick in a Karachi hospital and died suspiciously there," Sediqi said, without elaborating. He said the Afghan government had been aware of Mullah Omar's death for two years and had made it public on a number of occasions.
The earlier claims of his death, however, lacked the heft and detail of Wednesday's confirmation from the Kabul authorities. They usually came from secondhand sources, were made behind closed doors, or lacked direct confirmation from the government. The Taliban denied previous claims.
The White House said the reports of Mullah Omar's death were credible and that the U.S. intelligence community is looking into them.
Earlier Wednesday, Zafar Hashemi, President Ashraf Ghani's deputy spokesman, said the government was investigating reports that the Taliban leader was dead.
A later statement from Ghani's office said its confirmation of Mullah Omar's death was based on "accurate information" and that his demise would benefit peace efforts.
"The Afghan government believes that the ground for the Afghan peace talks is more solid now than before and thus calls on all armed opposition groups to seize the opportunity to join the peace process," the statement said.
However, Mullah Omar's death could complicate the process as it removes a figurehead for the insurgents, who until now have appeared to act collectively but are believed to be split on whether to continue the war or negotiate with the government of Ghani, who assumed office last year.
"Whether he is dead or alive is important because he is the collective figure for the Taliban," said a Western diplomat with connections to the Taliban leadership. "If he is dead, it would be much more difficult to get negotiations with the Taliban because there would be no collective figure to rally around and take collective responsibility for entering peace talks." The diplomat spoke on condition of anonymity as he was not authorized to brief journalists.
Mullah Omar's death raises questions about the authority of Taliban representatives who attended the first round of peace talks in Pakistan on July 7, as well as earlier informal meetings in Qatar and Norway.
It is widely believed that the Taliban has split among supporters and detractors of the peace talks as their war on the Afghan government has intensified in recent months. Many observers believe that the war is being directed on the battlefield by leaders who believe they can defeat government forces.
The Taliban, or at least a faction of the insurgent group, released a statement on July 15 purportedly made by Mullah Omar in support of the peace process.
Taliban insurgents have spread their war from the traditional southern and eastern heartlands bordering Pakistan to northern Afghanistan this year.
In recent weeks, the insurgents have taken control of remote districts in Badakhshan province, and continue to launch mass attacks on districts in Kunduz province, a strategically located region bordering Tajikistan.
The strategy has spread Afghan military resources thin after U.S. and NATO forces ended their combat mission at the end of last year.
Associated Press writers Kathy Gannon in Timmins, Canada, Rahim Faiez in Kabul, Afghanistan, Munir Ahmed in Islamabad and Josh Lederman in Washington contributed to this report.
Iran hails new cooperation with France’s Total
Iran hails new cooperation with France’s Total
The logo of French oil giant Total is seen at its headquarters in the financial and business district of la Defense in Courbevoie near Paris. (File photo: Reuters)
Text size A A A
By Sam Wilkin | Reuters, Dubai
Wednesday, 29 July 2015
Iran looked ahead to working closely with French energy company Total, Oil Minister Bijan Zanganeh told the Shana agency after a meeting in Tehran with France’s foreign minister on Wednesday.
“A new chapter of cooperation with the French company Total will begin to develop Iranian oil fields,” Shana quoted Zanganeh as saying after a meeting with Laurent Fabius.
“Total was active in developing Iranian oil projects for more than 20 years (before sanctions)... the door is again open for this company's activities in developing oil fields.”
Fabius was in Tehran for a one-day visit in which he met senior ministers and conveyed an invitation from French President Francois Hollande to his Iranian counterpart Hassan Rouhani to visit Paris in November.
“Today’s talks about oil and energy were very positive and I hope the results will also be satisfactory,” Shana quoted Fabius as saying.
Total had been involved in the development of Iran’s giant South Pars gas field, which holds about half of Iran's gas reserves, but the project had been overshadowed by haggling over contract terms.
Under pressure from the French and U.S. government, the French company eventually stopped all production in Iran in 2010.
In an interview to Russian media, Total's CEO Patrick Pouyanne had said the group was looking at opportunities in liquefied natural gas projects, but that Total's participation would depend on the terms offered by Tehran to foreign investors.
Iran plans to hold its major post-sanction oil and gas conference in London this December, where a senior delegation will discuss new contract terms. [ ]
A spokeswoman for Total had no immediate comment.
Last Update: Wednesday, 29 July 2015 KSA 20:50 - GMT 17:50
Sunday, July 26, 2015
Three killed as small airplane crashes into Tokyo suburb: NHK
Sun, Jul 26 04:00 AM EDT
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TOKYO (Reuters) - Three people were killed when a small airplane crashed into a residential area of the Japanese capital, Tokyo, on Sunday, public broadcaster NHK reported, setting fire to houses and cars.
Television footage showed the plane crashed upside down in the wreckage of a burnt-out house as firefighters and rescue officials scoured the smoking ruins. Several other houses nearby also appeared to be badly damaged.
NHK said two men inside the small plane, which was carrying five people, were killed. A woman who was inside one of the houses was also killed and five people were injured, it said.
"I heard a tremendous sound like a truck crashed into a house... When I looked outside from a window, fire was flaring up," an unidentified woman told NHK.
"The fire was blazing up so hard," she said.
The Tokyo Fire Department said three people were "in cardiopulmonary arrest", a description usually used by officials in Japan until deaths are confirmed by a medical examiner.
The fire department also said five houses and at least two cars had been set ablaze.
(Reporting by Kaori Kaneko; Editing by Paul Tait)
Friday, July 17, 2015
Investigators seek motive behind Tennessee shooting rampage
Investigators seek motive behind Tennessee shooting rampage
Fri, Jul 17 09:32 AM EDT
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By Rich McKay
CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. (Reuters) - Investigators on Friday sought to determine what led a 24-year-old gunman to open fire at two military offices in Chattanooga, Tennessee, killing four Marines in an attack officials said could be an act of domestic terrorism.
Mohammod Youssuf Abdulazeez, identified as the shooter by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, was shot to death in the rampage that also injured three people, including a sailor who was critically wounded.
The attack comes at a time when U.S. military and law enforcement authorities are increasingly concerned about the threat "lone wolves" pose to domestic targets.
The suspect, seen driving an open-top Ford Mustang, first went to a joint military recruiting center in a strip mall and sprayed it with gunfire, riddling the glass facade with bullet holes.
"Everybody was at a standstill and as soon as he pulled away everyone scrambled, trying to make sure everyone was OK," said Erica Wright, who works two doors down from the center.
The gunman then drove off to a Naval Reserve Center about 6 miles (10 km) away, fatally shooting the four Marines before being shot and killed in a firefight with police.
Three others were wounded in the attacks, including a police officer reported to be in stable condition and a Marine. The shootings began around 10:45 a.m. (1445 GMT) and ended about 30 minutes later.
NBC News reported that Abdulazeez was a naturalized American who was born in Kuwait. U.S. law enforcement officials said they were investigating whether he was inspired by Islamic State or a similar group.
Islamic State had threatened to step up violence in the holy fasting month of Ramadan, which ends on Friday evening.
The extremist group, also known as ISIS and ISIL, claimed responsibility when a gunman in Tunisia opened fire at a popular tourist hotel and killed 37 people in June. On the same day, there was an attack in France and a suicide bombing in Kuwait.
At a news conference late Thursday, Edward Reinhold, special agent in charge of the FBI's Knoxville, Tennessee, division, said investigators had found nothing that tied the suspect to an international terrorist organization.
Nobody else had been taken into custody, he said.
The SITE Intelligence Group, which tracks extremist groups, said that Abdulazeez blogged on Monday that "life is short and bitter" and Muslims should not miss an opportunity to "submit to Allah." Reuters could not independently verify the blog postings.
The New York Times, citing unnamed law enforcement officials, reported that his father had been under investigation several years ago, over possible ties to a foreign terrorist organization. His name was later removed from a terror watch list.
According to a resume believed to have been posted online by Abdulazeez, he attended high school in a Chattanooga suburb and graduated from the University of Tennessee with an engineering degree.
"I remember him being very creative. He was a very light-minded kind of individual. All his videos were always very unique and entertaining," said Greg Raymond, 28, who worked with Abdulazeez on a high school television program.
"He was a really calm, smart and cool person who joked around. Like me, he wasn’t very popular so we always kind of got along. He seemed like a really normal guy," Raymond said.
Mary Winter, president of the Colonial Shores Neighborhood Association, said she had known Abdulazeez and his family for more than 10 years and was stunned.
"He never caused any trouble," she said. "We can't believe that this happened."
President Barack Obama offered his condolences to the victims' families and said officials would be prompt and thorough in getting answers on the shootings.
"It is a heartbreaking circumstance for these individuals who have served our country with great valor to be killed in this fashion," he said in a statement from the Oval Office.
The Department of Homeland Security was stepping up security at certain federal facilities and supporting the FBI investigation, DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson said in a statement.
Media in Chattanooga, a city of about 173,000 people along the Tennessee River in the southeast of the state, said memorial services for the victims would be held in various churches.
The Department of Defense will decide whether to release the names of the victims, federal officials said.
An autopsy will determine how Abdulazeez died.
The attack drew condemnation from Islamic groups.
"We condemn this horrific attack in the strongest terms possible," said Nihad Awad, national director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations.
There have been other attacks on U.S. military personnel in the United States.
In 2009, former U.S. Army major Nidal Hasan fatally shot 13 people at Fort Hood in Texas. He said he targeted unarmed soldiers preparing for deployment in retaliation for U.S. wars in the Muslim world.
And in May, two gunmen opened fire with assault rifles at a heavily guarded Texas exhibit of caricatures of the Prophet Mohammad. Both men were shot to death by responding authorities.
(Reporting by Suzannah Gonzales in Chicago, Eric Johnson in Seattle, Brendan O'Brien in Milwaukee, David Bailey in Minneapolis, Frank McGurty and Katie Reiley in New York, Emily Stephenson, Julia Edwards, Lindsay Dunsmuir, Doina Chiacu and David Alexander in Washington, Dan Whitcomb and Victoria Cavaliere in Los Angeles; Writing by Jon Herskovitz and Dan Whitcomb; Editing by Jonathan Oatis and Clarence
Shooting in Chattanooga, Tenn.
USMC Commandant Joseph F. Dunford, Jr. via Twitter: 'Please keep our fallen Marines and their families in your thoughts. Our focus remains with supporting the families.' - @GenDunford
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Shooting in Chattanooga, Tenn.
Chattanooga Mayor Andy Berke on Twitter: 'Like all Chattanoogans, woke up with a heavy heart. Keep the wounded US Navy sailor and our own CPD officer in your thoughts and prayers today' - @AndyBerke
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Jul 17, 2015, 01:20 PM GMT
Upcoming: A press conference on the Chattanooga shooting that killed 4 Marines is expected today at 3 pm ET. Investigators are searching a computer belonging to suspected Chattanooga gunman Mohammad Abdulazeez, but have not yet found evidence suggesting he was directly inspired by the Islamic State militant group. A female US Navy sailor in serious condition and a police officer remain hospitalized following Thursday's shooting.
End of note
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Chattanooga, TN
crime & courts
editor items
Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant
Mohammad Youssuf Abdulazeez
Shooting in Chattanooga, Tenn.
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Chattanooga, TN
University of Tennessee-Chattanooga will hold a vigil at 9 am ET at its University Center for shooting victims - @UTChattanooga
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Chattanooga, TN
Mohammad Abdulazeez, alleged gunman in Chattanooga attacks, was arrested for drunk driving in April in Hamilton County - @AP
Chattanooga, TN
A Marine Corps recruiter injured during Chattanooga shooting was treated and released from the hospital, US Marines say - @cnnbrk
Chattanooga, TN
Sgt. Dennis Pedigo, Jr. identified as Chattanooga officer shot in ankle; could be released from hospital as early as Saturday - @WRCB
Chattanooga, TN
FBI investigating a blog apparently posted by Mohammad Abdulazeez 3 days before shooting that said 'life is short and bitter' and Muslims should not let 'the opportunity to submit to Allah ... pass you by' - @NBCNews
Chattanooga, TN
Photo: A makeshift memorial featuring several American flags placed outside strip mall in Chattanooga, Tenn. - @NC5_MTorres
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Chattanooga, TN
Photo: Sgt. Thomas Sullivan was 40, two tours of duty in Iraq, and earned a Purple Heart - @masslivenews
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Chattanooga, TN
Local media identify 1 of 4 Marines killed in Chattanooga shooting as USMC Gunnery Sgt. Thomas Sullivan - @OakLawnPatch
Chattanooga, TN
There is 'no indication' that anyone else was involved in fatal shooting of 4 marines in Chattanooga, Tenn., FBI official says - @AP, @Reuters
Chattanooga, TN
FBI says women seen handcuffed at house searched following Chattanooga, Tenn., shooting were not arrested, it is common practice to handcuff residents during a search - @TimesFreePress
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Chattanooga, TN
Sen. Bob Corker, R-Tenn., on Chattanooga shooting: 'Our nation mourns the senseless loss of four of our nation's heroes. Another one lays in very serious condition' - @LetsJett
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Chattanooga, TN
No safety concerns for the general public following Chattanooga, Tenn., shooting, official says - @LetsJett
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Chattanooga, TN
Ahmadiyya Muslim Community USA issues statement condemning 'senseless' Chattanooga, Tenn., shooting, adding they are 'proud of the many Muslim Americans who serve this country in the armed forces and dedicate their lives to protecting America. We pray for the speedy recovery of those wounded, and offer our deepest condolences to the families and friends of the victims' - @WRCB
Chattanooga, TN
Sailor injured in Chattanooga, Tenn., shooting in 'serious' condition, official says - @cnnbrk
Chattanooga, TN
Photo: Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam speaks in Chattanooga, Tenn., following deadly shooting - @meganlbrantley
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Chattanooga, TN
Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam says he's 'incredibly impressed' by cooperation of state, local and federal authorities in Chattanooga, Tenn., shooting
End of alert
Chattanooga, TN
Editor's note: Law enforcement sources have told @nytimes that the father of the Chattanooga, Tenn., shooting suspect was at 1 point on a terrorist watch list but was eventually removed. The sources cautioned that the investigation into the father was old. - Jillian
Chattanooga, TN
Photo: People visit memorial set up at scene of Chattanooga, Tenn., shooting that left 4 people and gunman dead - @ASpiratoNC9
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Chattanooga, TN
Islamic Society of Greater Chattanooga releases statement condemning shooting 'in strongest possible terms as one of cowardice and hate' - @katebelz
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Chattanooga, TN
Federally-owned Tennessee Valley Authority confirms Chattanooga, Tenn., shooting suspect Mohammad Youssuf Adbulazeez was student intern 5 years ago - @TimesFreePress
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Wednesday, July 15, 2015
Australia shares hit 3-week highs as banks extend gains
Australia shares hit 3-week highs as banks extend gains
Wed, Jul 15 23:00 PM EDT
(Adds analysis, quotes, stocks on the move)
By Ian Chua and Gyles Beckford
SYDNEY/WELLINGTON, July 16 (Reuters) - Australian shares rose for a third session on Thursday, driving a key index to its highest in over three weeks as concerns about Greece receded while investors overlooked a wobbly start to Chinese stocks.
The benchmark S&P/ASX 200 index climbed 24.9 points, or 0.4 percent, to 5,661.1 by 0230 GMT, having earlier risen as far as 5,691.2 - a high last seen on June 24.
The index has gained more than 3 percent in the past three sessions, turning around from a five-month trough of 5,383.7 a week ago.
Commonwealth Bank rose more than 1 percent to touch a two-month high of A$88.32. The stock has recovered 50 percent of its March to June drop, from a record high of A$96.69 to A$79.19, and outperformed the other major lenders with that retracement.
Shares in Rio Tinto eased 0.2 percent after the world's second-biggest iron ore miner trimmed its full-year guidance for ore shipments.
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"July is historically, over the last five years, our best month and we obviously haven't performed for the first part of it with all the issues around China and Greece," said Evan Lucas, market strategist at IG in Melbourne. "We're now starting to pick back up to where we should be."
Cash-strapped Greece took a further step towards securing a bailout package on Wednesday, while Chinese stocks drifted in and out of positive territory, showing no signs of the panic meltdown seen recently.
New Zealand shares pushed to a one-week high as solid gains for big-cap stocks led the market for a third session.
The benchmark NZX50 index rose as high as 5,838.3, before edging back to 5,825.0, up 0.3 percent on the day.
Improving risk sentiment and the prospect of further central bank rate cuts encouraged investors to pick up recently sold-off stocks.
Among the leaders Contact Energy was up 1.2 percent, Fletcher Building put on 1 percent, and telecommunications company Spark gained 1.1 percent.
The index of the top-10 companies, which make up more than half the market benchmark index, climbed 0.6 percent.
Price falls were generally modest, although Air New Zealand , which has risen strongly in recent sessions, suffered a 2.2 percent drop.
The Fonterra Shareholders Fund dipped 1.1 percent as the dairy co-operative said it would cut more than 500 jobs in the next couple of months with more to come as it tackles falling prices and pressure on earnings. (Editing by Richard Borsuk)
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Tuesday, July 14, 2015
52 Americans hostage for 444 days: The Great Satan" and a member of the "Axis of Evil"
Conclusion of Iran talks can be game changer in Mideast: Mogherini
> Iran
> Nuclear Energy
Tue Jul 14, 2015 6:23PM
PressTv User
EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini speaks to Press TV, Vienna, July 2014.
EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini has described the conclusion of nuclear talks between Iran and the P5+1 powers as a potential "game changer" in the chaotic Middle East region, Press TV reports.
“This agreement is a sign of hope in the world and especially in the region that desperately needs signs of hope because it is full of signs of desperation and war,” Mogherini said in an interview with Press TV in the Austrian city of Vienna on Tuesday.
Her remarks came after Iran and the P5+1 group of world powers - the United States, Britain, France, China, Russia and Germany - reached a conclusion on the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), which will put limits on Iran’s nuclear program in exchange for the removal of sanctions against the Islamic Republic.
“Indeed, it would be a game changer, a real game changer if we manage to build trust and on this trust that we might build, also build the possibility of working together to solve some of the major conflicts we have in the region,” she added.
The Middle East region has been hit by the acts of terrorism flamed by Takfiri groups like the ISIL terrorist group which is operating in Iraq, Syria, Egypt, and Libya. The militants affiliated with the terrorist groups are threatening the security in the whole world.
Mogherini also said the conflicts in the region are posing serious threats to the world, adding, “The lesson of today which is that talks and diplomacy can overcome decades of crisis and tension.”
She added that “the strong political will” the negotiating parties showed during the talks resulted in the good conclusion.
“I am sure that this political investment is going to bring political results,” she added.
(L-R) China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi, French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius, German Minister for Foreign Affairs Frank-Walter Steinmeier, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif pose for a picture during the final press conference of Iran nuclear talks in Vienna, Austria on July 14, 2015. (AFP Photo)
Mogherini further appreciated the efforts made by all sides to talks, saying, “The Iranian delegation made an excellent work.”
According to the conclusion text, the nuclear-related economic and financial restrictions imposed by the United States and the EU targeting the Iranian banking, financial, oil, gas, petrochemical, trade, insurance and transport sectors will be annulled.
The 159-page conclusion will be presented to the UN Security Council, which will adopt a resolution in seven to 10 days making the JCPOA an official document.
Based on the text of the nuclear conclusion, the UNSC sanctions against Iran, including all economic and financial bans, will be lifted under a mutually agreed framework and through a new UN resolution.
Iran deal reached, Obama hails step towards 'more hopeful world'
Tue, Jul 14 17:33 PM EDT
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By Parisa Hafezi, Louis Charbonneau, John Irish and Arshad Mohammed
VIENNA (Reuters) - Iran and six major world powers reached a nuclear deal on Tuesday, capping more than a decade of negotiations with an agreement that could transform the Middle East.
U.S. President Barack Obama hailed a step towards a "more hopeful world" and Iran's President Hassan Rouhani said it proved that "constructive engagement works". But Israel pledged to do what it could to halt what it called an "historic surrender".
The agreement will now be debated in the U.S. Congress, but Obama said he would veto any measure to block it.
"This deal offers an opportunity to move in a new direction," Obama said. "We should seize it."
Under the deal, sanctions imposed by the United States, European Union and United Nations will be lifted in return for Iran agreeing long-term curbs on a nuclear program that the West has suspected was aimed at creating a nuclear bomb.
Iran will mothball for at least a decade the majority of its centrifuges used to enrich uranium and sharply reduce its low-enriched uranium stockpile.
The agreement is a political triumph for both Obama, who has long promised to reach out to historic enemies, and Rouhani, a pragmatist elected two years ago on a vow to reduce the isolation of his nation of 80 million people.
Both face scepticism from powerful hardliners at home in nations that referred to each other as "the Great Satan" and a member of the "Axis of Evil".
"Today is the end to acts of tyranny against our nation and the start of cooperation with the world," Rouhani said in a televised address. "This is a reciprocal deal. If they stick to it, we will. The Iranian nation has always observed its promises and treaties."
Delighted Iranians danced in the streets of Tehran, whole motorists sounded car horns and flashed victory signs in celebration after the announcement a deal they hope will end years of sanctions and isolation.
For Obama, the diplomacy with Iran, begun in secret more than two years ago, ranks alongside his normalization of ties with Cuba as landmarks in a legacy of reconciliation with foes that tormented his predecessors for decades.
"History shows that America must lead not just with our might but with our principles," he said in a televised address. "Today's announcement marks one more chapter in our pursuit of a safer, more helpful and more hopeful world."
Republicans lined up to denounce the deal. Presidential candidate Lindsey Graham, a senator from South Carolina, called it a terrible deal that would make matters worse. Senator Marco Rubio suggested he would re-introduce sanctions if elected to the White House next year.
The Republican-controlled Congress has 60 days to review the accord, but if it votes to reject it Obama can use his veto, which can be overridden only by two-thirds of lawmakers in both houses. That means dozens of Obama's fellow Democrats would have to rebel against one of their president's signature achievements to kill it, an unlikely prospect. Leading Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton called the deal "an important step that puts the lid on Iran's nuclear programs".
The Senate was not expected to vote on the deal before September.
While the main negotiations were between the United States and Iran, the four other U.N. Security Council permanent members, Britain, China, France and Russia, are also parties to the deal, as is Germany.
Enmity between Iran and the United States has loomed over the Middle East for decades.
Iran is the predominant Shi'ite Muslim power, hostile both to Israel and to Washington's Sunni Muslim-ruled Arab friends, particularly Saudi Arabia. Allies of Riyadh and Tehran have fought decades of sectarian proxy wars in Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Yemen.
But there are also strong reasons for Washington and Tehran to cooperate against common foes, above all Islamic State, the Sunni Muslim militant group that has seized swathes of Syria and Iraq. Washington has been bombing Islamic State from the air while Tehran aids Iraqi militias fighting it on the ground.
British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond told reporters that the deal was about more than just the nuclear issue:
"The big prize here is that, as Iran comes out of the isolation of the last decades and is much more engaged with Western countries, Iranians hopefully begin to travel in larger numbers again, Western companies are able to invest and trade with Iran, there is an opportunity for an opening now."
Still, Washington's friends in the region were furious, especially Israel, whose prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has cultivated a close relationship with Obama's Republican opponents in Congress.
"Iran will get a jackpot, a cash bonanza of hundreds of billions of dollars, which will enable it to continue to pursue its aggression and terror in the region and in the world," he said. "Iran is going to receive a sure path to nuclear weapons."
His deputy foreign minister, Tzipi Hotovely, denounced an "historic surrender" and said Israel would "act with all means to try and stop the agreement being ratified", a clear threat to use its influence to try and block it in Congress.
In phone call with Netanyahu, Obama underscored the United States' commitment to Israel's security, the White House said.
Some diplomats in Vienna said the strong Israeli response could actually help, by making it easier for Rouhani to sell the agreement back in Iran.
The National Council of Resistance, the exile Iranian opposition group that first exposed Iran's secret nuclear program, said the deal "would neither block the mullahs' pathways to deception nor their access to a nuclear bomb".
While Saudi Arabia did not denounce the deal publicly as Israel did, its officials expressed doubt in private.
"We have learned as Iran's neighbors in the last 40 years that goodwill only led us to harvest sour grapes," a Saudi official who asked to remain anonymous told Reuters.
Nor were hardliners silent in Iran: “Celebrating too early can send a bad signal to the enemy,” conservative lawmaker Alireza Zakani said in parliament, according to Fars News agency. Iran's National Security Council would review the accord, "and if they think it is against our national interests, we will not have a deal".
It will probably be months before Iran receives the benefits from the lifting of sanctions because of the need to verify the deal's fulfillment. Once implementation is confirmed, Tehran will immediately gain access to around $100 billion in frozen assets, and can step up oil exports that have been slashed by almost two-thirds.
The deal finally emerged after nearly three weeks of intense negotiation between U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif - unthinkable for decades, since Iranian revolutionaries stormed the U.S. embassy in Tehran in 1979 and held 52 Americans hostage for 444 days.
Hatred of the United States is still a central tenet of Iran's ruling system, on display only last week at an annual protest day, with crowds chanted "Death to Israel!" and "Death to America!".
But Iranians voted overwhelmingly for Rouhani in 2013 on a clear promise to revive their crippled economy by ending Iran's isolation. Hardline Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei did not block the negotiations.
"Today could have been the end of hope on this issue, but now we are starting a new chapter of hope," Zarif, who studied in the United States and developed a warm rapport with Kerry, told a news conference.
Kerry said: "This is the good deal we have sought."
European Union foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini said:
"I think this is a sign of hope for the entire world."
Tehran has long denied seeking a nuclear weapon and has insisted on the right to nuclear technology for peaceful means. Obama never ruled out military force if negotiations failed, and said on Tuesday that future presidents would still have that option if Iran quit the agreement.
France said the deal would ensure Iran's "breakout time" - the time it would need to build a bomb if it decided to break off the deal - would be one year for the next decade. This has been a main goal of Western negotiators, who wanted to ensure that if a deal collapsed there would be enough time to act.
Obama said Iran had accepted a "snapback" mechanism, under which sanctions would be reinstated if it violated the deal. A U.N. weapons embargo is to remain in place for five years and a ban on buying missile technology will remain for eight years.
Alongside the main deal, the United Nations nuclear watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency, announced an agreement with Iran to resolve its own outstanding issues by the end of this year. The main deal depends on the IAEA being able to inspect Iranian nuclear sites and on Iran answering its questions about possible military aims of previous research.
For Iran, the end of sanctions could bring a rapid economic boom by lifting restrictions that have shrunk its economy by about 20 percent, according to U.S. estimates. The prospect of a deal has already helped push down global oil prices because of the possibility that Iranian supply could return to the market.
Oil prices tumbled more than a dollar on Tuesday after the deal was reached. [O/R]
(Additional reporting by Shadia Nasralla, Bozorgmehr Sharafedin Nouri and Jeff Mason; Writing by Peter Graff; Editing by Kevin Liffey and Giles Elgood)
Monday, July 13, 2015
Lehman creditors' recovery may soon reach $7.8 billion
Mon, Jul 13 13:10 PM EDT
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The trustee liquidating Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc's brokerage unit on Monday asked a federal bankruptcy judge for permission to distribute another $1.89 billion to unsecured creditors, boosting their total recovery to $7.78 billion.
James Giddens, the trustee, said the creditors will have recouped 35 cents on the dollar, up from 27 cents so far, if the proposed third payout wins approval from U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Shelley Chapman at an August 4 hearing in Manhattan.
"This result, in the largest broker-dealer insolvency in history, could not have been anticipated in the dark days of the financial crisis when this liquidation began," Giddens said in a court filing.
Lehman had been Wall Street's fourth-largest investment bank before seeking Chapter 11 protection on Sept. 15, 2008.
Roughly 111,000 former customers of the brokerage have already been paid more than $106 billion, and senior creditors have also been paid in full.
Giddens said the latest payout includes $1.18 billion that he had held in reserve.
He said this included $583 million for disputes over Barclays Plc's (BARC.L) hurried purchase of much of the brokerage unit a few days after the bankruptcy filing. Those disputes were settled on June 5.
The case is In re: Lehman Brothers Inc, U.S. Bankruptcy Court, Southern District of New York, No. 08-01420.
(Reporting by Jonathan Stempel in New York; Editing by Christian Plumb)
Barclays Plc,
Chapter 11 protection,
Lehman Brothers
Tuesday, July 07, 2015
The battling brothers of the Baluchistan movement
06 July 2015 13:26 (Last updated 06 July 2015 13:28)
The Baluch fight to separate from Pakistan has been slowed by a struggle for leadership between brothers
By Aamir Latif
KARACHI, Pakistan
The people of Kohlu in southwestern Pakistan are used to witnessing Baluch separatist militants battling with Pakistani security forces, but when the firing erupted last week, the clashing parties were different.
It was a collision of two rival Baluch separatist groups, led by two brothers. The sons of a pioneer of the separatist movement, Nawab Khair Bux Marri, Harbayar and Zawran Marri have claim to fight for the liberation of Baluchistan but have turned their guns against each other.
While 20 fighters were killed on either side in one of the bloodiest episodes of infighting in the Baluch movement, the two brothers Harbayar and Zawran are both living in exile in London.
Their groups, the Baluchistan Liberation Army (BLA) and United Baluch Army (UBA), reportedly split in 2008 over a string of financial and strategic disputes.
The UBA then grabbed attention in 2009 when it abducted the Baluchistan head for the United National Commissioner for Human Rights (UNHCR) John Soleckie, later setting him free for a large ransom. Last month, it also claimed responsibility for the killing 22 ethnic Pashtuns in an ambush near the Baluch capital of Quetta.
Harbayar's BLA criticized both moves and claimed the abduction tarnished the separatist movement's international image. They have long fought for international recognition for the secession of Balushistan, a region that covers much of Pakistan -- which they say it was forcibly annexed by at the end of British rule -- and extends into Iran and Afghanistan.
Pakistan's intelligence agencies claim the prime reason behind the opening of a rift between the two brothers was an influx of funds allegedly provided by India and other supposedly "anti-Pakistan" forces to the BLA.
However, the clearest sharpening of differences is thought to have followed the death of their father, the chief of the powerful Marri tribe, when both brothers considered themselves the legitimate successor to the leadership of the tribe which had led the armed separatist movement since 1970s.
It was actually the eldest brother Changez Marri, a provincial minister and staunch opponent of the separatist movement, who was ultimately appointed chief by the tribal elders. It was in line with tradition but Harbayar and Zawaran rejected the appointment.
Though both brothers are on the Pakistani security forces' most wanted list, they have never actually admitted to leading their respective separatist groups.
Pakistan's government has continuously demanded the British government deport the brothers and other separatist leaders but the British home ministry on July 2 wrote a letter proposing to try the alleged fugitives through its own legal system, instead of handing them over to Islamabad.
Dents in the separatist movement
The deepening differences between the two brothers, according to analysts, has hindered the separatist movement in Baluchistan and left it in decline.
"The infighting between the two brothers have put major dents in the separatist movement in recent months," Irfan Hussein, a Karachi-based analyst told Anadolu Agency. "Many of their respective commanders have either been killed in the infighting or have surrendered."
The army has tried to take advantage of the situation by offering a general amnesty, a financial package of up to 1.5 million Pakistani rupees ($15,000) and a government job as an incentive for fighters to surrender. According to security forces, around 35 fighters have turned over their arms in the last 6 months.
"The infighting between the two Marris has turned out to be a blessing in disguise for security forces as the Marri tribe is considered the backbone of the insurgency," Hussein said.
Malik Siraj Akbar, the editor of a Baluch news website, wrote in the Huffington Post that Nawab Khair Bux's death and the subsequent infighting between his sons led to the "dramatic decline" of a strong separatist movement.
"Frustration, suspicion, infighting and division are the common features of the end of a guerrilla fight. Perhaps that time has come in Balochistan," he wrote.
رئيس المجلس التركماني السوري: سنعمل على إنشاء جيش تركماني
٠٦/٧/٢٠١٥ ٠٢:٢٢ ( ٠٦/٧/٢٠١٥ ٠٤:٢٢)
رأى أن الوجود التركماني في سوريا "يتعرض للخطر"
إسطنبول/ إتم غيلان/ الأناضول
قال رئيس المجلس التركماني السوري، عبد الرحمن مصطفى، إن "المجموعات التركمانية المقاتلة في سوريا، اتخذت قراراً بتقديم دعم أكبر لبعضها البعض، والعمل على إنشاء جيش تركماني في حال سمحت الظروف بذلك".
وأشار مصطفى في حوار مع مراسل "الأناضول"، اليوم الاثنين، إلى انعقاد اجتماع في ولاية "غازي عنتاب"، جنوبي تركيا، أمس الأحد، حضره ممثلون عسكريون ومدنيون تركمان من محافظات ومدن حلب، وجرابلس، والجولان، واللاذقية، وجبل التركمان، وإدلب، والرقة، وتل أبيض، وحمص.
واعتبر مصطفى، أن الوجود التركماني في سوريا "يتعرض للخطر"، حيث أن التركمان يقطنون في أماكن، يراها كل من النظام السوري وتنظيم "داعش" وحزب الاتحاد الديمقراطي الكردي(PYD)، على أنها أماكن "استراتيجية".
وأضاف أن حزب الاتحاد الديمقراطي، يحاول تنفيذ خططه المتعلقة بأراضي التركمان في سوريا، مؤكدا على استمرار كفاحهم لضمان، ألا يتكرر في مدينة حلب ما حدث في تل أبيض التابعة لمحافظة الرقة من تهجير للتركمان، خاصة وأن حلب يقطنها أكثر من ٤٠٠ ألف تركماني، يمثلون أكبر تجمع تركماني في سوريا.
وأكد رئيس المجلس أن القوات التركمانية، ستظل جزءا من الجيش الحر، كما أن المجلس التركماني جزء من الائتلاف السوري المعارض.
Creation of Turkmen militias to counter balance Kurdish advances is vintage 1990s for TR - and it didnt work in KRG,
2:49 AM - 7 Jul 2015
@A_Ozkok Does the Turkish backed Sunni Turkmen movement have any power in the country?
Ali Özkök Ali Özkök
@aaronstein1 No and the Shia-Turkmens are more inclined to Iran, right?
@A_Ozkok Not too familiar with the Shia Turkmens. But they dont get any play in Turkish press. See the siege of Amirli few months back.
Yamani: Release Of Mortgaged Property From Debenture Pool
Yemeni forces have fired as many as 38 rockets at several Saudi military bases in the southwestern province of Jizan.
There has been no immediate report on the possible casualties or damage caused in the Thursday attack.
The attack has been in retaliation for the deadly Saudi aggression against the impoverished Arab nation.
Earlier in the day, Saudi war planes targeted a market in the northwestern Yemeni province of Amran, killing at least seven people.
Meanwhile, the Saudi fighter jets bombarded the region of Sadad in the district of Bagim in the northeastern province of Sa’ada. Saudi forces also fired shells at an area in the town of Munabbih in Sa’ada.
Saudi warplanes also launched six airstrikes targeting the headquarters of Yemeni forces in the district of al-Bayda in the central province of al-Bayda.
In a separate development, the political council of Yemen’s Ansarullah movement condemned the deadly Saudi airstrikes against Yemeni people and the international community’s silence regarding the Saudi aggression.
The council said that Riyadh has crossed all red lines in its aggression against the impoverished nation.
Saudi fighter jets have been bombarding Yemen since March 26 without authorization from the United Nations and headless of international calls for a halt to the onslaught.
According to the United Nations, over 3,000 Yemenis have been killed and 14,000 more injured in over three months of conflict in the country. Local Yemeni sources, however, say more than 4,500 people have been killed in the Saudi strikes.
Deadly car bombs hit Yemen, day after almost 200 killed
Latest update : Mate in Al Abr says 86 soldiers killed & over 200 injured, many seriously in 3 #Saudi air strikes on 23rd Brigade. #Yemen
Tue, Jul 07 17:19 PM EDT
By Mohammed Ghobari
SANAA (Reuters) - Two deadly car bombs hit the capital Sanaa and a southern city in Yemen on Tuesday, state news agency Saba reported, a day after air strike and clashes killed almost 200 people nationwide.
Islamic State in Yemen claimed responsibility in a statement posted online for the Sanaa attack, latest in a string of recent actions by the hardline Sunni Muslim group against Shi'ite Houthis who run the capital.
One of the explosives-laden cars detonated near a hospital in downtown Sanaa, which the news agency controlled by Yemen's dominant Houthi group said killed and injured "numerous" people, while another killed around 10 people in al-Bayda, capital of a province in the country's battle-weary south.
Saudi-led coalition air strikes and clashes killed at least 176 fighters and civilians in Yemen on Monday, residents and media run by the Houthi movement said, the highest daily toll since the Arab air offensive began more than three months ago.
The United Nations has been pushing for a halt to air raids and intensified fighting that began on March 26. More than 3,000 people have been killed since then as the Arab coalition tries stop the Houthis spreading across the country from the north.
The Iran-allied Shi'ite Houthis say they are rebelling against a corrupt government, while local fighters say they are defending their homes from Houthi incursions. Sunni Saudi Arabia says it is bombing the Houthis to protect the Yemeni state.
As fighting has raged across Yemen's south, the conflict has taken on a sectarian tinge, pitting the Shi'ite Houthis against local Sunni fighters who in many places fight alongside hardline al Qaeda militants, who also revile the Houthis.
On Monday, about 63 people were killed in air strikes on Amran province in the north, among them 30 people at a market, Houthi-controlled state media agency Saba said.
In the same province, about 20 fighters and civilians were killed at a Houthi checkpoint outside the main city, also named Amran, about 50 km (30 miles) northwest of the Yemeni capital of Sanaa, local residents said.
Arab alliance war planes also killed about 60 people at a livestock market in the town of al-Foyoush in the south.
Also in the south, residents reported a further 30 killed in a raid they said apparently targeted a Houthi checkpoint on the main road between Aden and Lahj. They said 10 of the dead were Houthi fighters.
Tribal sources in the central desert province of Marib said about 20 Houthi fighters and soldiers fighting alongside them were killed in air raids and gun battles with tribal fighters, who support Yemen's president in exile Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi.
On Tuesday, U.N. envoy to Yemen Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed continues meetings with Houthi officials in Sanaa to try to broker a ceasefire to allow aid deliveries. One Houthi official said Monday's attacks had dealt a blow to peace efforts.
(Additional reporting by Mostafa Hashem in Cairo and Tom Miles in Geneva; Writing by Noah Browning; Editing by Ralph Boulton)
BRITISH LAND | Release Of Mortgaged Property From Debenture Pool | RNS
RNS Number : 5218I
British Land Co PLC
15 June 2011
The holders of the
£200,000,000 6.75% First Mortgage Debenture Bonds due 2020
(ISIN (bearer): XS0085945037, ISIN (registered): GB0002647542);
£110,000,000 5.0055% First Mortgage Amortising Debenture Bonds due 2035
(ISIN (bearer): XS0276843603, ISIN (registered): GB00B1J01F91);
£310,000,000 5.357 % First Mortgage Debenture Bonds due 2028
(ISIN (bearer): XS0263450909, ISIN (registered): GB00B19ZPK76); and
£330,000,000 5.264 % First Mortgage Debenture Bonds due 2035
(ISIN (bearer): XS0263451972, ISIN (registered): GB00B19ZSN13)
The British Land Company PLC (the "Debentures" and the "Company" respectively)
The Company gives notice to the holders of the Debentures that on 14 June 2011 the freehold property known as Ropemaker Place at Ropemaker Street, London EC2Y 9LY and the freehold property known as the Oldham Centre Retail Park, Oldham were each released from the pool of mortgaged property securing the Debentures, the requirements relating to aggregate valuation of the secured mortgaged properties and the net annual income from such properties having been met.
The British Land Company PLC
York House
45 Seymour Street
Registered in England and Wales No. 621920
British Land Company PLC is a real estate company. The Company manages, develops and finances an approximately £17.8 billion portfolio of properties. The Company focuses on high-quality retail locations around the United Kingdom and London offices. The Company allocates resources to investment and asset management according to the sectors it expects to perform over the medium-term. Its two principal sectors are offices and retail. The Office sector includes residential, as this is often incorporated into Office schemes, and Retail includes leisure, for a similar rationale. The relevant revenue, net rental income, operating result, assets and capital expenditure, being the measures of segment revenue, segment result and segment assets used by the management of the business. Revenue is derived from the rental of buildings. Operating result is the net of net rental income, fee income and administration expenses. « less
Share Price (Full)
Mkt Cap (£m)
P/E (fwd)
Yield (fwd)
Investor hopes rise for huge settlements in ex-Lehman RMBS
Tue, Nov 04 16:46 PM EST
By Andrew Park
NEW YORK, Nov 4 (IFR) - Investors pursuing claims against US banks for losses on pre-crisis RMBS believe recent developments in the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy case have bolstered their ability to get substantially higher payouts versus previous settlements.
Trustees of the Lehman RMBS bonds - US Bank, Law Debenture, Wilmington Trust and Deutsche Bank National Trust Company - proposed to hike the reserves for claims to US$12.143bn from US$5bn on August 22, according to a court filing. A hearing for the motion is scheduled for December 10.
The bonds have rallied on the back of that amid hopes that investors could net triple the amount received from prior settlements of soured mortgage bonds over the past three years issued by Countrywide, JP Morgan and Citi.
"People finally are paying for the option," said one hedge fund investor.
The move by the trustees is seen as more aggressive by market players and has drawn criticism by lawyers acting for Lehman who say the higher estimates are too out of line with settlements agreed before in the other cases.
"By suggesting that the RMBS claims should be valued at US$12.143bn, the RMBS trustees would have the Court believe that they accepted settlements with other banks that are five to six times less than the value of their actual claims," Lehman's lawyers, Willkie Farr & Gallagher and Jones & Keller, said in a filing on October 15.
Still, the situation is garnering plenty of attention as it could have broader ramifications if the trustees' claims are upheld.
Some disgruntled investors have already had luck in getting more cash out of banks following settlements they thought were too low, and this may give others more confidence to pursue cases.
Bank of America Merrill Lynch settled with American International Group (AIG) for an undisclosed amount on its representations and warranties claims on July 16, after the insurer argued that Bank of New York Mellon, the trustee acting on its behalf, should have secured a higher payout in the US$8.5bn settlement for Countrywide.
AIG's claimed that the potential settlement amount was as high as US$30bn at one point.
Investors involved in JP Morgan's settlement may be next to test the waters following the passing of the deadline on Monday for them to pursue claims. Some of the objectors so far are the Triaxx CDOs, the Federal Home Bank of Boston, NCUA, Ambac and QVT, according to market participants following the case. Those objectors will present their case to the judge tentatively scheduled for December 16.
The Lehman case involves five bond shelves - SASCO, SAIL, SARM, LXS, and LMT - which all closed between 2004 to 2007 before the bank's bankruptcy.
The big difference between the Lehman situation and those of its predecessors is that the bond trustees this time around would be liable for any potential claims from investors. If the investors deem their payouts should have been higher, the trustees could be on the hook for the difference, according to Isaac Gradman, attorney at Perry Johnson Anderson Miller & Moskowitz LLP.
In contrast, banks gave indemnity to the trustees in the three earlier situations so that any future liability would be borne by the banks themselves.
Gradman estimated that the payout sought from Lehman equates to about 30 to 40 cents on the dollar of losses if the full US$12.143bn requested by the RMBS trustees is factored in.
That's as much as five times the six to eight cents on the dollar that was offered in the Countrywide settlement back in 2011, JP Morgan's in 2013 or the US$1.125bn Citigroup settlement in early 2014.
Lehman is standing its ground on its US$5bn offer.
In an objection filed on October 15, the bankrupt entity's lawyers said the Lehman settlement should be closer to US$1.96bn-US$2.44bn if trustees applied the same percentage on previous cases to the current Lehman Brothers situation.
The trustees however, believe that losses are being severely underestimated given the poor quality of the underlying loans of the securities and the misrepresentation of risk by banks when they were sold.
Their views are partly based on the analysis of Charles Parekh, director at Duff & Phelps. On August 21, Parekh estimated that the Lehman trusts had already suffered losses of US$15.68bn, with a further US$5.548bn of expected additional losses yet to come.
Parekh sampled 416,091 loans in 255 trusts, stating that it was not economically viable to analyse the complete pool given the cost and time it would involve. He was hired by law firms Alston & Bird, Seward & Kissel, Chapman & Cutler and Nixon & Peabody, counsel for the trustees. (Reporting by Andrew Park; Editing by Natalie Harrison and Shankar Ramakrishnan)
DEFINITION of 'Fixed Debenture'
A note that carries a fixed (as opposed to floating) charge against the issuer's property or assets for repayment. The charge will remain on the company's records until the debenture is repaid. Corporations can issue fixed debentures to finance operations in the same way they issue stock. Fixed debentures can be issued singly or in a series. They pay out a fixed rate of interest at regular intervals.
Fixed charge debentures require restrictions on the underlying property or asset backing the loan to ensure the lenders' security. For example, a company may issue a fixed debenture to obtain a mortgage; the mortgage would most likely preclude the borrower (company) from subletting the mortgaged property to a third party.
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DEFINITION of 'Home Mortgage'
A loan given by a bank, mortgage company or other financial institution for the purchase of a primary or investment residence. In a home mortgage, the owner of the property (the borrower) transfers the title to the lender on the condition that the title will be transferred back to the owner once the payment has been made and other terms of the mortgage have been met.
A home mortgage will have either a fixed or floating interest rate, which is paid monthly along with a contribution to the principal loan amount. As the homeowner pays down the principal over time, the interest is calculated on a smaller base so that future mortgage payments apply more towards principal reduction as opposed to just paying the interest charges.
Home mortgages allow a much broader group of citizens the chance to own real estate, as the entire sum of the house doesn't have to be provided up front. But because the lender actually holds the title for as long as the mortgage is in effect, they have the right to foreclose the home (sell it on the open market) if the borrower can't make the payments.
A home mortgage is one of the most common forms of debt, and it is also one of the most advised. Mortgage loans come with lower interest rates than almost any other kind of debt an individual consumer can find.
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An upgraded summary of the connection between politics and anlaysis of Shiite traditions as we near the end of the year. Followers of Ahlulbayt (a.s.) should be prepared at the highest degree in regards to their surrounding. This phase we are entering is Shiaphobia on a global scale but God willing those deemed weak on the Earth shall be the prosperous.
*** With all respect, if one does not understand the deeper politics please don't comment or criticise. If you're asking in order to learn then feel free to do so. Otherwise please study your politics and try communicating with people in other countries in order to understand the situations therein. ****
IRAN: Iran will be hit by Israeli forces who will cover themselves as being Saudis. This is similar to what happened when an Israeli pilot used a Saudi jet to bomb Yemen with a neutron bomb when the war broke out. The Israelis recently sent their jets to France and Moscow in order to be re-sprayed using billions of dollars to cover themselves in the attack on Iran. Once the green light is given to Saudi Arabia from beneath the tables by Israel they will launch an attack on Iran. After the Saudis receives a retaliatory hit by Iran they will directly attack the Ka’ba and destroy it so that the people of Pakistan, Indonesia, Singapore, Afghanistan and other countries are aggravated and prepare to fight against the Islamic Republic.
YEMEN: Ansarullah will be victorious as they advance and many of the Saudi takfiris will be exterminated at their hands.
SAUDI ARABIA: WikiLeaks is the means to the fall for Saudi kingdom; this is among the big issues that has rocked the globe during this holy month of Ramadhan. The leaks have broken the back of the Saudis and their opposition forces like Hezbollah understand exactly what they are planning, the locations of their agents and places of gatherings. Lebanon, Kuwait, Qatar, Jordan and Iraq are now starting to see the massive influence that Saudi Arabia had over their countries without their knowledge. America has a great pressure over the Saudis because it wants to thwart the Iranian nuclear deal through Al-Saud. The Al-Saud dynasty are severely divided among their family members leaving the children behind who are incapable of ruling as Israel has full control over them. The Saudis are trying to squeeze themselves out of the glass bottle but America is not allowing them out of the bottle and this is why the divisions arose within the Saudi family. The Saudi state will be split into three sub-states as the Yemeni Ansarullah advance at them, while also forces from Sudan and Egypt who are against Al-Saud will fight the Kingdom. These feuds will possibly cause Mohammad Ibn Nayef to be killed and the king Salman to die. That's when the rule of years ends and the rule of months begins - if Salman dies before the end of the year. Natural events will be seen in the skies in Saudi Arabia similar to what God did to the people of the Elephant.
QATAR: A revolution is planned for the Gulf where the Qatari emir will be removed by either being killed or some other aspect. A person that resides within the Kuwaiti intelligence agencies (at the highest levels) is involved and has good relations with the Australian prime minister and strong connections with Al-Saud. The Qatar soccer world cup will not occur in 2022 because the country falling in a few months from now, along with six other Arab states.
KUWAIT: The Gulf will be divided. ISIS Wahhabis will attack Kuwait and will enter Iraq through Kuwait. Wahhabi loyalists in Kuwait are everywhere in Kuwait such that the flags of ISIS are on the average citizen’s cars and their objects. There is no less than 700,000 Wahhabi/Daesh supporters in a population that is about a million in its entirety. That means these Wahhabis have infiltrated all Kuwait's security and intelligence faculties. They are waiting for zero hour and a green light by their takfiri scholars to make a move and will overtake the whole country in a short time frame. It is evident as the last attacker on the Kuwaiti Shiite mosque was capable of penetrating airport security showing how the Saudis, Emirati’s and others are supporting these terrorists directly to attack Shiites and sow discord between Sunnis/Shias. What is even laughable is Iran was blamed for these attacks and they perceived that Iran got these extremists from Saudi Arabia in order to hurt their own people. The Kuwaiti Shiites have not been allowed to receive a permanent visa for the last 10 years due to commands from the Saudi and Qatari intelligence forces. For that reason, the Qataris spilled their money to Musallam Al-Barrak and Al-Tabtabaie in Al-Azhar. Through these individuals, they aim to destroy Kuwait such that the government will not be able to control the ones carrying out this agenda. The first attack that occurred a few weeks back proves that the country is nearing its end. As we talked earlier, Kuwaiti Wahhabis have installed large quantities of munitions beneath the ground and they marked all Shiite homes in order that fighter jets easily detect them. Kuwaiti intelligence agents have an individual map for the location of Shiite homes compiled under the auspices of Musallem Al-Barrak and other agents. In addition, multiple religious figures will be killed in Kuwait. Bigger events await the Shiites in the coming weeks as this is part of the Sufyani expansion. A big Sheikh may die due to his faltering heart condition whereby his pacemaker is not aiding him anymore. This will cause the Kuwaiti Shiites to go under immense pressures and fear after this scholars demise. They should leave that country as soon as they can and take all their wealth and possessions to Kufa or Karbala.
PALESTINE: A faction in HAMAS will be the leading cause of sectarianism in Lebanon in the coming months of September. The head of HAMAS Khaled Meshel is among one of the highest Mossad agents of Israel and they are in the same bed with their so-called ‘enemies’. Wherever the Muslim Brotherhood is located the takfiri ideology follows. Those who support HAMAS must see how they are putting their faith in the wrong place as they are killing Iraqi PMU, Hezbollah, and Syrian forces that are seeking freedom. How can we support the Sufyani so openly? (This is not a means for sectarianism but facts that people should be informed of)
EGYPT: The ISIS flag will be lifted high in the middle of Cairo as discussed earlier during the year. All the Saudi and Emirati money that is given to these terrorists will go to waste as they will turn against their mother Qatar who were the original financers using the Libyan money. A part of HAMAS will enter the ranks of ISIS in Egypt. The Daesh terrorists will succeed in Libya and will use all Libyan power to expand their agendas until the flag is set in Egypt. Al-Sisi will not be able to control them despite all the power he has. Egypt’s intelligence have been infiltrated by those of the Wahhabi Muslim brotherhood who are part of the agency and have begun to ramp up their activity in the government. President Sisi will be removed just as Hisham Barakat led all the anti-Morsi agendas and those against Anwar Sadat. Egypt will experience greater attacks from the Sufyani than Iraq and mosques with other elements are their main targets. Egypt will go through severe poverty alongside other Arab countries. In the Quran it states, “We shall test you with something of fear and hunger and loss of lives”
SYRIA: Turkey, Saudi, and Qatar aim to enter Dar’a so that they stand at the gates of Damascus. From now to August, there will be immense attacks on Damascus. These alliances will cause Dar’a to be taken over such that people’s hearts reach their throats, women’s bellies will be slit open and huge events intensify as we near September. Damascus will be struck. Bashar will be toppled by either running away or will be killed. Nevertheless, the Sufyani rules Syria for a short period of time despite the entire world saying it won't happen.
IRAQ: The Sarkhi group is fake and he originates from Banu Lam i.e. his lineage is not of the Holy Prophet’s (saws) family. All those who follow him are being misguided. If people want to get upset, that is their problem but the truth must be told. In addition, the Hasani who claims himself to be the son of Imam Mahdi (ajtfs) is a fake and both Sarkhi and Hasani are financed by Qatar. They are no different to the takfiris and will be among those Shiites who will fight the the Imam (ajtfs).
EUROPE: In Germany there are 200,000 Wahhabis alone and they are aiming to attack Shiite mosques, showing that the European governments are silently eroding. Spain and Australia will be a fountain for the takfiris and Shiites will also be attacked there as this movement will spread globally to fight anyone against their ideology and mainly Ahlulbayt (a.s.) followers. It is known that Sufyani is a tool in the hands of Dajjal to attack anyone against them. That means, similar to the Zealots who were used during the time of Prophet Jesus (pbuh) and they were controlled by the governments of their time, in our age the same thinking and agendas apply.
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